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Hi everyone, it's Adi again!

I hope you've enjoyed the Aspen/Miho design posts… now it's time for our ascended side character, Juliet!

As you may know, Aspen was originally the protagonist and Miho the heroine… and Juliet was just a 'cool vampire'. She didn't even have a name for a very, very long time. At some point, the entire dev team was like 'why can't we date the hot vampire?' and here we are today. Listen. Listen. We have one braincell and we love women.

I'm very bad at naming things, so stuff like this happens.

If you wanted to see how we do write-ups and our struggles with communicating with a Japanese artist. For this one, I used Google translate and then Kastel helped proofread it.

If you every wanted to find clothing like Juliet's, the style is ouji-lolita!

Of course, as always, Kobuta had it perfect basically from the get go. We asked for some of the elements to be exchanged between them, and to have no ponytail, and got our final design!

Since the last post about PBH, we've finished every minor adjustment we needed to the art, so all of Kobuta's work is finished! While I'm a little sad that we won't be able to work with them anymore for the project, it is good that we're on our way to finishing the project! We'll be working hard on the rest of the game, and I hope you all enjoy our game. Thank you everyone for the support, all of the time. We couldn't have gotten this far without you.





i can feel the struggles and hurdles that come with communicating through the language barrier. i love every design and am glad that the final one came around. Kobuta's work being finished puts the whole project into perspective and it's amazing. from announcement to here, PBH has come so far and is still going!