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While the next video is going to be some spooky Halloween stuff (gameplay is already recorded), I have all of this "making-of" background content that I've been saying "I should post this kind of stuff on Patreon" for months. Now is as good a time as any. 


I make the 3d Modeled stuff for the show in an ancient program called Milkshape 3d because I don't know how to use real modeling programs and I try to cover the seams of it in photoshop. I was always going for a "cheap low-poly PS1 game" look for the whole thing because I thought I could pull that off. 


His body got some use in the MDK video but it's mostly been the head this whole time. Designed to look like a plague mask, he ended up looking better than he did originally:


Modeled after the kind of bland toy robot, the meaner of the two, although now he's saved the world, so it could be a wash. Since both robots each have a quarter of Civvie's brain, he is still basically talking to himself the entire time. 

Somehow, I still have "beta H4MM3R":


He wasn't always supposed to be cute. It was funnier if he was. 

Along with an attempt to make a Doom weapon out of him. This ended up kind of working and I ruined Revenant bus with him.  



Built in Unreal 4 (Unreal 3 in the first videos, completely overhauled for Tekwar),  the basic idea for it was "what if some basement dwelling YouTube nerd was in a cell?", which is why the posters are allowed. I didn't feel like modeling 100 Funko pops. 

It looks fucking awful without lighting. The spherical indent in the wall is still there from the Terminator video. If you make a thing and it looks like trash, just cover it in darkness, which has been the motto of low-budget horror movies for decades. 

The console slammed into the wall is, uh, - well, that's harder to explain and looks extremely uncomfortable to game on. Two buttons - one explodes, the other is marked with a post-it that says "Don't push - Starship Titanic button', which, to this day, will start a new game in Starship Titanic. You can see a red Bat-Phone and a Geiger counter here also. The "No Python" post-it has been around  a long time stemming from a joke introduced in an old video about that time Game of Thrones jumped the shark completely, where Civvie is punished for making references to Monty Python, a thing I try not to do because they're overused and cringe. 

The 100k play button, a thing YouTube will send to me at some point but I'm not holding my breath, has unfortunately replaced the Randy Pitchford dartboard. 

That's not marker on his lip. 

Another post-it that's rarely seen - the "don't be so hard on John Romero" post-it. And also... uh... 

Let's talk about the shi-kawaii. 

The shikawaii is a cursed thing invented by one of the discord users. If you're not familiar with the Shikari, the most common enemy type encountered in Blood II: The Chosen, I didn't much care for it. So then this happened. There have been other permutations of it, but I am not going to post those because believe it or not, they're far more horrifying

Here is an earlier image of The Cold Room, as seen in the Kreed video, before minor tweaks in photoshop and other effects laid over it. 

Here is an abandoned WIP of Reactor 3 - I never really liked the way it looked and lighting it continued to be an absolute disaster, especially when it had to be lit so you could see a tiny mouse running through it. 


A cleaning robot that was never finished/used:

The model for the "Raven Tome of Power" from the Singularity video: 

And some script excerpts from things that never made it into videos. The first was completely done (lost to time now). It was supposed to run before the Vivisector video, but I decided against it because the video was already running too long and it was just some guy on a video screen talking for nearly a minute.

When editing a video, I usually take some liberties from what I've written in the script. For example: 

The "Apocalyptic Raw" became "Rawpocalypse" and was about 35 seconds of unfiltered frustration and despair. 

And then there's this abandoned micro-video from forever ago:

This was written ENTIRELY because a Joe Pesci-led Doctor Who is the greatest thing ever conceived and would probably save the British economy. 

That's all I've got right now, stay tuned for at least one upcoming spooky October episode. 




This is hilarious and also very appreciated


A nice peek behind the dungeon... Curtain? Tattered drapes? :D Civvie you might like to have a look at Blender 2.8. the interface is HUGELY improved


This is great! I’m a video editor by career, I’ve always wondered how you pulled the sets off


Awesome dungeon peak, I was always wondering what's behind all of that 3D realm basement bot dungeon shit. But. Milkshape? Seriously? Are you fucking 30yo nostalgia vet or something? I coped with some serious 3D softwares in early 00s as a freshie, sticking with Rhinoceros as a well thought choice. Milkshape was completely off the consideration since fucking ever, and yet you got stuck with it in 2019. Hands. Fucking. Down. Epic shit is all the stuff of yours, so, do me a favor please, Civvie. Keep the fucking change! // keeping well behaved diacritics in my name at Patreon credits was really heart-warming <3


You should totally reuse the old hammer model.


Blender 2.8's probably the easiest version of Blender to get into, if you're looking to use a modern 3d app.


I didn't need to know about the Shikawaii but here we are.


Also I was always curious about the change H4MM3R got between the really early stuff where he was a weird skull looking thing and his current toy robot look so that's cool to see there was an actual 3D model of old-him made.


*Insert Beetlejuice reference*


I've fallen for your crazy world building and self-torture.


I'm oddly into this lore.


Requesting credits name change to "Law of Fives (Confirmed Shadow Monster)"


This was a very cool post - thanks for taking the time to put it together.


This, is why I'm a patreon, this behind the scenes stuff is awesome. Also Milkshape 3D isn't a name I've heard of since back in the early 2000's when Freespace and Freespace 2 modding was in it's prime.

UESC Battleroid

You know you have to ask for the 100k plaque?


Oh man that's a dilemma. Ask and have Youtube notice my channel and then probably demonetize it or go without a shiny 100k trophy?


Nah they won't notice you from you asking. That's the algorithm bot that'll get ya. Just ask H4MM3R


This is awsome to read and see. Lot of effort put to this lore, nice


Shikawaii - thanks, I hate it. I am glad to hear all about your background. If you got a story about time before youtube, or just something you find interesting. Please tell, that is why i came here. Best regards,

hoots cheech

dear god. i never thought i'd meet another human being who uses Milkshape3D

Shawn Grant

About Joe, it reminds me of George Carlin talking about praying to Joe Pesci. Absolutely hilarious!