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Back again with some more Thief, where the game's plot actually starts kicking in and it isn't just "Garrett robs a house," "Garrett robs a tomb," or "Garrett gets hopelessly lost in a labyrinthine torture device disguised as a level in a video game."   

These videos are always fun to make so I really have to get back to doing some DOS trash at some point to wash away all the positive energy. 


Patron discord link: https://discord.gg/bEGhHEh 

If you'd like to have a different name in the credits than what you pledged with, leave me a comment, or DM me on here or Twitter or discord or whatever.

If your name is wrong, not included, or anything else, shoot me a message calling me an asshole and telling me to fix it. Or if you want one of those fancy colored names that everyone gets now if they want. The patron list is usually a couple days behind the video.


Petty Thief #3

Hey look! The plot is here! The plot's arrived! Music used: Sir Cubworth - "Murder Mystery" (Title and credits) Esther Abrami -" No.9 Esther's Waltz" Patrons see episodes early: https://www.patreon.com/civvie11 Twitter: https://twitter.com/civvie11 Join the Dungeon Discord: https://discord.gg/CEBKKJS #FreeCivvie #Retrogaming #Thief




Christopher French

The sub reddit has uncovered some proper DOS trash, which is also slav jank: https://youtu.be/fabjfaPaFVc

Tripp Andre

Thanks Civvie! Love the Petty Thief series. You can kill apparitions with your sword. IMO, THC is an ugly map, especially in vanilla Thief. The leaf texture isn't great. The HD Mod by Gecko really helps. THC is one of the two maps (Bonehoard) that becomes unwinnable without Fire Arrows, which is why there is a Fire Shadow enemy in Thief Gold. It's a rare Thief mission that can end in multiple locations (e.g. The Library, the Torc House, the Graveyard) because there is no "exit the map" objective. Good thing there aren't any metal babies in any offices anywhere in the Thief series. :) Thanks again, looking forward to future videos as always.


I might need to make the "sword kills apparitions" part clearer because I went straight into the flashbombs lol


Love it


I love it when Civvie plays games he loves as well as games he hates.


Been awaiting the return of Thief. Awesome stuff!

Brian Rich

So does this mean you might do Looking Glass' much better-received work "System Shock 2"? Or maybe just do the 2006 "Prey".


I love the little short 1-10 frame bits. SEX! The Pinicle of online entertainment. Yep! Also that part after the subtitles where you added the bitching about the 2000 coin of goods to get. perfection. I wonder, does adding in those things get more people to pause and then continue playing or pause and then go away?


16:06 You'll never beat the Ocean House from VtM Bloodlines for scariest haunted house. Fight me!


Thank you Civvie


The flashbombs section I was watching this on my mobile phone, at night, in bed, lights off. They genuinely did blind me a bit. Noice!


I always liked to think that Constantin's giant room was built that way because he made a Spinal Tap like cock up when sharing his plans with the architect


Hi Civvie! Could I have Mike Meaden as my name in future? :)


Love your work as always, great job bud!


Heya Civvie - are we ever going to see a Redneck Rampage review? I have very vague memories of it and was wondering what your take on it was.

Pixel Magus

Great episode. As someone who has never played, I've really been enjoying the "Thief" videos.


was waiting for you to post something robocop related so i could say "ill buy that for a dollar" when i pledged but it turns out waiting on an unlikely thing to happen so you can make a lame kind of sucks


Thief reminds me of Arx Fatalis. I think that's how you spell it. Weird rpg all underground and in sewers. Right up your alley!