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I don't have a new video done yet, that will be tomorrow - I just wanted to let everyone know in case Patreon hasn't yet - that pledges are going to be subject to sales tax now depending on where you live. As patreon explained it to me, this means an extra 4% to 11% on pledges. This goes into effect on July 1st and I'm posting this short update to make sure no one gets blindsided by it if they haven't already heard. See you all tomorrow with some peak weird slavjank.



*laughs in Live Free Or Die*


Ride or Die! sales tax be dammed!


Ya big softie, you do care! Thanks for the warning, have somemore

Terry T. [ERROR]

So I’ll pay a bit more for pledging? Am I understanding that right? Instead of five it’d be more like... oi, more than five?


As I understand it, you'd be paying like between $5.20 and $5.50 depending on location.


Delaware domination bitcheezzzzzz

Brian Rich

I think you're worth the money. That said, Pro "Aliens: A Comic Book Adventure" when?


Good looks

Maffi Lu

Wonder how this will look over here in Germany!


Your content is always worth it.

Dirk Hoderin

I mean, I'm only a lowly dollar pledge scrub, so I think I can handle that. Definitely interested in some Slavjank, though. Also, Pro FEAR? It's got David Szymanski',s favourite shotgun in it.


I can spend a little extra for Civvie


I want to do the whole FEAR series at some point, maybe the first one in October. I'm not a pro at it but it is amazing and David is certainly correct about it's awesome shotgun.


Awesome content Civvie, i loved. No, wait...

Aaron Thomas

Well crap, I had no idea they were going to start this. Thanks for the heads up civvie, I don't think alot of people would have known otherwise. Sure as hell ain't changing my pledge over a few cents.


Wooo Oregon (and Montana too I guess)


Thanks for the heads up my guy!


I envy you guys. Denmark has a 25% sales tax (already been paying that since Patreon launches so no changes here!)


Whenever I say the video is on slavjank people assume HROT even though it's only a 20 minute demo lol


Sales what now ?? Dont we in the EU already have to pay for "buying" a service/product ?. For me its a extra 18% for all pledges.


Pro Sales Tax when?


Also I think I already @'d you before but I was wondering if you've ever played STRAFE? I gave Ultrakill a bash from your previous video because it felt pretty similar


Would this peak slavjank happen to involve a certain 1980's nuclear disaster?


Slav Lives Matter, Civvie


Yeah, same in the UK here - $15 in total pledges (I'm not made of money, sorry), and three bucks goes to the UK Govt (20%). Still, worth it to support content producers who I regularly and consistently enjoy.


Please do a No One Lives Forever video at some point, it seems like a completely forgotten game series...


It's a safe bet he'll get around to it. Same people behind Blood 2. I look forwards to it!


Is it Liquidator 3D, Civvie?


Thanks for the update, can't wait for tomorrow!


Slavjank, eh? You Are Empty, perhaps?


Codename: Outbreak confirmed? Name's still relevant.


Thanks Obama