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This one was fun to do. I got nothing else to say right now. Still waiting on some releases, trying to figure out how to do an extra-special Pro Duke for Shrapnel City, an Amid Evil video, and a few other things currently cooking. I finally bought a giant external drive to keep video capture on which has resulted in me recording almost everything I play. Just in case. 

As always:

If you'd like to have a different name in the credits than what you pledged with, leave me a comment, or DM me on twitter or discord or whatever. I had a topic about this on here but it got buried, just like the link to the private, patron-only discord that's so low-key and chill that it has five rooms (but it does have a music bot now that patrons have entirely too much control over). I'm just going to start putting both of those things in each update.   

If your name is wrong, not included, or anything else, shoot me a message calling me an asshole and telling me to fix it. The patron list is usually a couple days behind the video.

Patron discord link: https://discord.gg/bEGhHEh 


(No title)



I hope you play MDK 2 as well. I loved that game as a kid.


Could you change my name to "a lamp with a threatening aura"?

UESC Battleroid

You should incluse the direct link in the message. I can't go to YouTube on Mobile. I have to use the native video player. Also if you can you should get your old games on GOG. They are usually already patched to work on moderne computers.


I may have gotten MDK on Steam before I even discovered GOG. I can leave a direct link in the future.


WTF.... Great stuff.


18:28 How are you supposed to find D.B. Cooper now, Civvie?


11:00 I'm waiting for my "enemy AC130 above!" meme, where is my "Enemy AC130 above" meme?


Yas Friday mood booster. Never got far in MDK (map 3 or 4?) but loved it nevertheless, especially the sniping.


MDK - holy shit. This is good.


i remember this it was great nice video man. pro S.T.A.L.K.E.R when civvie?


Nothing harder than waking up on a Friday to see a new CV vid and forcing myself to wait till after work to see it.