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Unpacking “data.acd”, editing “car.ini” and moving original packed data aside is quite a boresome thing to do, so here is a new preview build of Content Manager which has a new option here:

Those three dots on to the right of it would show a menu allowing to reset per-car flag or change global setting too. It would only work in Quick Drive section, reverting all changes after the race ends.

However, please be careful, it’s very experimental and rarely might have difficulty reverting original data at this stage. In this case, you can always do it by hand, or just use Steam integrity check.

But wait, there is more! This build contains new section in “drive” category, RaceU. This is a new upcoming service for competitive online racing that me and three partners have been working on and it’s about to be launched (there was a poll related to it in Content Manager some time ago). You can use that section — or this link — to enter entry list and get an early invite. For now, only you and other very few people have exclusive access to it, we want to make sure everything is working right.



I love this idea :) Content Manager updates are always cool too. Do you have any plans for ContentManager once you have the Rain FX all working good? Thanks :)


Thanks for all the hard work! Is there a way to disable the rain so it won't be active at the start of a race?


Bjr javoue ca serai cool d'activer la pluie quand on le souhaite uniquement.


Merci davance


Ca serai trop cool de pouvoir activer la pluie juste quand on le souhaite.




Thank you!


My country is not included in the drop-down list on the site, 'Guyana'. Located in South America, however, we would be better off utilising US-East servers since we patch through the US and not South America.


Also, in relation to RaceU, will you be offering the opportunity to use the service for private servers as well? Like for instance, may I be able to run a league off of it utilising the rating systems etc?

Alex Zuotoski

Brilliant job, as usual. Just one thing: I tried many cars, with or withour data folder unpacked, Kunos and MOD, but none of them had the "use extended physics (experimental)" dialog box enabled. Do I have to manually download the CM version or do I have to active something else? Thank you and keep up this great work - I am amazed. PS.: This is my CM version: 0.8.2149.36611 (x86)


Yes you have to download cm again from the link in the post


I can't wait anymore !


tu peux ! soit en passant par cm soit avec l'app weatherfx ingame


You're insane mate. Definitely signed straight up to raceu. Hope it takes off!

RS Racer

thanks again and again! i have heavy flickering on the road at rain, when driving in 3rd person.


It does not let me select a country, none appears at the time of registration I use crhome thanks for your wonderful work


Great work, lots of cars work perfect. Havent tested them all yet but untill now physics are a great addition to have in CM. The cars are behaving just like they should in the rain.


Fantastic...checking this out.


I think it's not CSP related, but... I just performed a Steam file integrity check, and sounds don't work properly since I did it. When I race against AI, I can't hear other car's sounds UNLESS they have the same car as me. So it looks like AC only loads one car's sound... Any ideas? Thank you very much in advance. Sorry if too off-topic, but honestly don't know what to do anymore :(


If you had sound mods for Kunos cars installed, then a steam integrity check will reload the bank file, but will not delete the GUIDS.txt from the sfx folders which will result in the sound to be broken for that car. Original Kunos sfx folders contain .bank files ONLY. Mod sfx folders will need a bank file AND a GUIDS.txt. Either delete all kunos car folders and redo the integrity check, or get rid of the GUIDS.txt files yourself.


Hey Ilja, I was watching some NASCAR onboards and I came with the idea if you could make at least F6 cameras tremble due to the high speeds like happens here https://youtu.be/oy8FtLn58qw?t=4270 in this timestamped part of the video are many angles so you can get a clear visualization of it. I am not asking for a full system with it, as long as F6 cameras can do that I would be very happy!


I've got a couple questions, is there any way I can start a session without rain? And how can I remove the droplets from the windscreen when i turn off the rain via WeatherFX?


Just temporarily disable the RainFX extension in Content Manager.


i use sol 1.7 and last this patch not working always crash


Hi Ilja. Thanks for the latest update! Everything is working me in this version and I really like the spray behind vehicles. The only SMALL thing I have to mention is about small droplets someone mention above. Staying on the windshield is fine with me, a quick wipe with the wipers takes care of it, but when using photomode after pressing F5 they tend to cover the car. Only thing close I think to compare is bubbles with soda. Here is a screenshot with the left being those carbonated bubbles on the car and right taken without photomode(just F12 in Steam). For me the right looks more realistic the droplets streaking backwards. Just my 2 cents, Thanks for all the hard work into this unbelievable rain mode. It's like it's really raining in the game! (https://i.imgur.com/iPyRIeD.jpg)

Callum McGurk

Smoke/dust still appears as rain 'blur' rather than smoke, also getting the tail light glow on the track from some cars showing up as just a black rectangular texture behind the car.


Thanks Ilja for this amazing mod. One thing though with the rain. Do you have plans to make all the drops move above certain speed. I mean, when I'm going 100kph, some rain drops stay fixed in the windscreen. That kind of break realism to me. When I'm on the highway with my car, every drop is moving towards the edge of the windscreen because of the wind created by the moving vehicle. Can this be changed easily ?

Aintgot Nophd

I can't for the life of me get the wipers to work. Everything else works, the water on the windscreen even reacts to acceleration, but it doesn't react to the wipers for some reason. Update: I found out the wipers don't wipe water away on the ferrari 458 and only the driver's side wiper works on the ferrari 488.

Alex Zuotoski

Hi Ilja! I posted it on Github, but I'm gonna take my chances here, too: This is more a question than a suggestion: Is it possible to add the PPFilter name to the file name of the screenshot ? Thanks and I hope that I'm not being too silly. Link to the Github issue: https://github.com/ac-custom-shaders-patch/acc-extension-config/issues/49#issue-694282469


CSP 1.63 isnt coming up on the CSP screen after installing?


Is there capable in future we can see ext_config change in CM Showroom instead only in game?


Hey, that’s a great idea, I’ll try to add something


Hi, thank you so much! Yeah, I went for “frozen in air” look for them, possibly not very accurate too (I followed one of latest Sixty Symbols videos on rain drop shape, but I might have misunderstood it), I’ll definitely make it optional and disabled by default.


Oh, I didn’t think any rain drop would move at 100 km/h, I thought some of them would remain stuck, I’ll work on that, thanks!


It should work much better with the latest build, please give it a try :)


Unfortunately, I think it’s unlikely… Instead, I’m going to try and add showroom mode to AC itself. Otherwise it would require similar amount of time to recreate everything in CM


Oh yes, I have a couple of pretty big ideas for it :) I’d announce them a bit later though, first I want to make sure I’m able to do them


Thank you! Just disable RainFX module in CSP settings in CM


Thanks! Please try the latest build, I believe it should be much more stable with that


Thank you! I’ll pass the issue to the main developer

Alex Zuotoski

Hi! Thank, very much for the prompt replay and update. Well, I tried with the lastest CSP preview relaese, but it didn't translate the PPFilter tag to the filter's name. I've left you a reply on Github, too. Cheers.


my game doesn't have the use extended physics option how do i get this to come up?

G. Yam

Wow! just Wow Ilja! The only Problem i have is the VR Raindrops and Rainspray are different Colored Rain ( Waterclouds at Nights) or only one Eye seeable.

Constadinos Chatzis

I haven't seen this version of content manager. Thanks m8! You save me a lot of time each time i want to race with rain.