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It's time to get to werk! Dirk's needs someone he can trust to help work in the pens, and fortunately for him, there's a new guy that's been hanging out the lumberyard. Hopefully he hasn't been hanging around the centaurs too much, they tend to get... Brave once they see they can have fun with the new guy. Don't forget to meet up with any centaurs that visited during your shift!

When you're out and about, why not see if you needed at the healer's clinic. Heard there was a canine who was looking to help around the place more. Why not see if you can help him with that.

What's New?


  • After getting close with Sparky, he might end up taking you for himself while out one day. Ever impatient, it'll be a real bad thing if you're the venturer he's been getting too close to.

  • But if you happen to survive that! He'll let you see his softer side~ Just don't expect him to not come out and play. He likes things going at his pace, and when his two boys aren't kicking up things fast enough... It's time for Daddy to step in and give a pushing hand.

  • You can now get a promotion at the item shop! Yay~ More work~

  • If you've been getting close to the fiends around town, Azlos might take a special interest as well. Including teaching, hand holding, and after hours fun~

  • He'll even carry you back to your room where everyone can see him holding you in his arms if the work ever turns out to be too much for you. What a gentleman!


  • Konta's been getting real stuffed up in the good healer's office, why not take him out on walks out in the forest? Sure nothing could go wrong there.

  • Don't forget to sleep with the big lug! He might get ideas on what else you can do out there after walking and playing around for so long.

  • While visiting the outside perimeters of town, why not see what's up with Dirk? He's been noticing you getting all buddy buddy with everyone in town, and him, so he might have a new job for you!

  • And if you've been playing around with Bruax, he might have a surprise for you as well. While doing your new job, and cleaning him up.

  • Just don't think Dirk hasn't been noticing who's been playing around with his centaurs.

  • Now comes with updated cg! For Dirk not Bruax yet.

Coming this EV build UPDATED!!! Iron's fight update and repeat! This is the first fight and we learned a lot while making it, so expect for them to only get better from here.


Shop has been updated

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Excuse me, do I have to pay again?

Luckard Alu

Yes, each month, you have to either resub to the Patreon or buy the game again from the site.