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For the rest of the working week, Lily stayed true to her word by not revealing Mrs. Johnson's secret. She would also change her boss' diaper three times a day in her private office. With each change, Lily's need to push things further grew, as did her arousal whenever she had the opportunity to remind her boss who was really in charge.

It was time to take things to the next level.

"Tonight, after work," said Lily while changing her boss' full diaper, "You and me are going to your home?"

"Why?" asked Mrs. Johnson, blushing as Lily touched the edge of her anus with such care that it made the older woman shiver. But Mrs. Johnson said nothing. She laid there, allowing her assistant to take control. For a second, she wondered what would happen if anyone found out? Would they treat her differently? Would they accept her? And if they didn't, what would she do?

"Because I say so," said Lily, "Understood?"

Mrs. Johnson nodded, wishing for more of that sweet touch, but Lily was a teaser. She would not go further, and Mrs. Johnson wouldn't ask for it. Not without giving up whatever was left of her dignity. So she stayed lying there, catching her breath.

"Go back to work," said Lily, leaving the office.

The rest of the day went by as usual. Mrs. Johnson wet herself a couple more times. However, Lily changed her just once more that day.

"You're not gonna change me?" asked the boss as the working day came to a close.

"I think your diaper can hold until we are in your home."

"But," said Mrs. Johnson, "What if I leak in the office?"

"You better not, 'cause every one is doing extra hours tonight. They might see it," said Lily excitedly as she left her boss' office.

By the time the day was over, Mrs. Johnson was unsure whether her diaper had held on or not. She had tried her best to control herself, but at her age, it was almost an uphill battle. She waited for Lily to come to get her, and when her assistant did, she found out she had indeed leaked, as an unmistakable wet patch could be seen in her pants.

"What are you waiting for?"

"I know, and you won't get a change until we reach your place. Let's get going."

"But they will see me," said Mrs. Johnson, pleading and fighting back tears of humiliation, "Please."

Lily smiled, holding her boss' hand and pulling her closer. They were close enough to feel each other's breathing, and Lilly went even closer until their lips were almost touching, "I won't let anyone make fun of you. Do you trust me?"

Mrs. Johnson nodded.

"Good. Let's go."

Mrs. Johnson's tone was uncertain, but she allowed Lily to lead her through the corridors of the office building. The silence was palpable as both women walked together, each lost in their own thoughts. Mrs. Johnson's pace was uncertain. Her full and leaky diaper forced her legs apart, so she had to grab Lilly's hand tight to not fall. It was a nightmare for her. But the young assistant was enjoying every second of the moment. Lily was consumed by the sense of power she held over her superior, which aroused her in ways she had never experienced before.

"Just act natural," whispered Lily in her boss' ear.

Mrs. Johnson, determined and fearful, did as told. People in the office were too afraid of her; they wouldn't make eye contact. They would not dare to look in her direction. If only they knew that the cold-heart bitch was actually a pathetic little baby that blushed with the humiliation of knowing she had flooded her diaper to the point it had leaked. Every step just further cemented her situation, and every step sent waves of pleasure around her body as the soaked diaper rubbed against her crotch.

She felt vulnerable, exposed, and all at once ashamed of the fact that her most closely guarded secret was now revealed.

"Remember, just play along," Lily hissed into her ear. "If anyone asks about why you're acting so strangely, just tell them you're tired. No one will suspect anything."

"I'll try," Mrs. Johnson muttered. Every step seemed like an eternity, her feet moving sluggishly, dragging her forward with every step.

The walk to her car seemed longer than ever. But she couldn't show any weakness, not now. Everyone believed her to be the strong, domineering leader she projected. Yet, deep down, she was a frail child begging for someone to take care of her. As she reached her car, she glanced over her shoulder, making sure no one was watching. She unlocked her car door and buckled herself in. It was then that she realized how much of her life she had been denying her true self.

Lily took the driver's seat, and Mrs. Johnson herself was sent to the back of the car. As they drove away from the office, Mrs. Johnson's heart raced. In the car's back seat, she clenched her fists, trying to calm herself. The air inside the vehicle became heavy with the weight of their silent agreement. Neither of them spoke during the ride, their silence amplifying the tension surrounding them.

Maybe this was right, thought Mrs. Johnson for a second. Why shouldn't she enjoy it? It had been something she had craved for a while. Her mind drifted into a possibility. A hope. She was in her nursery, sucking a pacifier, her diaper was full with her own mess, but she didn't care. She was a baby now. And then the car stopped, and she came back to reality.

Lily had pulled up outside her house, parked the car, and turned off the engine. For a few moments, neither of them moved. Mrs. Johnson took a deep breath, attempting to regain some semblance of composure.

This was it – the moment she had dreaded and yet wished for for years. Lily unbuckled her seatbelt and stepped out of the car. Mrs. Johnson didn't move right away. Her diaper had become heavy and cold, and her legs were so far apart she couldn't really move for fear the diaper would just fall to the ground.

"You have a nice house," said Lily, opening the back door of the car.

"Thanks," said Mrs. Johnson, avoiding eye contact.

Mrs. Johnson hesitated, staring at the closed garage door before finally stepping out of the car. Her feet felt heavier than ever as if gravity itself was pulling her back. Her heartbeat quickened, and her pulse pounded in her ears. She was about to let this younger woman, her assistant for fucks sake, inside her home.

She breathed deeply and led the way.

Mrs. Johnson's house was as perfect as she wanted everyone to believe. The rooms were immaculate, the furniture carefully placed, and everything in its place. It wasn't just about appearances, though. Her home represented her personality: cold, distant, and in complete control. Or so she thought.

As Lily followed Mrs. Johnson through the entrance hallway, she couldn't help but notice the smell of urine coming right from her boss' rear, where the diaper was now too visible to ignore. It was like watching a giant toddler waddle around with unsteady steps. It aroused her to her core, filling her with an instinct she didn't even know she had. A part of her wanted to nurture and protect her boss as if she was her own.

"You live here alone?" Asked Lily, trying to make conversation.

Mrs. Johnson nodded, "My husband passed away, and my daughter is living abroad."

"It must be lonely."

It was, but she had a way to deal with it. A way to cope with life on her own, her diapers. They made her feel protected even if she was alone. She had not slept in her king-size bed since her husband died. Ever since that day, she had been sleeping in a crib she built herself. And every night since she had worn diapers to bed.

"It's okay," said Mrs. Johnson, slightly ashamed to ask the next question, "Can I get change now?"

Lily shook her head, "First, I wanna know where it is."

"Where's what?"

"You're gonna tell me you don't have a nursery for your baby tendencies?"

Mrs. Johnson blushed.

"I knew it."

"I-I mean, I do," she gulped, "It's downstairs. In the basement."

With shaking hands, Mrs. Johnson led Lily down the stairs to the basement. As they descended, she could feel the familiar humidity of the air that surrounded her baby room. The faint scent of warm milk and fresh diapers greeted her nostrils, and she knew Lily was about to see her safe place. The place she had built to feel protected and happy.

"So, where's this nursery?" asked Lily, intrigued by the strange smells.

Mrs. Johnson paused for a moment, gathering her courage. She knew exactly where the nursery was, but she still felt uneasy about showing Lily this part of her life. Taking a deep breath, she led Lily down the darkened basement corridor. As they got closer, Mrs. Johnson could hear the soft humming of a fan and the faint sound of whimpering coming from somewhere ahead.

Finally, they arrived at the entrance of the nursery. Mrs. Johnson's hands trembling with anticipation.

She opened the door slowly, hesitating for a moment before fully stepping into the dimly lit room. The scent of powder and diapers filled the air, causing her heart to race faster. She felt like a child again, entering her own secret world.

Lily's jaw dropped.

She had been expecting something cute and small. Never in her wildest dreams could she have imagined something like this.

Inside the nursery, the walls were painted in pastel colors, creating a calming and comforting atmosphere. There were numerous toys scattered across the floor, giving off a playful ambiance. A large wooden crib stood proudly in the center of the room, adorned with soft pillows and blankets.

On one side of the room was a changing table stocked with baby wipes, creams, and disposable diapers. An electric swing hung from the ceiling, softly rocking back and forth, while a mobile of teddy bears spun above it.

"You really do like this stuff. Don't you?"

Mrs. Johnson blushed but nodded.

"Why did you take those pictures? Have you shown this side of yourself to anyone else?" asked Lily.

Her boss shook her head, "I just thought I looked cute."

"You did."

This time, both women blushed.

"Is this too much?" asked Mrs. Johnson, hesitant and ashamed.

There was a moment of silence, and Mrs. Johnson's heart began pounding so fast she thought her assistant would be able to hear it echoing in the nursery walls.

"I love it," said Lily.

Mrs. Johnson's heart calmed down as Lily smiled at her with gentleness and love in her eyes.

"I-I think, I need," Mrs. Johnson tried to explain she needed to be changed, but before she could finish talking, her young assistant had pulled her close, kissing her so passionately the older woman couldn't help but release more urine into her already soaked diapers.

Their lips separated, leaving Mrs. Johnson breathless and wanting more. Lily took her hand and led her to the changing table. With tender fingers, she undid the snaps on her diaper, exposing her wet crotch.

"I'm sorry," Mrs. Johnson murmured, feeling shame and embarrassment.

"Don't worry," Lily replied reassuringly. "That's what babies do. They use their diapers."

As Lily lifted Mrs. Johnson onto the changing table, she helped her lie down, positioning her bottom in the middle of the pad. Carefully, she began wiping her boss' crotch with baby wipes. Both of their hearts pounded fast and hard, like drums. This time, however, Lily didn't tape a fresh diaper on her boss right away. No. With a gentle touch, she caressed the older woman's naked crotch, feeling her hairless vulva as she did.

"Relax," Lily whispered softly. "We don't have to rush."

Mrs. Johnson nodded, closing her eyes, enjoying the sensation of being taken care of despite her initial embarrassment. She remembered the first time she wore a diaper. How she felt like a helpless infant, unable to communicate her needs, only to find solace in the soft, confining embrace of the diaper. She had had to stop once she married. She had had to hide her true self for so long. But now she didn't need to. Now, she could allow herself to surrender. She could let go of her adulthood. And as Lily kept caressing her, Mrs. Johnson's thumb found its way into her mouth.

As Lily finished taping the diaper onto Mrs. Johnson, she took her hand and led her back to the crib. She placed her carefully there—a woman, twice her age, wearing nothing but a diaper and sucking on her thumb. The sight of it should've made her feel disgusted. She should've laughed, at least. But she didn't. She found it cute, and it aroused her.

For Mrs. Johnson, gone were the memories of being alone, the pain of losing her husband, and the loneliness of life without her daughter nearby. Instead, she focused on the present moment, sucking her thumb and enjoying the touch of her padding against her crotch.

"You had a long day," said Lily, "It's time to sleep."

Without waiting for a response, she carefully picked up Mrs. Johnson, lifting her gently into the crib. The older woman sighed contentedly, allowing herself to sink into the softness of the mattress. For the first time in years, she felt truly relaxed. She allowed herself to give in to her desires, letting them flow naturally.

After all, why resist when it felt so good? Surrendering to her true nature, Mrs. Johnson drifted off into a peaceful slumber. As she lay in her crib, dreaming of the wonderful care provided by Lily, she could almost forget that she was an adult who held a high position at work. But then, she remembered. The memory of her professional life flooded her thoughts, and she struggled to reconcile her two selves. The businesswoman and the baby. Could she maintain such an imbalance indefinitely?


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