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Hi guys!

Here's a commissioned story with a lot of cuckolding, humiliation, forced bi, diapers, and more. I know it's not everyone's cup of tea, but for those who enjoy diapered sissy content, here's to you! 

Remember, members of the Premium Baby and Supporting Baby tiers get new chapters and stories more often. Hope everyone has an excellent start to the weekend. 

PS: Remember to claim your benefits for the month.


Kate stepped into her childhood home, looking around with a mixture of nostalgia and confusion. Her parents had been vague about their lives lately. They would rarely be in the same room whenever she called. So, as she had some vacation time, she decided to pay them a visit. She had a key, so she didn't need anyone to open the door for her.

Feeling oddly drawn to her old room, Kate slowly opened the door. The sight that greeted her stunned her.

Her once spacious room had been transformed into a nursery, complete with a mobile hanging above the crib, a rocking chair, and a bookshelf filled with picture books. Even the walls were painted in pastel colors, giving the room a sense of innocence and playfulness.


In the middle of the room, playing with dolls and wearing a ridiculous pink baby dress, was her father. John, now Joan, recognized his daughter. As soon as she walked in, he rushed to hide behind a giant teddy bear. When he did, Kate saw in full display the thick diaper he was wearing underneath his dress.

Chapter One

The day started innocently enough. It was another picture-perfect summer afternoon in their quaint suburban neighborhood. The lush green lawns stretched endlessly under a cloudless azure sky, punctuated only by the occasional tree. Neighbors milled about in pairs or small groups engaged in amiable conversations as the mellifluous scents of grilled food permeated the air. John Thompson found himself hosting one such gathering in his backyard.

With an uncontrollable mixture of pride and anxiety, he had spent days meticulously preparing for the occasion. Friends and neighbors were all present, enjoying the warmth of sunshine and the fellowship of good company. Yet, amidst the festive atmosphere, John couldn't help but notice the attention his guests seemed to pay to his neighbor's young adult son, Tim Anderson.

Tim stood out among the crowd; his rugged athleticism was accompanied by an air of confidence, his gaze piercing yet magnetic.

This was especially evident when he locked eyes with John's wife, Sarah. Their glances exchanged sparks, igniting a fire in John's heart. Feeling jealous, John did everything he could to keep Tim and Sarah apart. But it was to no avail. Whenever they were close, they would start chatting as if John wasn't even there. And no one seemed to care except John himself.

Maybe Tim wasn't flirting. Maybe he was just being nice to a more mature lady. John needed to know, so he rushed to meet the young, handsome man.

"Hi, I'm John," he said, extending his hand, "What were you talking about with my wife?"

Tim shook his hand with a firm grip. So firm it almost made John cry in pain. "Nice to meet you, Mr. Thompson," he replied. "I was just admiring your wife's beauty. You are a very lucky man, aren't you."

A wave of envy washed over John, but he didn't let it show. Instead, he asked, "Indeed I am. Aren't you a bit young to be saying things like that?"

Tim smiled devilishly, "I believe, Mr. Thompson, you and I will become good friends just like you're good friends with my father. Now, if you excuse me. I was having a pleasant chat with your wife, and I'd rather continue that than be here with you."

And Tim left, leaving John confused and angry.

The rest of the evening passed by without major incidents. John drank, and so did his wife, Tim, and everyone else. Until it was time for everyone to leave, and everyone did, everyone except for Tim.

"Why are you still here?" asked John.

"John! Don't be rude," said Sarah, a little bit tipsy, "Tim wants to help with the trash. Mark wasn't feeling well, so he asked Tim to help us."

"That's right. My father didn't want to leave you alone with the cleaning," said Tim, smiling charmingly.

"Oh," said John, "I guess that's okay."

Thirty minutes later, John noticed Tim wasn't cleaning around much. Neither was his wife, for that matter. They were sitting inside, chuckling together as Tim shared his last football victory. John wouldn't have said anything, but when Tim placed his hand on Sarah's leg, he knew he had to act.

He couldn't let this happen, not in front of him. "Hey, Tim," he called out, sounding more confident than he felt. "Can you give me a hand with something? There's a tool shed in the backyard. I need to find a pair of garden shears."

Tim raised an eyebrow. "Sure thing, John. Lead the way."

As they walked towards the shed, John couldn't help but feel that Tim's demeanor had changed. He seemed angry. And his anger felt like a monster compared to John's petty jealousy.

"Tim," said John, doing his best to sound intimidating, "Are you trying to flirt with my wife?"


John didn't expect such an answer. He expected Tim to apologize and blame the alcohol or something. So he didn't know how to answer. But his anger turned into rage, and without any control over his body, he tried to punch Tim in the face.

But the young boy blocked it easily. John, on the other hand, didn't block Tim's punch. It hit him right in the face and made everything around John blurry.

"Don't stand up again until I tell you so, or you'll be sorry," said Tim.

But John didn't listen.

His rage was enough to get him back on his feet.

"I tried to warn you."

Tim punched John right in the stomach, so close to his bladder, that the impact broke open his damp. Massive amounts of urine fled John's penis, landing into his underwear and soaking his entire pants, creating a puddle of his own pee right where he stood.

John didn't notice it at first. He was in too much pain, but the warm feeling around his legs and crotch couldn't go unnoticed for too long. And if that wasn't enough, Tim's laugh brought him back to reality.

"You fucking loser, you peed yourself."

Tim laughed, reveling in John's humiliation. John's face reddened, his cheeks burning with shame. His heart raced, and his breath came in quick, shallow gasps. Tears welled in his eyes, but he refused to cry. He would not allow himself to break down before this punk kid.

"Enough!" he snapped, attempting to regain some semblance of dignity. "Just finish cleaning up and then get out of here."

"Do you think you're in any position to demand anything from me?"

John was now sobbing, "Get out of my house!"

"You look like a little kid throwing a tantrum."

"Get out! Get out! Get out!"

Tim stood right in front of John, towering over him, "Make me."

John didn't know what to do.

"I thought so. Now, let's go. Sarah needs to see this."

John froze right there. He couldn't let his wife see him like that. It was bad enough she had been flirting with Tim all day, but this humiliation. He just couldn't.

"Please, no," he said, now crying in desperation.

But Tim didn't care. He grabbed John and, to his surprise, carried him like a father would carry a child. As if John was weightless. Not caring about John's soaked pants.

"Your life's about to change, loser."


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