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It's FINALLY time!

Yes, I've been trying to make this video for a while, but, as you'll see, I ran into some issues. Shout out to Maktata, one of my beloved patrons, who sent me that completed save file and while I didn't use it, it was much appreciated.

I didn't mean for the video to be quite this long (again) but there's so much stuff I absolutely love about Manhattan Project and I feel like it gets overlooked because it's a 20-year-old side game in a dead series. I swear more people remember the Playstation Duke games more and also Zero Hour for the n64. I feel like giving this game 3 playthroughs only made me love it more despite some of it's issues. There is a censored curse in the first minute, because YouTube doesn't like the term "motherfucker" at the beginning of a video. This is as debilitating a handicap for creators as you'd think.

I did play Zero Hour all the way through once in an emulator years and years ago. I remember enjoying it a lot more than the PS1 titles.

Anyway, I felt that this channel has gone an extremely long time without covering some DOS Trash so the next video is some prime, stinky, foul DOS Trash. The worst kind of junk. Awful shit. I would say that it's exactly as bad as The Fortress of Dr. Radiaki because it is The Fortress of Dr. Radiaki.


New Patreon discord invite link!

Patron discord link: https://discord.gg/MD3pChf3hc

If you'd like to have a different name in the credits than what you pledged with, leave me a comment, or DM me on here or Twitter or discord or whatever. If your name is wrong, not included, or anything else, shoot me a message calling me an asshole and telling me to fix it.

Or if you want one of those fancy colored names that everyone gets now if they want. The credits in the video are usually a couple of days behind the actual patron list.



The King rides off into a parallax-scrolled sunset. CHAPTERS: 00:00 - Intro 03:30 - Duke Takes Manhattan 11:03 - Mech Morphix 14:33 - Gator Trouble 18:39 - Half Pipes, Half Sewers 24:12 - Dark and GLOPPy 25:58 - Sunstorm Boat Section 30:22 - Space 35:34 - Ball of GLOPP 37:41 - Credits



Hell yes. Been waiting for this one for awhile now


youtube is a motherfucker.

Raul Campos

Hell yeah, thanks, Civvie.


Dr. Radiaki sounds awesome, looking forward to it.

Simon Ralfe

Totally underrated game that deserves more attention.


I get uncomfortably hyped for a new civvie vid


Sorry the savegame didn't work out. I guess with wozma being as boring to fight as he is nobody ever tried fighting him twice on the same set of saves before. Glad the last great duke game finally got the respect it deserves though. Loved the bit with remixing Tim Curry btw.


It's ok, it just means I had to play Manhattan Project again, which isn't so bad.

Valora Inverse

Oh, wow. That's a super different launcher than what comes with the Zoom version, and it only has the option to go up to 1024x768 resolution. The V-sync thing didn't fix the issues I had with jumping, but it did spur me to go looking around - switching to OpenGL got it going real nice now. Will definitely be getting back to it now that the jump's not totally busted! Really ain't kidding with that RETRO PC GAMING IS COOL bit, but sometimes it actually is when shit finally works, or when really cool people make stuff that makes things work a lot easier - i.e. me checking out Raze after grabbing Atomic Edition along with this and finding out it had really good gamepad support baked in.






I love this game so much. i actually found a sealed jewel case of it several years ago


look ma, I made it into the credits!


Lovely vid, long time coming since you teased Manhattan Project in other videos. <3 ...and I don't want to ruin the vibe, but there's a typo at 22:57. no one's posted about it yet, so I figured i'd use my powers of pedantry for good. hope you don't get too many people find it in the release if it's not worth fixing. Cheers.


The Fortress of Dr. Radiaki!? Oh shit! You truly suffer for your art Civvie. I can't wait!


Still eager to see if you get to the PS1 games at some point. I still swear I enjoyed A Time to Kill a lot as a kid, but I have played other games I definitely liked as a kid and found them to actually be dogshit, so that'll probably be the case there too.


Man, such an awesome game and amazing video. I need to get it again. btw Civvie, have you ever played Duke Nukem: Critical Mass? Probably THE worst Duke game out the


Oh yeah I played Critical Mass. It is easily the worst Duke game. It's like Manhattan Project (and uses some of its resources) but it gets everything wrong. I've thought about doing a video on it but DS emulation is tricky and hard to edit well.


The final good Duke game, and some of the best CV11 lines. Beautiful


Goodbye Duke, you will be missed, but hopefully, your legacy will never be forgotten in the pages of video game history.

Jake V

You still haven't played Duke Nukem Time to Kill or Land of the Babes... my Dad owned them, and for some reason he let me play those when i was like 8 years old, so i have a weird Nostalgia for them even though they probably aren't good games... Land of the Babes especially sucked, but Time to Kill wasn't too bad.


Being mentioned in this vid, my sole response is: "Its time to chew ass"


"You are the missing link, goodbye" Was that a weakest link reference too? Oh wow... This really is 2002 the video game. Where's my reference to You Got Served and Steve Irwin?


"Say the line, Tim!" ".....SPACE!!!!!"

Burning Fish

You can also add the FOV line to *gamedir*\duke\init.cfg. That way you don't have to set that file or config.cfg to read-only.


pro duke nukem advance when civvie?


See I would never ask you to suffer and play a game you didn't want to. I'd feel bad.

Mad Stanners

space got a huge laugh from me

Chozo Ghost

I remember first seeing this game while searching all the non-Duke Nukem 3D games and came across this and was like "What is this?!" and then never really looked too much further into it. But holy shit, does this look fun. Fast paced, runs like butter, and of course, made by those madlads over at Sunstorm, whom I don't think have made a single expansion to a game that I haven't liked (to date). I'll have to pick this up when I get the time!


Finally! Great to see MP represented in such a way online. I never got to play this game as a kid, so it always kind of intrigued me. Also, the 'Ego' system was in Land of the Babes prior to this, maybe Time to Kill as well? They're easily the Nukem games I've spent the most time with, any chance you'll cover those in the future?


I adore this game. Hail to the king baby!


as someone whos only duke game growing up was zero hour, i loved that game! Hope you can review it eventually!