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Charlie was the prettiest girl in school—tall, blue eyes and legs that every girl envied. Every girl wanted to be her friend. Every boy wanted to be her boyfriend. 

But Charlie had a problem: She never really wanted that life. All she wanted was to be her mom's baby. But that would end when she had to move out for college. Eventually, she came up with a plan. A plan that would give her back her baby. And it all began with a simple potty accident. One she had planned for a while. 

So, one night, she decided to wet the bed. 

Her mom was concerned but did nothing. She thought stress was the reason it happened. And so Charlie did it again. And then again, and then again. Until her mother couldn't really ignore it. 

It was the thing Charlie had been looking forward to: Diapers at night. 

She loved it. Every second of it. She loved the smell of baby powder combined with her own urine. And she loved the feeling of the thick padding against her skin. And she loved the fact her mom would help her every night, treating her like the baby she knew she was. 

And so she pushed things even further by having accidents during the day and at school. She didn't care about her popularity. She truly just wanted to be a baby. So when people began talking about her accidents, she would blush, knowing her plan was working. No one would ever see her as an adult again. 

Diapers became her underwear. 

But then something happened she wasn't expecting. Her mother accepted Charlie wasn't ready for college. But when school was over, she didn't let her stay at home all day as she had planned. No. Charlie was sent back to middle school.

"But I can't go back to middle school!"

"Yes, you can and you will," said her mother, "And if you fail to be potty trained, I swear I'll send you to kindergarten. And if that's not enough, I'll put you in a daycare. I have to work, and I can't stay home taking care of my big, dumb baby."

Charlie blushed. Maybe she would have to push things even further. Maybe in daycare, she would get what she wanted. Perhaps a messy accident on her first day of school would convince her mother. 



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