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We've redone the fight and Iron has his repeat fight in!

Bad news first, we haven't finished... We need to replace the first fight you get in with Iron with the new gui, and there are some things we need to change around. Like the options you choose. Though we should replace the old gui for the tutorial fight soon enough, and some tune ups to the repeat.

Still not over for us, and we got some things we'll want to change for the next fight. But!!! It's our first draft so tell us what you think! We want MOAR animations... Probably... We'll see when we start making the next one!

And updating this one, but enough rambling!!!

What's New?

  • Iron's repeat has been put in! To start seeing it, make sure to have done his date!

  • There's 7 different ways the fight can end, not including a brand new gameover with him! Lots to experience so playa round with your stats before you enter battle. Along with the options you choose.

  • Afterwards, done forget to chat it up with Iron after finding new ways to end it!

  • His GameOver 1 has also been replaced with CursedMarked GameOver! So shiny!

Mostly just the fight we've been focusing on, but it's hefty. And the next one will be even better! But who will it be? Only time will tell~

We're still working on the update so early viewers will get to see more being popped out from time to time.

Currently though, if you want go one on one with this stallion, Early Viewers show him what you're made of now!

Scene counter is now in game! Check it out anytime you're wondering if there's anything you haven't done yet! Still being worked on, so it'll get better!

Found a bug? Report it over here!



Zawkian Puppy

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA i fucking love being a gay furry. Lel thankies for hard work!~


Super hype