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Hey friends,

Today I'm checking in with a personal update concerning our beloved dog Otis. Unfortunately our little buddy has been struggling with an aggressive form of cancer, and his prognosis is quite poor. We are asking that you keep him in your prayers so that we may enjoy the time he has left to the fullest, and keep him comfortable for as long as possible. Thank you so much for your patience as Natalia and I explore our options. If any of you have any words of advice, both medical and emotional, they would be greatly appreciated. Be well. -Rob

Otis a few days ago, on a very good day:


Otis update.

Hey friends, today I'm checking in with a personal update concerning our beloved dog Otis. Unfortunately our little buddy has been struggling with an aggressive form of cancer, and his prognosis is quite poor. We are asking that you keep him in your prayers so that we may enjoy the time he has left to the fullest, and keep him comfortable for as long as possible.



sorrow will fade . But now the memories.


I am so sorry to hear this.


Sorry for your loss


I'm sorry to hear that. I'm keeping you all in my prayers.


The loss of a canine companion is difficult. You are in my prayer.


I hope you find comfort with all the posts from your friends here on Patreon/Swift. I extend my Thoughts and Prayers for you and your family. May God Bless Otis and you & your family. 🙏🙏🙏💔


For me, there is nothing worse than losing a beloved pet. I am thinking of you and Otis.


As many have commented many of us have been down this road more than once, but we keep coming back. As hard as it is, you will know when, the last best thing you can do. Otis actually drew me to your lessons. You were playing , Otis came into the picture with a good scratch and lick and proceeded to lie down and listen. Take care and may God bless you all


puppies are angels with fur...sorry for your loss...


May Otis rest in peace. 🙏😕