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I'm really excited about this because I have been trying to get a vendor to make kits suitable for my pan cyan TEK for more than a year and no one seemed able or willing to do it, people have been asking me where they could buy the substrate, etc. and I had no good source UNTIL TODAY!   Midwest grow kits finally put together a kit that matches my recommended specifications.  As far as I know, they are the ONLY vendor out there that is selling a kit like this.  I'm also very pleased with where they priced it (currently just $35).  Their kit includes properly pasteurized manure/straw based substrate (3 hour hot water immersion bath pasteurization process) with separate casing mix and the kit even includes the cake pans with clear lids.  So with this kit, all a person will need is the grain spawn and a humidifier (note that they even sell a pretty cool looking humidifier with a long bendable hose that has great reviews so if you need a humidifier you might consider that too).

Midwest set me up with an affiliate link which I am very grateful for, any sales that happen after clicking my link help support this channel but I'm not promoting this just because I have an affiliate link, this is genuinely the only kit of its kind on the internet that I know of and the price is unbeatable too.


If the link doesn't take you directly to it, type "grass lover" into the search bar (the humidifier and grain jars should show up at the bottom of the grass lover kit page as well if you want those items).

Note:  I wouldn't promote this without testing it first, they sent me an early version of the kit, I will probably make a full video review of the kit and add to this post when I have more to share, but for now I'll just say that everything looks fantastic!  There was enough substrate in the kit to make 3 standard size cake pans, and the Estero cultivar RIPPED though this substrate reaching full colonization in  4-5 days with no signs of contamination.  Looks to me like they got it right.

So someone who wanted to simplify the process of growing pan cyans could just order some sterile grain jars (Midwest also sells those),  order a spore syringe (this vendor has both TTBVI and Estero my two favorite pan cyans) just inject the grain jars, wait for colonization, order the grass lover kit, dump the substrate from the kit into the cake pan that also comes with the kit, dump the colonized grains on top of that, mix, cover with clear lids, wait for colonization (preferably in warm temps 75-85F), then remove the clear lids and add the casing mix from the kit,  humidify on a timer or spray down heavily several times per day, and you should get nice yields.  Couldn't be much easier than that.

You could also make your own spore syringe of course.

If you try this kit, make sure to send me feedback and/or write a review on the midwest website.  If at all possible, I do recommend mixing your grain spawn with the substrate inside of a still air box or in front of a flow hood to reduce contamination risk.  It is also probably best to wait until you already have partially colonized grain spawn before ordering this kit so you can use the kit as soon as it arrives instead of having to wait to make grain spawn first.

UPDATES: Certified legit

FYI: Some have asked about doing "only" 3 cake pans.  If all goes well, a SINGLE cake pan should easily produce between 200-400 grams wet in its first flush.  Its 93% water, so that's 14 to 28 grams dry.  A single gram is a deep experience for most people, so that means 14 to 28 deep experiences.  Multiply that by 3 cake pans (the size of the kit from Midwest) and we are talking 42 to 84 deep experiences and that only counts the first flush, you can get twice that after all flushes.  So there is really no reason to grow more than 3 trays, a single tray should be adequate for most people, having 3 means 2 for backup if anything goes wrong ;).  I should also point out that Midwest sends enough casing material for 6 trays, put it on thin and just know there will be plenty of extra leftover.  The casing can last for a long time without contaminating, months even when wet, but you can also just mix up half and save the rest indefinitely.

FYI: I am told by a patron that people in the United Kingdom can get a similar custom kit from this vendor.

p.s. This link is where you will find a list of all my videos plus frequently asked questions with answers.




Maybe I'm getting ahead of myself since I haven't ordered the trays but how much grain spawn does it take to colonize a kit. I PC in batches so I wanted to know what else will fit in the run.

james Sutton

Denali- watch the video or read, it’s all explained by Gordo.


Anyone an idea if something comparable is available in continental Europe?

Pierre Robert

Ok, silly question, but how do you approach the stable owner to get their horse shit? Want it for my garden?

Dylan Young

Yeah, or you could do what i do and say you grow mushrooms. There are plenty of non-suspicious mushrooms that people grow for food, medicine, money, or just for fun. They say the best lies are mostly truth.