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It's finally come to this. Duke. Nukem. Forever. The legend. The great betrayor. The final nail. 

I thank all of you for your continued support in these trying times. While this wasn't the hardest video to edit, going over footage of Duke Nukem Forever, Randy Pitchford, and anything involved with the production was a depressing affair. I'm glad it's over. The last few days have been mostly tweaks, adding jokes, cutting redundant stuff, and trying to make the video as good as it can be.

It's a milestone that is, in no small part, thanks to the patrons, a lot of whom probably linked people to my weird ass boomer shooter channel, and a good amount of you have been here since "the beginning," which I mark as Hunt Down The Freeman, because before riding the algorithm with that video, I had sixteen subscribers and I can remember exactly two comments from people I didn't know personally. 

I never expected to reach 100k, and setting a 200k goal seems reasonable but I'm not that eager to play Daikatana. 

Thank you all, I hope the work pays off, and that you enjoy the pure, concentrated suffering, disillusion, and dick jokes. 

Patron discord link: https://discord.gg/bEGhHEh 

If you'd like to have a different name in the credits than what you pledged with, leave me a comment, or DM me on here or Twitter or discord or whatever. If your name is wrong, not included, or anything else, 

shoot me a message calling me an asshole and telling me to fix it. 

Or if you want one of those fancy colored names that everyone gets now if they want. The credits in the video are usually a couple of days behind the actual patron list.



The Duke has waited. His day has come. Patrons see episodes early: https://www.patreon.com/civvie11 Twitter: https://twitter.com/civvie11 Join the Dungeon Discord: https://discord.gg/CEBKKJS Speedy's channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/SpeedySPCFan



Civvie ffs, this has to be the greatest monday ever. I'll watch it as soon as i get home with everything i need for this... and drugs too.


I have been waiting for this day checking Patreon several times a day since you hit 100k. I can’t wait to get this home and throw it up on the big screen

Deryn L.

Your 300k goal should be Battlefield 4's campaign. It's hot garbage. Like, "boat you're riding despawning before the cutscene fades to black so you fall into the invisible river" garbage. EDIT: https://youtu.be/xG5Uk2-gqpM




I hope we will get half life videos at some point 🎈


fuck yeah


I don't know which video it was that YouTube pushed to me, but you were just hitting 80k. Is that the beginning? No, but I still feel like this is a pretty sweet thing to be part of. Looking forward to a Romero-sized shit 100k from now


Was lucky enough to have the 50k subscriber special pop up in my recommendations and now we're here. Probably the only channel where I've watched every video, too.

Phil Ken Sebben

AWWW YEAHHH Well, I know what my evening is full of now! Nostalgic disappointment.


holy shit it's a hour long


You're worthy, CV11. Congrats again for 100k and gogogo 200k.


I agree with most of your points but the alien level was kinda good. For me it was the best entertainment the game had, but that's not much.


Awesome job Civvie, gratz on the 100k! Now I just wonder what the next ominous, dread-inspiring game will be held overhead for the next milestone...


I found your channel when you were around 40k, mostly from seeing your name pop up in a couple different comments sections.


Congrats Civvie, you definitely earned that 100k subs with this video and I hope you get even more. Here's to 200k!


Started watching you a good while ago, subscribed right away. Finally got on the patreon rather recently and super happy to be here for the milestone. Congratulations and here's hoping for 200k!


I knew the game was bad and I legit couldn't force myself past the first driving section. It was insulting, like Fallout 4 tier.


29:20 Another Harlan Ellison reference. Awesome.


Congrats on the 100k. Gosh I really hope when you do Daikatana or Pro Wang Wanton Destruction or whatever that you just get interrupted by Shadow Demon Civvie teleporting in from the first timeline to try and fuck with you and be your nemesis or something because I'm highly invested in this nonsensical plot for some reason.


Great stuff! I must have played some of DNF but blocked it out because I was getting a lot of deja vu. I think it must have been the Faux-son twins in the Hive that freaked me out. I got around to watching your Doom movie video recently. Any plan to do something similar with Annihilation? I 'acquired' it last week but couldn't bring myself to go beyond the precredits scene.


Take a few days of R&R, CV-11. You did it, and accidentally saved the world while doing it.


The madman actually did it, and this was an absolute blast. Awsome work dude


Fantastic. Have a break so you can get back to bad yet entertaining games instead of this one overall mediocre and boring game (which is arguably worse than the former).


Yeah, HDTF was the first video of yours that I watched. You should do a video on Halo 5...


Oh. Oh God. It has come. That Beetlejuice/Rob Zombie mashup made me spit out my drink.


I know it's a perk of being a patron, but thank you for putting my name in the credits Civvie. I can't tell you how much laughter you have brought to my life with your videos in a time where I've really needed some laughter. So honestly, thank you.


you honk, i laugh


ty for the hour long special. the editing was fantastic


Dude, thank you for doing this. Also, my deepest apologies you had to do this.


Is it a coincidence that YT stopped allowing easy verification at 100k just when you crossed the finish line? Also, Pro Half-Life 3 when?


I bought this at lunch and loved it. Duke burger was fun. I was also 13 so.