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Big news for Michigan: Ballot initiative would legalize psychedelic mushrooms in Michigan

It looks like Michigan is following in Oregon's footsteps with a statewide ballot initiative that would not just legalize using, growing and possessing psychedelic plants, but would also establish a framework for treatment with psychedelics and even allow SALES of psychedelics by certain groups.

“We really want to avoid the medical model,” Williams said in November. “Medical models are not equitable and not accessible, so we’re really focusing on the spiritual and ancestral applications of these plants, rather than the medical application as has happened with cannabis.”


I wasn't sure if momentum would keep building or if things would fizzle out but so far everything continues to build.  I've also been slightly surprised that even "conservative" states and politicians have started to get on board, that's a great sign of growing acceptance and recognition of the value in these substances.  Here's a nice list of recent developments:


I also received some very nice feedback on the Pan Cyan TEK today:

"It's ridiculous that these were still spores just 31 days ago.  Can't believe the timeframe or the yield.  Each of those scales has the first flush of a single 9x12x2" pan."

That's right, a single cake pan can produce one pound of mushrooms, and that's just the first flush, you can get 4-5 flushes from each cake pan.

"My only complaint with the TEK is how long it took to harvest! So grateful someone else took the time to do all the research and experimentation so that I didn't have to."

Haha, yes for such a small pan, they really can be a challenge to harvest quickly particularly if you are trying not to damage the pins at the base which will form the next flush.


His 3rd cake pan harvest clocked in at a record 585 grams!

Its even more remarkable that this was a multi-spore grow (spore syringe directly to grain jars), no strain isolation whatsoever!  He says he followed my TEK precisely, but that he did use an LED worklight on a timer, perhaps the extra supplemental light levels helped produce this perfect result?  Worth exploring further.  Job well done and thanks for sharing!

p.s. This link is where you will find a list of all my videos plus frequently asked questions with answers. 




It’s about time. Hope AZ follows.

bubbles mcfly

Awesome. Glad to be apart of this community.