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The long awaited Duke3d episode on the Sunstorm expansions - Duke it out in D.C. and Duke Caribbean: Life's a Beach - two expansions of varying quality. It took a while to get this one out for a couple reasons. Had some technical issues with the voiceover. As a result I spent a lot more time than usual going over the video and trimming/adding. Expansion packs are generally harder to do videos on because there's much less to talk about. Usually, you don't get much besides new levels. The worst case scenario is Duke it Out in D.C., where it's a bunch of new levels that are kinda boring and lame, while the best case scenario is Duke Caribbean, where there's tons of new stuff and it's fun and well-designed. 

Aside from that, I've also been working on remastering the old Blood 2 videos. It's been nagging at me for a while because of how big the Pro Blood videos have been. I had to put aside some time to work on it because I felt like it was one of the most important ones to re-do and while working on it I realized how many running gags started in those three vids. ("Raw" clips and Elevator Trouble) 

Aside from the original audio balancing issues that needed fixing, I re-recorded the entire voiceover which has resulted in a slightly faster pace and a much less noisy, nasally, and mostly expressionless VO . Without the original game footage, I was forced to go back to the original export itself, which is thankfully better quality than the YouTube upload. The only thing missing from the original project file was the game footage, so I was able to mix everything else properly and cleaned up a lot of the editing while constantly asking "What the fuck was I thinking?" There will be a nonzero percentage of people who like the old voiceover better. I didn't go into it trying to George Lucas the thing - the original jokes are all still there - mostly it was cleaning up the audio, transitions, cuts, some of the graphics, and putting all three parts together into one video. i think the most major change was moving the intro to Part 2 to the very beginning and getting properly scaled HD footage to accompany it. 

There's still a bunch of work to do on that, so it will be a little while before it's ready. Hopefully, the next video will be Petty Thief #3. Been recording footage for other stuff as well - I have the first three episodes of Heretic done on Black Plauge difficulty (I'm dreading episodes 4 and 5, and maybe those few levels of episode 6), an entire playthrough of Quake 2 on Hard+ (which is not as hard as you would think) and I'd really like to do some DOS trash again soon. Ok, well,  maybe I wouldn't like it, but I feel it's been neglected on the channel recently. They're often the hardest things to play through although Kreed and Corkscrew Rules give them a run for their money. 


Patron discord link: https://discord.gg/bEGhHEh 

If you'd like to have a different name in the credits than what you pledged with, leave me a comment, or DM me on here or Twitter or discord or whatever. If your name is wrong, not included, or anything else, shoot me a message calling me an asshole and telling me to fix it. 

Or if you want one of those fancy colored names that everyone gets now if they want. The credits in the video are usually a couple of days behind the actual patron list. 


Pro Nukem 3D: The Rise of Sunstorm

Duke it out in D.C. and Duke Caribbean: Life's a Beach - two completely different expansion packs from the same company of wildly different quality! Music used: "Yard of Pans" - Freedom Trail Studio Blue Scorpion - Electronic Hard by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100304 Artist: http://incompetech.com/ Patrons see episodes early: https://www.patreon.com/civvie11 Twitter: https://twitter.com/civvie11 Join the Dungeon Discord: https://discord.gg/CEBKKJS #FreeCivvie #DukeNukem



necrovision when civvie ? ^^


I know you can pull off all of Heretic, because I managed to, and it was you that finally convinced me to take out Plutonia on UVMAX. You've got this, and that video's gonna kick ass!


Duke Caribbean expansion still one of best expansions for Duke, great video.


There's an interesting vibe I get from Sunstorm stuff, like... more noticeable in cryptic passage and Duke it out in DC, but it's like they didn't 100% realize the implications of their level design choices (ie, 18,000 pigcops). But then by Life's a Beach they had gotten the hang of it much better. I wonder how a second expansion for Blood might have gone.


(or maybe they totally realized the implications and cackled about it)


Just tucking this away till after work. Thanks Civvie. 👍

Brian Rich

Quit harping on "Redneck Rampage"! It wasn't half bad and the soundtrack was pretty bitchin'.

Dirk Hoderin

Oh man, that sounds like a helluva lotta work to remaster the old Blood 2 videos. Hope it isn't driving you nuts. Looking forward to the DOS trash.

Raul Campos

Oh man, a Pro Quake 2 video would be nice. I watched your Pro Quake video the other day,and it was pretty awesome.


Damn looks a lot of great videos coming soon.


Not as much as I originally thought and because of my sloppy editing of the originals, audio transitions are actually easier to do.


You're the man civvie! Proud to be part of the dungeon!


Oh shit, i just finished Quake 2 on hard+ last week


Always up to the standards we expect Civvie :) Thank you.


Ah, I'm looking forward to Quake 2 - it's in that period between when I was gaming, and when I wasn't (sorta between the end of the N64 life cycle, and before I built an Athlon XP 2400 with a GeForce 5200 and overclocked the crap out of the CPU) Also always nice to hear what's coming up!


I like seeing Civvie taking on the big games, but honestly I also love it when he takes on weird-ass little smaller games, especially if they're either incredibly janky or hidden gems. Maybe something like Gunman Chronicles or Prey 2011(or whenever it was the non-Arkane Prey was released), would be a fun mix of heart and jank. Good video like always, in any case.


That bit with Duke nuking the boat was 1,000,000/10.


I've been wanting a pro heretic and quake 2 for too long. But i won't lie, the one i want most is Pro Death Wish for Blood


Thanks for remastering Blood 2. Please, could you also in these videos make "X minutes/seconds later" screen darker, like you started doing few videos ago?


Civvie, you are, by some margin, my absolute favourite YouTuber. This Patreon is one of my finest investments. Thanks for always making great content!


I'll be honest and say the old Blood 2 videos (and most of the first videos until around Colonial Marines) definitely aren't my favorites to rewatch when going through your catalog again, they really do have a much slower pace with more shallow-feeling content, and your put-on voice from back then is a lot more muted than your natural voice these days. So I think they'll benefit a ton from a remaster, looking forward to it.


Ha, that story about EB actually brings up good memories of when I was a tyke. In my hometown we didn't have an EB games (old school southern church town) but we had Burt's computer shop. Ran literally by Snake Plissken at least that is what I thought owner was my dad's best friend since child hood, and he was shredded, had a mullet, and one-eye with a patch (lost it in the first Iraq war but always told me he lost it in WW3) Anyway, he and my old man would build gaming rigs together back in the 90s and early 2000s and I remember sitting in the shop playing lots of Duke and LOTS of Diablo 2 when it came it out. Sorry about the rant just brought back some memories of simpler times. I miss that place, sadly it went under when all the internet millionaires came around and companies like Nortel went under and now its a paintball field.


If you have any other prophetic visions of the future Civvie, please keep them to yourself, I prefer my misery come as a surprise.


Make them darker in the Blood 2 videos? Already done, as I had some earlier complaints about them being too bright and I've switched it over to them being overlaid in front of game footage since the Witchaven video. We're they too bright in this one?


Death Wish is another one that's in the works. I have a playthrough recorded.


Holy shit you gotta get us a picture of small-town Snake Plissken haha but it's funny i have similar memories playing Duke and Blood with my Pa back when i was way too young to be playing them


Oooh! You should do a video on Mafa! I could see it now. Pro My Little Pony Pregnancy Games and Pro Spongebob Foot Fetish Games, for kids!


Pro Penthouse Paradise when, Civvie? ;-)


Have you already done a Redneck Rampage, or did I miss it?

Deadly Premonition Is A Masterpiece

I appreciate you suffering through DOS trash for us Civvie, they are my favourite videos. P.S. Could I possibly get my name in all red for the credits?

Christopher French

May not be DOS Trash, but Outlaws might be a good vid at some point. Uses the Dark Forces engine. Or we can finally see Blake Stone in action. I played the hell out of it when I was a kid.

Tripp Andre

Thanks Civvie!


I didn't play Outlaws until about a month ago. It's definitely getting a video at some point.