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Merry Christmas, dungeoneers! I know this one took a while. Tried to make it special. I did not intend for it to be 45 minutes long, so it's the video for December, unless I've done some crazy thing where I came up with a new patron-only series of shorts that I'll start releasing to you in the near future. 

I might try another upload of this at some point because I'm not happy with what YouTube did to the video. It could be the game's color scheme that it doesn't like, which is fine. A while back I started exporting at a much higher bitrate and it sure doesn't show in this one.

ROTT 2013 is a weird but immensely important game. I can't overstate its historical value when talking about the retro FPS scene. I'm confident that none of us would be here without it. My parents may have conceived me to this game despite it coming out like 25 years after I was born. It's weird though.


New patreon discord invite link!

Patron discord link: https://discord.gg/MD3pChf3hc

If you'd like to have a different name in the credits than what you pledged with, leave me a comment, or DM me on here or Twitter or discord or whatever. If your name is wrong, not included, or anything else, shoot me a message calling me an asshole and telling me to fix it.

Or if you want one of those fancy colored names that everyone gets now if they want. The credits in the video are usually a couple of days behind the actual patron list.




The Triad rises once more to birth the retro FPS renaissance. Patrons see episodes early: https://www.patreon.com/civvie11 Twitter: https://twitter.com/civvie11 Join the Dungeon discord: https://discord.gg/nwArDS2yEH Chapters: 00:00 - Introduction 04:35 - The Music 05:49 - In The Thick of It Again 10:40 - Dipstick Huntpack 15:59 - Magic Bullets 20:37 - General Darian 21:39 - Into The Castle 23:00 - Big John: Origins 24:34 - The Room 27:06 - Krist Lives 28:38 - Robotricks 31:39 - Nu-Metal Enforcer 33:56 - It's All Monks Again 34:58 - Revenge of The Vomitoreum 36:40 - A Tomb With a View 37:35 - Oscuro's Last Dance #GameReview #Christmas2021 #FreeCivvie


Brian Rich

Hell yeah! On a side note, I really think a "Blake Stone" remake would be awesome.

Allen Christian

Pulled up Patreon literally 15 minutes ago thinking, "surely, we're due for that ROTT 2013 video soon." And here we are!


Hell yeah


What the fuck is a blake stone? (I'm kidding, I only played Blake Stone for the first time a couple years back and I'm gonna do a video eventually I promise)


Not sure why but I love the long videos from Civvie. Most other YouTube videos can't really hold my attention past 25 minutes.


Love the longer vidoes


That intro reminded me that they removed the ROTT 2013 soundtrack from Spotify, but good video!


That has to be the most cursed fucking mp40 I've ever seen. It looks more like a sten gun


At 17:25 you go into the magic bullet bit saying "up and to the right". But that arrow is pointing up and to the left. That on purpose to go with the back and to the left meme or you just forgot your left from right when scripting?


A combination of both. I've recorded some lines to fix it because the original still was in a different position and it's a mess.


Back and to the left. JFK?

Valora Inverse

Hoo boy, that's rough... Didn't know it had roots in being a Duke remake, though, that's neat!


why do you think a remake (in a non-retro engine) is the source of the retro shooter movement? watching your video, i can't see much retro in there, maybe except the player hostile difficulty. return to castle wolfenstein had its remake in 2001 and these remakes used state of the art engines at the time. so why the retro connection?


Because the gameplay, weapons, enemies, and levels are trying to emulate old shooters and a lot of people involved in the retro shooter revival got their start on this project. It was a deliberate attempt to recapture that style of gameplay.


This 'It's cheese' Soundbyte will probably jump right in my head, the next time I give up on some bullshit.


Oh my God, The Room *was* where I gave up. Explicitly because I quicksaved and it turned out to break the level in like five different ways with terrain not loading and stuff. Holy fuck.


You can cheese Darian by breaking a wall in the arena you fight him in (by that this https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/600392284738577919/CD78ADA7F8BFD66B583824EA62B21B10AE9BDF98/) and standing in a certain spot (make sure you can hit him and he can't hit you) and congrats, you have cheesed another boss with geometry! Also in his 3rd phase he will just move forward towards you even when he's wall humping.


Oh man, I remember Totalbiscuit's video on Wrack. One of those retro FPS games before the genre made a comeback that was just DOA.

Liquid Pigeon

Can't wait to watch it, though I wonder if you'll cover Shadow Warrior at some point. It was the same year, and a damn good game in and of itself.


I still haven't even played ROTT 2013, I have no intentions to, and even though this video isn't changing my mind on that in the slightest, this video was still everything I hoped it'd be and more. The overall composition of the vid is A+, the joke about the gift that you can't open until Eksmas Day pays off so fucking well (don't want to spoil it for anyone who reads comments before watching the vid). I felt from first impressions watching trailers back in 2013 that this game takes itself seriously in a way that the original doesn't, and that self-irreverence (combined with gameplay that I personally find mostly very fun, even during ep4) is a huge part of why I love the original; I'm undecided on if I feel my initial impressions hold up, I'll have to rewatch this video to really decide on that, but either way, even if I don't want to play 2013, it made for an excellent video that makes the nearly-lifelong ROTT player in me very, very happy.


Is it weird that whenever you say "ROTT 2013" I immediately think you're saying "ROT13," aka that cypher where you write words using letters that are 13 places removed from their original place in the alphabet? Like this whole game is some sort of weird encrypted message... oh god...


Are you a musician, Civvie, or do you just have good taste? I've noticed you emphasise the music in your videos sometimes and it just got me thinking.


Merry Christmas Civve11!