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Sup bruhs,

I was kinda dreading having to do a full on Illidan monologue.  But, in a book called Illidan, it was inevitably going to happen eventually, I guess.

Bloody full of exposition though, ain't he?  Weird to wait til near the end of the book to say all that.  I mean... I assume most people already know that stuff about the demons but for anyone watching this series that didn't know... it's a bit late.  lol.  

Reminds me of that Suicide Squad movie.  I remember watching it and there's a bit where Rick Flag and Enchantress are in a subway tunnel.  And the scene doesn't make any sense.  And they don't bother explaining that scene until near the end of the movie... by which point I'd forgotten about it and didn't really need the explanation anymore.  Because I'd figured out by that point that the movie was shit.

Hopefully the new one that James Gunn is making will be good though.  

Wait... how did I go from talking about Illidan's monologue to Suicide Squad?  I've got grasshopper brain.  

Anywho - Enjoy the rest of your weekends, peeps.  Thank you, as always, for your support.  There's been a couple of folks who've had to leave us due to financial changes / covid stuff which is totally understandable so I just wanna reiterate... 

World's pretty messed up at the moment.  There's a lot of uncertainty and things to be anxious about.  I appreciate the support from you all but there will be zero hard feelings if you decide to end your pledge.  I'm not a narcissist.  I don't expect people to be patrons forever.  

But anyway... Thanks very much.  

See ya!


Warcraft [Illidan] - Chapter Twenty Five.mp4


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