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Edit: I've re-uploaded another version to cut out the "zoom platform" bit at the beginning because while it's the only place I can find older Duke games for purchase, they've proven to be unreliable. Scott's Mystical Head has failed us! 

It's that time again.

Not the time where I get Jon St. John because that whole thing happened too far into the production of this video

to feasibly get him into it, and then Sigil happened. When I do have a decent plan for what to do with the inconceivable

talent that just dropped into my lap, you kids will be the first to know. 

 The last week or so has been a bit of a mess; Sigil, JSJ, Iron Maiden suing 3d Realms. I decided against making a video on the lawsuit because I didn't think it would be a good fit for the channel and figured people would be more interested in seeing more Pro Duke than me ramble on about legal stuff that is such obvious bullshit that my opinion on it wouldn't make a difference. 

Though, to be clear, the lawsuit is bullshit, especially the part that alleges Ion Maiden is a ripoff of a 2016 Iron Maiden turn based RPG for mobile platforms. And that all skulls are Eddie. And that Shelly is based off of Steve Harris. Complete abuse of the legal system to try to drain money from a small developer. And as far as I know, Ion Maiden is pretty close to being finished. 

And as always:

If you'd like to have a different name in the credits than what you pledged with, leave me a comment, or DM me on twitter or discord or whatever. I had a topic about this on here but it got buried, just like the link to the private, patron-only discord that's so low-key and chill that it has five rooms (but it does have a music bot now that patrons have entirely too much control over). I'm just going to start putting both of those things in each update.   

If your name is wrong, not included, or anything else, shoot me a message calling me an asshole and telling me to fix it. The patron list is usually a couple days behind the video.

Patron discord link: https://discord.gg/bEGhHEh 



In space, no one can hear you GET SOME. Patrons see episodes early: https://www.patreon.com/civvie11 Twitter: https://twitter.com/civvie11 Join the Dungeon Discord: https://discord.gg/CEBKKJS



Great video :)


Episode 2, what a trip.


Love your work; you're a natural raconteur. Ever consider doing any livestreaming?


I always loved the environments in this episode. And then that high pitched whine starts.


Who's voice was that near the end?


I hope the Iron/Ion Maiden thing wasn't initiated by the band itself and is just their team of lawyers doing their job and protecting their client's IP.


Man, I figured you wouldn't do this since you were so close to 100k! Thought it would turn into a milestone series. Every 50k a new Duke Episode lol Glad I was dead wrong.


Lawsuits like this are bullshit because even if 3D Realms wins (which they could, because they never actually use Iron Maiden's name or likeness), lawsuits drag out on and on forever, and the defendant has to pay so much in legal fees that they run out of money before it even goes to court and the rich bastard suing them basically gets them to give up. It really says something that Iron Maiden thinks their fans are too stupid to know the difference between Ion Maiden and Iron Maiden. If I actually listened to Iron Maiden, this would make me throw all their CDs in the trash and never listen to them again. Edit: Of course, all 3DRealms has to do is change the name of the game, and adjust a few things so it doesn't piss off the extremely fragile egos of wealthy rockers. Somehow, I don't think 3D Realms is going to do that.


One day civvie will remember to add me to the list.


Ack! Shit! That day is today. Patreon's notifications for new patrons seem to have some holes and sometimes dont show me everyone who pledges.


what the heck midi is that you used on the 2nd level? it's killing me that I can't place it


Papa Civvie put me on the list. So I can be one of the chosen.


2:58 is suuuch a sweet tune, I love it to bits, if only I could find it ;v;