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Civvie's back to shilling for New Blood because they won't put out a shitty game even for free. 

Ultrakill, which I've been playing for a few months now and some of you may have also played the Prelude demo that was on itch.io - is going to be a game that kicks my ass harder than Doom Eternal - and also, the long-awaited Gloomwood demo - an indie immersive sim Thief-like. I wish these games were trash. Videos on trash are way easier to write.

If you're wondering why there are a couple "bleeps" in the middle of the video that's because I'm wondering if YouTube would get strike-happy for a couple raunchy terms used. I was typing them out in this post until Patreon helpfully suggested:

Keeping the bleeps in I guess.


Patron discord link: https://discord.gg/bEGhHEh 

If you'd like to have a different name in the credits than what you pledged with, leave me a comment, or DM me on here or Twitter or discord or whatever. If your name is wrong, not included, or anything else, shoot me a message calling me an asshole and telling me to fix it. Or if you want one of those fancy colored names that everyone gets now if they want. The credits in the video are usually a couple of days behind the actual patron list. 




A quick look at the demos for Ultrakill and Gloomwood, which are cool games that are completely different. Patrons see episodes early: https://www.patreon.com/civvie11 Twitter: https://twitter.com/civvie11 Join the Dungeon Discord: https://discord.gg/CEBKKJS Speedy's channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/SpeedySPCFan/





*Chef kiss noise*

DFawlt Uzr

Wait Patreon gave you a pornographic warning? Don't like....people sell pictures of boobies on this platform?


Possibly? I assumed people used onlyfans for that kind of thing. If I knew I could make money on Patreon with noods I'd be posting those. it's way easier than editing videos.


YESSSS, I played the ULTRAKILL demo this week and was hoping you would get to it! It's the best FPS/action hybrid I've seen yet. Great work Civvie!


Another civvie video yay!!! Dear civvie, did you ever think of doing pro AMC:TC? I just finished it recently because of covvid isolation and hearing about it from you. I haven't played a mod that tows the line of being extremely impressive (hub worlds? cash? episodes?) and horrifically hair pulling (maps that literally make no sense, the cringe-worthy knowledge that the characters are literally the coders mary sues, my personal annoyance with accuracy and necessary armor piercing) at the same time. I'd love to see your take on it playing tons better than I did where I mashed quicksave until the key worn out.


I still haven't gotten through episode 3. It's such an undertaking to actually get into it because of the insane amount of new shit.


"Gloomwood doesn't expect you to not kill anybody" Awesome, that was always my only gripe with Thief. Me want stab stab!


Lol the dapper Gordon Ramsey made me spit out my coffee. You owe me a new laptop civvie.


Civvie draws a dick on its video... "Pornographic content".


If I had to buy a new laptop for everyone who did this I'd be paying for like 2 laptops.


And NewBlood did it again hahaha.


Ultrakill doesn't do it for me but Gloomwood looks amazing

Dirk Hoderin

Verily, Civvie qouth, "I am the fucking pinnacle of online entertainment," and lo, did the monkey's paw twitch.


Lord knows I get Ultrawood every time Civvie posts a new video.


Not to keen on Ultrakill yet, which is weird since it seems to be right up my alley. Gloomwood on the other hand... looks amazing. Checking both of these out soon.


Sweet more New Blood! Also...That low setting in Ultrakill is 64x32, if you were wondering. *chef kiss* Perfection.

Tripp Andre

Thanks Civvie! Two more games to put on my list.

Brian Rich

What's with all the potentially "good" games CV-11? This is meant to be a place of pain and endless suffering... like my sister's place on Thanksgiving.