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Amid Evil is a pretty awesome game. Yeah, like Dusk awesome. I don't like to speak highly of a product unless I enjoy it. This one? Amazing. The video is pretty spoiler-heavy - there are two spoiler warnings in it to prevent giving away anything after Episode 4 because that's where the game gets really interesting and unpredictable. Considered doing a series like with Dusk, but like Doom each episode doesn't really have enough meat to fill up 10+ minutes of content unless I were to drag it out for way too long (he says after uploading a 30+ minute video). This one actually took a while even though footage for Episode 1-6 was already recorded and New Blood was kind enough to unlock Episode 7 for a review copy, a thing they will immediately regret when they see some of the absolute vulgarity used to describe their game. Positive vulgarity, usually. You might have noticed some people in the credits have special colors. Would any of you like one? Shoot me a message and I'll do it. One person requested it and I knew as soon as I did it for them, I'd have to open that option up to everyone so go nuts. 

As always:

Patron discord link: https://discord.gg/bEGhHEh 

If you'd like to have a different name in the credits than what you pledged with, leave me a comment, or DM me on twitter or discord or whatever. I had a topic about this on here but it got buried, just like the link to the private, patron-only discord that's so low-key and chill that it has five rooms (but it does have a music bot now that patrons have entirely too much control over). I'm just going to start putting both of those things in each update.   

If your name is wrong, not included, or anything else, shoot me a message calling me an asshole and telling me to fix it. The patron list is usually a couple days behind the video.



Art thou a bad enough dude? Patrons see episodes early: https://www.patreon.com/civvie11 Twitter: https://twitter.com/civvie11 Join the Dungeon Discord: https://discord.gg/CEBKKJS Speedy's channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/SpeedySPCFan #AmidEvil #FPS #FreeCivvie



I stopped playing Amid Evil to watch this video, and when I’m done I’m going right back to it. Game fucking rules.


Oh yeah baby




This game is so baller. We're getting some incredible retro FPS lately that understand what made the older games good and also what could be left far behind in the 90s without anyone mourning it. I never liked Heretic/Hexen much despite many attempts to fuck with it but this game is straight up awesome.


That's how is done!!!


We've definitely spoiled in recent years with games like Amid Evil and Dusk. Doom 2016 to be honest, too. I don't think anyone really saw that coming.


Tiki Heads?! These guys ripped off Island Peril!


Great as always, thanks Civvie.

Aaron Thomas

I never thought it could cut glass... but now I do; this is top tier need to know information.


gimme like cyan text colour :d


Your content is good. It pleases me greatly.