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UPD 1: Seems like there are a lot of bugs for some reason, very sorry about that, working on a fix right now.

UPD 2: New build is here (separate post because it was just too broken).

Very sorry for such a long delay, a lot has been done since. Now, visual part is pretty much finished, only thing that is left is to rework puddle generation (tracks need to have a parameter for how well water is draining, so racing tracks would have much fewer puddles).

Main changes:

  • Rain drops reworked once more, especially on cars. Now they react to car speed, especially important for open wheelers. Also, rain drops on wheels or animated doors behave as they should, following objects (for now, only supports doors if they’re named “DOOR_L” and “DOOR_R”, I’ll work on that more).
  • Puddles mapping changed a bit to get a more varied look;
  • Water splashes and… well, not sure what to call them, different kind of splashes obscuring cars in front of you, like some sort of water clouds. And more droplets in general, from wheel arches, from wheels of open wheelers and so on.
  • Improved rain occlusion for cars, with various bugfixes, smoother gradient and now taking driver into account as well, also, now heated areas get dryier for cars that are really heated up.
  • Reworked rain shading to speed things up a bit and improve general look (whole thing still looks a bit messy, but much cleaner than before);
  • Effects such as wet tyres, splashes and so on don’t require extended physics with that flag to work anymore, first step of getting rid of that whole patching thing completely;
  • A lot of other aspects, such as windscreen raindrows, were tweaked a bit here and there to improve general look and behaviour;
  • Lots of fixes of all sorts.

And a few unrelated to Rain FX changes coming with a public update soon:

  • Optional accumulation DOF, can be combined with regular post-processing DOF in certain proportion (I found this to give the better results);
  • New more accurate sky shader;
  • New shader for tyre marks (the ones set in groove.ini), with a bit of reflections and rare oil spills for badly damaged cars (definitely need to move it to a different place, but so far can’t think of a solution which wouldn’t damage the performance);
  • ASSAO by Intel as an alternative to HBAO+.

There are still a few things to fix here and there — for example, it seems like rain drops flying off front wheels get too much water on camera making open wheelers a bit too difficult to drive, I believe it shouldn’t happen, so I’ll rearrange a few things — but apart from that and puddle thing I mentioned at the start, now it’s time to move on and finally work on WeatherFX/Sol integration, proper audio support, physics and AI. 

(There is one other visual feature I would like to add, shown well here (that sort of uneven fog-like effect), but I’m not sure yet how it could be done more effectively. And, of course, a lot of added effects could use more work, but that can wait until after the release, as I’m not sure at the moment how to improve them effectively as well.)

Oh, and almost forgot, lower quality options for better performance! But that shouldn’t be a problem to add.

Please don’t look for rainbow for now, Weather FX script needs to set it. You can uncomment rainbow-related lines in “weather_application.lua” though, lines 120–122. But proper WeatherFX integration is coming soon now.

Thank you so much for your support! As always, sorry that it’s taking so long. But it’s almost there now.


Assetto Corsa - Rain preview

Visual part is almost ready for the release, now only a few other things are left, such as audio, integration with Weather FX and Sol and some physics and AI tweaks. Oh, and I need to rework puddle generation, racing tracks shouldn’t have so many puddles. That should help AI as well.



Wow dude, was just thinking about a new update, and few moments later I get the e-mail, amazing!


hey mate i get grafic errors with this build... like the track is green and in cockpit view i cant see anything because the windows are greyed out

Tyrone - Racetracks & Models

Fantastic stuff! Keep up the fantastic work :) The spray behind the cars is looking very good indeed.


Having black screen issue after loading in, if i change to the f5/f7 camera i can see but all the rain is blacked out and i cant see through the windshield. also getting a crash loading in to a few tracks.


Hi Guys. Great update what i see in your post. Does someone have the samme issue that the water is "black"? Seems like alpha isnt used for opacity. As allways. Wish you all the best Ilja :)


Only issue I see is that most of us are getting green tracks once we load in. Also, when I click on make the shot and it makes the rendering, it adds way too much rain drops on the car for some reason. I don't know about the water issue, haven't seen anything with water but otherwise looks great and keep up the great work !


some part of the track is green for me


very buggy :( , green road and wiper not wipe windshield


hi! awesome to see a new update out! i'm also having the green track problem. F2 and f3 (i think... the "cinematic" ones) camera works, but all the others just gives me black screen.

Kev Noize

Hey love your work so much. but im getting a lot of green in the gfx with this version.. thanks :)


Cool , but i have Black sreen :/ how to fix that ?


Also black screen. Try to reinstal, but stil the same black screen


Выглядит эффектно! У меня вот номера позеленели, ну и физика капель на стекле вызывает вопросы, хотя...


I get "assetto corsa is obsolete v1.16.3 is required" puddles and wetness is green, and drops are black


weather fx change to ilja controller instead of sol is doing it for me. no black .


I know that you'll get these bugs worked out, so I'm not even worried about that. What I am doing right now is trying to pick my jaw up off the floor after seeing such incredible progress. The very fact that you have created Tire spray, which is what you call it, in combination with all of these other effects is just massively overwhelming. I think that the tire spray was the only thing that was really missing from your previous iterations. Now, it looks so realistic. It's fantastic. I cannot thank you enough for your continued hard work on this. You're a one-man wrecking machine, Ilja


So if you set weather script to ilja his default implementation setting, in the weather fx > shader patch extension then its good to go


This did it for me aswell. Changing both Controller and Weather scripts to Default.


So if you set weather script to ilja his default implementation setting, in the weather fx > shader patch extension then its good to go


almost 1 month that I send you msg on Discord for a link I need but no answer :(


By the way, this patch works for me...not sure what's different...but it looks amazing!


i get instant error cant even start a race, does someone know whats wrong ?


Looks great, Ilja. Will there be an option to remove the wetness from the screen when doing screenshots? Also, I do notice that on exterior shots and while driving, the wipers don't work properly just yet. Not sure if I missed that but letting you know. https://imgur.com/a/536Ofa0


Please send me crash report from Documents\AC\logs, you can quickly upload it to ge.tt


Thank you! Sure, I’ll add that a bit later. If we can already rotate the whole sky around, why not. :D Not sure what’s going on with wipers, I only know that it’s something mad, can’t reproduce the issue here trying all sorts of combinations. But I’ll keep trying


Спасибо! Номера буду чинить, всё забываю проверить, что же там разъехалось. А про физику даже не знаю, вроде кому-то нравилось… А что за вопросы? Можно будет чуть попозже попробовать переделать, конечно)


I’m very sorry about that, having a hard time trying to keep track of everything now. I’ll get access to it tomorrow :(


Yeah, spray, I feel very silly for not thinking of that word myself :D Thank you, I’m so glad to hear you like it!


changing the original thing did the trick, question, how do i add puddles and the rest of effects to the rest of the tracks? i only get it on Nordscheilfe, Silverstone, Spa and Brands Hatch.... kunos tracks speaking of course


Thanks and to clarify, I just mean so that I can take a clean screenshot with all the rain and prettiness but with out the smudges on the "camera lens". Thanks, Ilja!


You'll have to create a config for each track. You can look at Brands Hatch and the other included tracks as an examples However, be aware, you'll need to know the material names for the track. And Ilja may be reworking the config to work differently in the future.


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