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Hi guys! 

Here's the second chapter of Lily Becomes Her Boss' New Mommy. Chapter Three and Four are coming this week for The Supporting Baby and Premium Baby Tier. But don't worry they'll be up within the next weeks for everyone!

Hope you had an excellent weekend! 


Knowing her boss' secret, Lily noticed things that otherwise would've gone unnoticed. To begin with, Mrs. Johnson would only go to the bathroom three times during the day. She counted them. That wouldn't have been concerning had Lily not noticed her boss' butt would become bigger right before going to the bathroom and then go back to normal as soon as she came back. Not to mention, she would always take a large bag with her. It was obvious to Lily that her boss was changing herself. So, it wasn't a one-time thing. Her sadistic and cruel boss was wearing diapers and using them, and she knew about it. And, oddly enough, she didn't know how to feel about this discovery. She should be disgusted. She should be asking for a raise already. But she was conflicted. On the one hand, Mrs. Johnson was an asshole, but on the other hand, she looked really cute, wearing nothing but a wet diaper.

It was time to make a choice.

She could either go on as if nothing had happened, or she could confront her boss and discover her true feelings. Maybe, she thought, maybe she would get to see Mrs. Johnson wearing nothing but a diaper again. That thought made her blush as her heart rate sped up.

A few hours later, she finally gathered the courage to approach Mrs. Johnson. "Mrs. Johnson, I have something I need to talk to you about," Lily said, maintaining her composure.

Mrs. Johnson raised an eyebrow, her face betraying a mixture of curiosity and suspicion. "And what is that?"

Lily swallowed hard, attempting to steady her nerves. "Do you need a change?" She paused, allowing the word to sink in.

Slowly, Mrs. Johnson's expression shifted from surprise to disbelief, "What?" she asked, her voice trembling slightly, "What did you say? Get the fuck out of my office. You're fired!"

Lily took a deep breath, gathering her courage. "I don't think so," she replied firmly. "I just think it's important for us to discuss this openly. I know you wear diapers. I don't know why. But I do know you do, and it's okay."

For a moment, Mrs. Johnson seemed torn between anger and total despair. But then, something happened that Lily wasn't expecting.

"Please, don't tell anyone," said Mrs. Johnson, fighting back tears.

"Please, don't tell anyone," she begged, her voice wavering. Lily hesitated, unsure of what to do. She knew this was a chance to potentially break down the barriers between them, but she also recognized the risks involved. "I won't, Mrs. Johnson," Lily responded, maintaining eye contact. "But I think we both know things cannot be the same again."

Slowly, Mrs. Johnson lowered her head, her shoulders drooping as she sighed heavily.

"What do you mean?"

Lily ensured Mrs. Johnson's office door was completely closed and locked. No prying eyes.

"Stand up."

Defeated, Mrs. Johnson did as told.

"Remove your pants."


"Don't be loud, or people will get curious."

"I won't. You can't force me."

"I'm not forcing you. I'm giving you a choice. You can willingly remove your pants, or I'll do it myself. And you won't like it," said Lily, and a rush of excitement invaded her most private parts. She was enjoying the power she had in that moment.

Slowly, Mrs. Johnson reached down and unfastened her belt, reluctantly slipping off her pants. Standing before Lily in just her wet diaper, she looked vulnerable and exposed. Lily observed her boss's long and chubby legs, but her eyesight went straight to the white padding between her crotch. Well, whitish, as it was clearly full. She had always admired Mrs. Johnson's beauty, although she'd never imagined they would share such an intimate moment together.

The tension in the air grew palpable as Mrs. Johnson stood before Lily, clad only in a wet diaper. Lily could almost taste the power surging through her veins, feeling a sudden urge to push her boundaries further. She took a step closer to her boss, who stiffened under her gaze.

"Take off your shirt," commanded Lily, her voice ringing with authority. Mrs. Johnson hesitated but eventually complied, slowly removing the wrinkled blouse.

Her bare chest, flushed with embarrassment, stood revealed before Lily. For a moment, Lily allowed herself to bask in the power she held over her boss, her eyes lingering on the gentle curves of Mrs. Johnson's body.

Lily's heart raced with adrenaline, and her palms became sweaty with anticipation. This was her chance to finally assert herself, to show Mrs. Johnson who was in charge. "Now, lie down on the floor," she ordered, gesturing toward the carpet. Reluctantly, Mrs. Johnson obeyed, displaying her full diaper to her subordinate.

"Is baby wet?"

Mrs. Johnson nodded.

"Does baby need her diaper change?"

Again, her boss nodded.

"Beg for it," said Lily, savoring the moment.

"Please, can you change my wet diaper?" asked Mrs. Johnson, and tears began falling down her cheeks.

"Ask for it with baby talk," she commanded, smiling as she did.

"Pwease, can you change my diapy?"

Mrs. Johnson pleaded, speaking in a high-pitched, childlike voice that sent shivers down Lily's spine. The irony of the situation was not lost on her. Here she was, the executive assistant, now taking care of her strict and domineering boss, making her beg for a diaper change.

As Lily approached Mrs. Johnson, she couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions - excitement, arousal, and satisfaction.

This was a side of her boss she had never seen before, and she couldn't resist exploiting it. With a devious grin, Lily picked up some baby wipes she had with her and leaned close to her baby boss.

"Let's get you change now."

Mrs. Johnson hesitated, glancing around the room as if seeking reassurance. Finally, she stopped sobbing as Lily removed the tapes of her diaper and then the diaper itself. The smell of ammonia and sex was stronger than Lily had anticipated. But Mrs. Johnson's hairless crotch was worth enduring the smell. She wiped it slowly and carefully until she was sure it was clean, paying extra attention to her private parts and fighting the urge to do more. She knew her boss needed time to adjust.

The sight of Lily holding a fresh diaper, powder, and baby wipes filled Mrs. Johnson with mixed emotions – part humiliation, part confusion, and part arousal. Despite the turmoil, she felt oddly grateful. Though, it wasn't something she would let Lily know. Deep down, Mrs. Johnson knew there was no coming back. She would have to deal with the consequences now. Her secret was out. How long would it be before someone else finds out?

Lily hesitated for a moment, considering the weight of her decision. She was suddenly aware of the immense power she held over her boss, and it thrilled her. But she would be patient. Rushing would bring nothing positive for her or Mrs. Johnson, so she proceeded to lock her boss' crotch with a fresh diaper after applying a generous amount of baby powder.

"Did you like that?"

Mrs. Johnson blushed and nodded.

"Good. From now on," said Lily, touching Mrs. Johnson's padded crotch, "I'm the one you call for a change. Understood?

Her boss nodded again.





Oooooo this is soooo good!