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Did a quick video about Perilous Warp, a thing I've wanted to do for a while because I find the game fascinating. It's not a ton of stuff to talk about but the aesthetics and design of the game are strangely unique for a throwback.

This is a small episode I decided to put in before starting on the Christmas stuff. Because there aren't really good Christmas games to cover (don't link me to Elf Bowling on the GBA), Christmas video this year will be LUDICHRISTMAS II: ROTT'S REVENGE, covering Rise of the Triad (2013) and if time allows, I had another video planned as well. The ROTT 2013 video will go forward unless XMAS ZOMBIE RAMPAGE 3 finally gets released.


New patreon discord invite link!

Patron discord link: https://discord.gg/MD3pChf3hc

If you'd like to have a different name in the credits than what you pledged with, leave me a comment, or DM me on here or Twitter or discord or whatever. If your name is wrong, not included, or anything else, shoot me a message calling me an asshole and telling me to fix it.

Or if you want one of those fancy colored names that everyone gets now if they want. The credits in the video are usually a couple of days behind the actual patron list.


Perilous Warp - Chasmic Thing

A quick look at Perilous Warp, a game that is fine. Links: Noelle's channel - https://www.youtube.com/user/SpeedySPCFan Patrons see episodes early: https://www.patreon.com/civvie11 Twitter: https://twitter.com/civvie11 Join the Dungeon discord: https://discord.gg/nwArDS2yEH



A treat I look forward to watching when I get home through the snow after my 14 hour shift 😅


Oh hey, I remember ICARUSLIVES talk about that game last year or so (iirc). He wasn't too impressed by it.


Awesome, this is the first one of these I've actually wishlisted. Civvie if I could have an ORANGE name in the credits going forward that would be great


I'm confused with the part at 1:40. ""perilous warp, which is still fun to say, is a very basic shooter. In Fact it's mostly inside a sci-fi tech base. (oh that's not a pun I meant, goddamnit.) perilous warp, which is still fun to say, is a simple shooter. In that it's mostly inside a sci-fi tech base. "" Only difference between the two is 'simple' instead of 'very basic' and 'In That' instead of 'In Fact'. What's the pun you accidented?


> The ROTT 2013 video will go forward unless XMAS ZOMBIE RAMPAGE 3 finally gets released. Don’t threaten us with such a good time.


Don't know why but I looks kinda soulless to me. Like a build your own shooter engine game in the 90s kinda game. Civvie do we get a Thief 2: Electric Burglaroo sometimes in the future? Or does this not appeal the algorithm? I enjoyed it.


I want to do Thief 2 at some point. Thief videos generally got lower views than anything else and it's one of those games that's a huge time commitment. I considered doing the whole thing as one huge, long video. Haven't explored that idea too much either.


I said it was "basic" and then said it was a "tech base" and while I was recording the voiceover I knew immediately that it sounded bad.


I remember seeing Icaruslives cover this I think. I remember it mostly because the game had a great, classic premise and proceeded to be so bland and unambitious as to be remarkable for it... Quite the thing. I got the impression the absolutely basic, bare-bones game was more just a showcase for their engine.


Do you want nitpicky errors pointed out here, or is the video already in the can? Great video, and sorry about the sewer count millstone around your neck.


Go right ahead, I'm a YouTuber, we're wrong about most things anyway.


Describing this as shareware is totally accurate and if it was the first episode of something else I could buy two more episodes of I probably would have been more charitable in my assessment of it.


Love your vids and channel man your vids are like comfort food to me. I’d say you are like the red letter media of gaming in the sense that your are hilarious and explain why something works/ doesn’t work

Tripp Andre

Thanks Civvie. Missed the last couple videos... been busy. Appreciate the content.


Not a bad way to wake up! This game is gorgeous from what I'm watching so far!