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Hello hello,

The past two weeks have been pretty PBH-heavy for us, and it's coming along at a nice pace. It probably goes without saying at this point, but unfortunately we're not going to be releasing it in 2020 after all. We'll have a more detailed post about why and where we're at with it before the end of the year. Part of the reason is that we recently chose to start the script over, or at least change so much of what we had that it's pretty much a fresh start. Ultimately, we weren't happy with how it was coming along, and some of the biggest issues stemmed from Miho's characterization itself. We also decided to make a couple modifications to Aspen and Juliet's natures as well - nothing that fundamentally changes who they are, but to give them more emotional fleshing out. As we were writing, they were feeling a little bit too perfect and Mary Sue-ish, so we wanted to make them more complex. What we have now is a lot better in the long run, but it does entail rewriting pretty much everything that we'd already written (which was about 3 chapters out of 6). It'll take a bit longer, but we're very confident that this was the right decision. While I've been working on the script, adi's been spending a lot of time on the backgrounds for the game, and they're coming along beautifully. We also posted a new song from the soundtrack today - Sketchbook, by Sarah!


In non-PBH news, we're gonna be posting an update about LAK in a couple weeks. Rachel and Shari have been working hard to put together something nice to show you =) It's been almost a year since we first announced the game, and so we wanna do something special for that.

Finally, a quick update regarding the HotW Switch port and Kickstarter. Through our publisher, we've gone back and forth on a couple different porters for the game and have run into some delays, as you can tell. We've finally settled on a solution that we're pretty confident in, however, it's going to be a couple more weeks before it can be put into action. Unfortunately, due to the way that releasing games on Switch works, there's no way that we'll be able to release it this year. At the moment, we're currently aiming for February 2021, and we should have a more definitive update around the winter holidays if not sooner. Production of the physical rewards has begun, and we're hoping to at least have the items in our hands (well, the Sekai Project office, where they'll be shipped from) by the end of this year. More on that in the update next month as well. We're really sorry we weren't able to get these things out on the timeframe we'd been hoping for, and we appreciate everyone's patience.

That's everything for now. Catch ya in a couple weeks.



appreciate the update! glad to hear updates about how things are going, even if there are delays going on. completely understandable, restarting PBH's script. i just know that it'll be all the better when it finishes. loving the bgs! excited for the update post on LAK. one year! happy that you've found a solution you're confident in with the HoTW Switch port!

BlackWater (edited)

Comment edits

2021-11-05 23:40:58 Looking forward to that backer merch. <3
2020-11-17 04:23:32 Looking forward to that backer merch. <3

Looking forward to that backer merch. <3