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Just wanted to let everyone know that the Pan Cyan vid I've been working on for more than a year is finally going to be finished tomorrow.  I've been working almost around the clock on it lately to wrap it up, but I need to fact check a few last items and do a final review before I actually release it.  It's a little bit more than a typical "how to" vid.  I did an enormous amount of research, talked with chemist experts in forensic analysis, did thin layer chromatography work, microscopy work, and numerous start to finish grow outs from spores (each one taking several months) just to try new things, and tweak/refine everything.  I'm hoping this will end up being considered one of the more important mushroom vids out there.  Time will tell...  Hope you are all doing well and staying healthy.  

We certainly live in interesting times.  Just this month Seattle became the largest U.S. city to decriminalize psychedelic substances, with the passage of Resolution 32021. The measure, approved unanimously, concluded that “the investigation, arrest, and prosecution of anyone engaging in entheogen-related activities should be among Seattle’s lowest law enforcement priorities.”  They have also rolled out new rules to protect individuals who cultivate "entheogens for use in religious, spiritual, healing, or personal growth practices” - police cannot detain or arrest such people or confiscate psychedelics.  There is also talk of possible psychedelics related legislation coming next year at the federal level - exciting.

I'll leave you with this last thought, a newly published study confirms what most of us probably already knew, but... "magic mushrooms make music more emotional to our brain".  The scientists found that psilocybin increased the participants’ reported emotional response to the music by an average of 60%.

[UPDATE: The vid is done!] 



the best video about Pan Cyans... thankx so much


I really like your videos. They are packed full of easy to follow information and causing me to review some of my methods. One question I have about encapsulation is if the speeding up of psylocybin oxidation overtime after grinding the mushrooms is a myth or true? What's your experience? Thanks!


This is a very important question that deserves careful research, which I am in the process of conducting. I am not aware of any published research on the matter. My best guess is that powdering and putting into capsules is more beneficial than not powdering them, the reason being is that the packing process actually eliminates or minimizes the oxygen that is touching the mushroom material. But if you are using oxygen absorbers or other methods of excluding oxygen from your storage containers, maybe it doesn't matter? I am very curious to know how much alkaloid depletion actually occurs in long term storage using various methods.