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Getting back to the whole rain thing, here is a new preview build. Here is a new build with Rain FX, now with brand new per-vertex rain occlusion baking during loading (for now without caching, and it might need more adjustments; also, it bakes models as they load, and driver models load first, so for now they don’t get occluded properly, will work on that).

Also, I reworked rain drops on car exterior again, now those streaming drops use a texture generated with a different approach, to keep things more tidy and stable. Might help a bit with performance too.
(And rain debug in WeatherFX Debug App is now enabled from the start, I hope it’s not that big of a problem. Otherwise, it seems to occasionally crash when the rain in turned on. I’ll fix it, of course, but right now I gotta run to catch a train and I might not be able to release another update for a day or two, sorry about that.)
Thank you so much for your support! Now next thing is to finally work on water splahes, and try and make those rain drops move differently for cars moving fast.





Can't wait to try it!


this is amazing


I had a blast with the previous Rain build + 1.6.2 SOL. Most immersive thing I have ever played so far. The game looks stunning. Now some people say I need to edit acd file of the car to be able to feel grip loss in physics, anyone knows what to do?


Thank you!


Tysm ♥️


Great work!!


Красота какая! Ляпота!! только FPS упало раза в два, но это мелочи))


KTM GT4 mod's windshield is broken with this update. Wipers work but rain doesn't get wiped off. A little heads up.


Ох, а это по сравнению со старым билдом с дождём или по сравнению с без дождя?


Also it has the old bug again where the grass base is dark green but the foliage is light green.


Something activated? No rain.


how do i turn this on? I look in the weatherdebug app and dont find a rain option ? please help me out here


Try this one, please: https://mega.nz/#!n9pXkIYa!fthkuvM546v0QSuHhxriWoxCjyKfqjPREHNarv2jfpU Copy dwrite.dll and extension folder to AC root folder replacing everything, it should work then


Try this one, please: https://mega.nz/#!n9pXkIYa!fthkuvM546v0QSuHhxriWoxCjyKfqjPREHNarv2jfpU Copy dwrite.dll and extension folder to AC root folder replacing everything, it should work then


I can get the rain to work now and it looks fantastic but I don't know how to disable the rain with this update, it's on all the time unless I revert to older version of csp.


There is no real point to do so, all that is different from the older version is rain support, but you can disable it either in rain_fx.ini or in weather FX debug app


it looks very good but I am wondering, how to turn wipers on without blm car app? I binded all necessary buttons to button box and when I press any of the mapped button wipers will do one or two cycles and then they will stop, any idea why?


With sol mod turned to rain and rain fx debug off, the track accumulates puddles but does not get 'wet'


just tried the new patch rain physics and it is awesome, puddles are braking the wheels, it feels very good, they just lack some proper sound effect :)


Ooh...it's like Christmas every time you release one of these. Thank you, will test it out.

Guershom Kitsa

I've updated both the previous rain build and this one but for some reason windscreen fx keeps on using older rain shaders instead of the new ones. Anyone know how to troubleshoot this?


edit. How do i add rain effects to other tracks other than kunos tracks?? i saw someone on oi wharf with full puddles and all but when i tried it just looked like water droplets on the ground. also i lovee that you enabled the rain for replays! cant wait for next update keep up the good work


Read the release notes for the July 13th release further down.


Is there a way we can change the default rain setting, I can't run an in game benchmark test with proper comparisons between this and previous editions as in the benchmark rain etc is enabled automatically.


Im sorry, but i can't use it. My rain are only from inside of the car to see. And optical far away. I think i forgot one or more elementary things.


Wipers dont see to work, how do i turn them on ? (in any car that is even kunos cars). Do i need to do something in CM? or is there an app in game to switch on?


does rainFX affect the grip coefficient or do we have to tweak that manually? loving the mod so far... 100% eye candy!


I'm afraid i ran into another issue. After choosing any rainy weather and doing a session, if i choose any other sol weather, it's still raining and it doesn't go away via weatherfx tinkering. I can only make it go away via rain_fx.ini

Jesse Graffam

i put the original rainfx TEST examples up here, with a few notes. https://pastebin.com/dvssY0Vc

Jesse Graffam

"There is no real point to do so, all that is different from the older version is rain support, but you can disable it either in rain_fx.ini or in weather FX debug app" - Ilja

Jesse Graffam

It does a lot more than that. The existing wet weathers in vanilla AC already altered track grip, grip transfer, etc, on a whole track level. RainFX is much deeper integration, so you'll feel the puddles, you'll feel the difference in wetness, you'll feel your tires & car getting wetter, etc...


The rain and wet road is beautiful but now, no matter what weather i pick, It raining...I picked broken clouds, the clouds are broken but its till raining and wet roads


Love it! New patreon supporter here. Two questions: 1 - I had an issue at first with using the Red Bull X2010 mod in the wet, not able to go into roof/t-cam without crashing the game, whereas other cars are fine. Anyone able to help? And 2 - this is a stupid question, but is there some way of getting a list of which tracks, Kunos or otherwise, have rain configs rn?


...because Rain Debug is enabled as default. Turn off rain in Rain Debug to stop it.

Emiliano Sucarrat

Hi there!! From Argentina, new patreon supporter here aswell!!! I have an issue. I ´m on triple screens, and wipers are not drawn in 2 of the 3 screens. If I run the game in single screen I see wipers perfectly, but when set to triples, I see the water, and drops moving but the whiper is no drawn in middle and left screen.

Grace Dylan

this is so damn good. Even the vast majority of mods out there with crappy windscreens and no wipers, extra lights etc, I just adjust the rain in debug to something that can be coped with and still love it! With a modified Immersive+Reshade+RXGi set up with the reshade blur *chefs kiss* excuse me, I'm going to spend a little time on the Shuto and it looks like this Tokyo has nothing but rain forecast!


@Iljia is there a way to make rain debug in WeatherFX Debug App to be disabled from the start ? so as not to change rainfx.ini

Callum McGurk

Yeah we need to have rain debug disabled from the start. Unfortunately it seems to be broken on my car (Volvo C30) as it rains on all the interior/dash, lol. Doesn't pick up the windscreen at all, so no wipers or raindrops, but windscreenfx used to. Otherwise, though, it works fantastically.


Hello guys! Do you know if there is any server with this new rain? I'd love to see if my computer can handle it. BTW great job, I am very impressed with how beautiful it all looks!

Morten Eriksen

Is there a guide on how to add rain to other tracks?


On triple screen setup wipers are visible only on the first left screen. On central and right screens are working correctly (drops are correctly washed out), but wipers are like "phantoms", totally transaparent....

Miguel Angelo

Triple screen problem with wippers still happens :( not fixed yet. allready sent help in the pass. We have to wait :(


Yes found your post after posting mine, I joined Ilja Patreon just today. Is there some place where I can find config for more wet track. I have more or less understood how to do, quite easy, but time consuming so I really would like to download if there are some already done.


With this build we saw these points in testing today: - Kunos Porsche 911 RSR 3.0 - Single player mode: triple screen user - transparent wipers in cockpit view (wipers were good from outside views (something to do with the texture or shader settings used on the windscreen rain textures ?) - sound is audible - online mode (set up a dedicated server for testing with 2 users: - with triple screen mode I did not see ANY rain online (offline perfectly working) - other user on single screen had rain working normal online - no water spray (yet) I suppose - track surface did not look any different then in dry weathers (mod track - I suppose track needs to be setup for this) - issues in replay (single player): - textures go all crazy with bubbly artifacted surfaces (all car and driver model surfaces) - taking screen shots with photos app rain drops behave unexpectedly (always frozen motionless even with long shutter times) - water drops on car morph strangely when taking screenshots with photos app - some car surfaces do also receive water but they shouldn't (Kunos RSR 3.0 for example has a strip of body work in teh cockpit between dashboard padding and windscreen which becomes "wet" a well) So far I am absolutely impressed how far this has come already and in ideal conditions when the patch works driving in he rain is really fantastic!


Love it so far, is there a way of setting the rain to off as default on certain weather modes? Also basically every weather mode seems to default to 50 rain, 100 wetness, 50 water, with no variation? Not even between light and heavy rain? Any help?

Grace Dylan

Has anybody else found that rhd Kunos cars like the rx7: the wipers clear the screen on the passenger side(LH) but not drivers side(RH)?


New here, just trying to get a handle and sort of catch up. Being new-ish to AC, this is still a lot to try. Love the rain effect though. I noticed it works well on Brands Hatch; you can adjust the wetness of the track, the window streaks, etc. But then I went to Laguna Seca - the Kunos version. The rain still came down, I could adjust the flow and wetness, but not the track surface, and the wipers didn't do anything to the rain. So, is there a list of what tracks this does work on, or is it just trial and error by the user? Thanks for the hard work, this looks super promising!


Read through the previous release notes for rain builds (July 16 and 13) and you'll find all you need to know there.

Morten Eriksen

With this build have have an issue where the tires is not "attached" to the rim, see image: https://ibb.co/FKb6W1d Anybody else have issue? I did not have it in previous builds.


Hello wiper effect not work porsche pack cars


Anyone having issues with it constantly raining despite setting to a different weather? Like I can set it to "Sol - Clear" and it's a bright sunny day but it's still raining. Tried different weather settings, cars, tracks, and now I just get gorgeous rain all the time and I can't turn it off (other than downgrading to a 1.62 CSP). Any recommendations?


WeatherFX rain debug is turned on by default everytime you start the game, turn it off and you'll have the weather you actually selected. Bear in mind you have to do this everytime you start the game. A little annoying, but he has mentioned it in the preview notes, and has assured a fix will come. (WeatherFX debug is an app btw)


Don't have any rain sounds? Any ideas?


I had the same problem on initially installing the preview. I completely uninstalled the CSP and reinstalled the CSP preview fresh -> I had rain sounds ;-)


I´m being a patriot since today. On the most cars the rain works fine. Thank you very much for this awesome work. But, on the Mercedes 190 EVO II (Kunos) the Raindrops on the windscreen works fine, the wipers work, but the wipers can´t wipe the Raindrops away.


Is there a way to make the sessions just start dry instead of having rain at the start?


Out side rain drops, road, car body exterior works fine. but from interior view I only get old windscreen animation. What had I done wrong? I did almost every thing like wscreenfx, app key activation, sol reinstall, kunos car, resart cm, reboot, etc. Should I need to upgrade RAM from 8G to 16 GB?


hi, all very nice, unfortunately I'm not seeing any of this, I downloaded csp 1.6.3. I dragged it on cont manager but it doesn't appear on the csp catalog, where am i wrong?


Hi -Great work thank you - When using 1.63p3 with F1 cars the rear splash off is brown - I have turned off Particles FX > New Smoke and dust but it still remains brownish- Any ideas? Thanks


Man...I feel like a crack addict. I keep coming back to see if anything new has been released. *scratches self*


"Try this one, please: https://mega.nz/#!n9pXkIYa!fthkuvM546v0QSuHhxriWoxCjyKfqjPREHNarv2jfpU Copy dwrite.dll and extension folder to AC root folder replacing everything, it should work then"


Richard, he explained that it's set to on currently...until the next preview patch, that's just the way it is. It's always the same defaults every time you start it. Just gotta wait till the next patch. This is just for testing to make it easier to test without having to turn it on every time.


Reverb inside tunnels increases the rain sound its there a way to make the rain stop while going into a tunnel? And is there a way to setup a server with rain? Thx in advance.

Zip Zap

Rain can be seen through objects in internal camera views


Dude, this is amazing... really you completely changed the game, its the first time i support someone on patreon, and honestly i'm glad i did


Really impressive, but works only with a few cars, most of them have only the right side wiper that cleans the windscreen. Is there a way to get it working properly on all the cars with wipers as the previous rain app ?


This build is fantastic! So far, the only real bug I've encountered is that the wipers no longer wipe the rain of the windscreen. The wipers worked earlier, but now they don't for some reason. Perhaps it's something I did. Edit: I reinstalled SOL and the wipers worked again for around 2 races, then I ran into the same issue. Oddly enough, when the wipers don't work, that's when water spray from the tires works. When the wipers work, water spray doesn't.


Hi Ilja, on triple screen setups the windscreen wiper is now only visible on one of the three screens. I cannot post image here but essentially all i see on the other two screens is the shadow of the wiper, on the far left screen, when the wiper enters it, i see the actual wiper again.


here is a clip as I cannot attach images https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M5fP1CRp9NA


Hello everyone, because with mod rain, the wiper does not clean the glass. It only happens in Vr mode. In single monitor everything works perfectly.

Lester Olivera

quick question, after going back and forth between versions i am now getting asseto corsa is obsolete, version 1.16.3 is required. how do i go about fixing that


its because AC updated in steam to 1.16.4, happened yesterday. ignore it, or it if pains your eyes, go to root folder, edit changelog.txt and renumber the 1.16.4 into 1.16.3

Lester Olivera

thanks i thought i had messed something up. went back to 1.61 to be able to go into the server since it dosent work with 1.62 and then my fps took a dump all of the sudden.


Not sure if issue is confined to me but in VR with what seems almost all cars (both Kunos and mod) the wipers do not clean or wipe the rain away. Other than that it is just absolutely amazing with tweaks obviously still to be made. Bravo


Im having a blast with the lastest previews. What i wanted to know, maybe Ilja himself could explain better, is how to make that water comming down the grand stand on Spa-Francorchamps. I´m doing configs for some other track, including mods, and its an amazing feature! Can anyone help me out with this?


Lija is not explaining it better because it is not intended to be the method/format going forward. The few tracks with RainFX enabled are just for testing. User created configs are for personal use. Review earlier preview notes and comments.


If you want to try yourself and for private use it's just a matter of adding some line in the track .ini file inside ...\assettocorsa\extension\config\tracks\loaded folder Stream along a line from point1 to point2 : STREAM_EDGE_... = x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2 From a point: STREAM_POINT_... = x, y , z Take a look to the spa.ini file as example.


Thank you for your great work IIja! I've installed the preview, it's amazing. I wanted to ask how can I stop the rain. It seems it's always open even if I change conditions in sol.


If you wanna manage rainfx as other csp extensions, add this to your rain_fx.ini in extensio/config folder : [ℹ] FULLNAME=Rain Fx DESCRIPTION=rain SHORT_DESCRIPTION=rain


are there people who encounter crashes with a full grid of cars?


Depends, are you using a mod track or cars? The only thing that has ever crashed my AC is URD Venom (car), otherwise, don't recall the issue with RainFX Preview.


@acaddict, added that, see no difference, what am I meant to be seeing?


Yes, almost all the time - no matter if I pick mods or Kunos cars. Sometimes it works though - a bit strange indeed.


Hi Ilja! Thank you so much for your work. I just love the last rain preview but you've really pushing AC forward for a long time, so thank you very much :) I have just a small issue with the new Rain FX... I don't see my car reflected on the puddles, and I see pictures of some people who can see it... Is it related to some CSP options? Thank you again :)


Amazing work, loving peoples YouTube clips. However, its not working for me. CM has been fed the code emailed. I have CSP 0.1.63 preview3 installed. Sol 1.6.2 dragged into the AC folders. I still see the old style rain!!! Any ideas? Is there a guide to follow? I also have a delay for the wipers, rain and wipers not in time with each other


Try the original Kunos Toyota GT86 on one of this tracks; Brands Hatch, Nordschleife and Spa. CSP 0.1.63 preview3 has the new rain_fx enabled per default, so it should work.


Sounds like user error. What order did you install them in?

Callum McGurk

You may have to add it as a mod, and also unlock the version in the update screen. Check to see if it says 1.6.2 or 1.6.3preview3 in the update menu.


Solid, this could be the reason. I added the the code emailled, installed 0.6.3 per3 the installed Sol 1.6.2


Callum, how do i add as a MOD. The mods page in CM is unpopulated? its 1.6.3 pre 3 installed and Sol 1.6.2


I've done a quick vid to show that the rain FX is on the car but the wipers remain as the old FX. https://youtu.be/qd2XwMUuf88


@acaddict @chris botha yeah no difference for me either


Simon it says Video not available. Can you confirm that in the update page you see 0.1.63preview3 installed? How did you installed 0.1.63preview3? The only difference with me is that I was already on 0.1.62 and SOL 1.6.2 installed, then installed manually 0.1.63preview3 dragging on CM


Hi Marco, vid didn't allow comments so I've uploaded again. https://youtu.be/qd2XwMUuf88. 1.6.3 peview3 is installed and was done by drap and drop into CM.


Try to disable Windscreen FX in CM Patch Shader settings


I really appreciate your help. Tried that and nothing changed. Really frustrating


How do you change the physics of the track? It rains but does it drive like dry?


From Ilja post 12 July: To test rain physics, you need a car with extended physics and rain preview physics enabled. Just unpack car’s data.acd, move it aside (so AC would use data folder), open “data/car.ini”, change HEADER/VERSION to “extended-1” (or “extended-2” if original was 2) and add below: [_EXTENSION] RAIN_DEV=1


Unfortunately I can't reproduce. It's really strange, you have the correct rain outside, but the old on the windscreen (and by the way not working correctly): You have also the rain and wipers sounds, that should be not the case unless you manually copy the soundbank... The only thing to try that come to my mind is: - from CM install a previous versin of CSP (one of the listed) - uninstall SOL (with the .bat provided) - reinstall SOL manually as described in the manual - start the game to see everything is working with the old rain - install 0.1.63preview3 draggin & dropping on CM


sorry about that, I’ll work on adding a lot of quality/performance options for RainFX


Could you please send me crash_report… from Documents\AC\logs after such crash? You can use ge.tt to transfer the file easily


Hi, and thank you! As other people said, right now it uses SSLR for reflections. I’m planning in the future to try and add alternative system (most likely, some good old flat mirror reflections) for people without Extra FX, it would still be expensive, but I believe less so


Very sorry for the delay, I prepare the docs for it soon. I don’t think it’ll change a lot, that current syntax seems to work all right


That’s because of recent AC’s update, please ignore that message. Upcoming CM update (already in the untested branch) will fix that


How do I know which cars have extended physics? and do I have to modify it in each case?


Tried this, same result. I have even used the pre 15. Turning windscreen FX off results in no rain on the windscreen.


You have to modify that lines. - Unpack data.acd and rename it or car will not use the files in data folder - modify car.ini file as explained above You'll be no more able to join online servers with that modifications.


I'm sorry, but at the moment I have no other ideas. Too much variables. Did you make a Steam integrity check? Which OS are you using?... sorry, no clue...


Latest patch has made it work for me. Thanks for the help, it’s appreciated