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Jennifer sat there, wearing nothing but the diaper and onesie her daughter had forced her into. Sobbing slightly, she recalled the day she was brought from school, her pants soaking wet, and the Principal explaining to Sarah what had happened.

Sarah, her seventeen-year-old daughter, had closed the door to their house after the Principal left and said, “Again, mother? Really?”

But the sobbing mother couldn’t answer; she just looked down at her soaked pants. She had no excuses anymore. Although it was the first proper accident she’s had in school, it wasn’t the first accident her daughter’s seen. A few days ago, she had woken up with a soaked bed, and Sarah caught her trying to clean and hide her own shame. And now, here she was, being confronted by her daughter about her potty problems again.

“Remember what I told you last time?”

Jennifer nodded.

“Say it.”

“You said I couldn’t call myself a mother or a grown-up if I couldn’t keep my panties dry,” said Jennifer in between sobs; the cold, wet clothes against her skin were now starting to irritate her, and she wanted to be cleaned and dry again.

“And what do you think that means?”

“I just want to take a shower, Sarah. Okay? It’s been a long day, and I can’t deal with you right now.”

If only she had been more respectful and polite, thought Jennifer, now sitting on a couch wearing the diapers her daughter had put on her. She would do anything to go back in time and say something different. Say something like she would go to the doctor’s again and get a solution, and she would be a better mother and adult, and…

But she couldn’t change it.

No, Jennifer had disrespected her daughter one last time. And Sarah was viscous and cruel when it came to payback. She grabbed her sobbing mother and pulled down her wet pants and panties until Jennifer was a naked, crying mess over her lap. Then, just as if Jennifer was a five-year-old who had done something naughty, Sarah spanked her so hard and for so long that by the time she was done, her mother was crying like the baby they both knew she was.

“I think I got us a solution?”

“Wh–what?” asked Jennifer, rubbing her crimson butt cheeks as she cried desperately.

“You are not ready to be an adult, much less a mother. So, I’ll take on that role myself. You, meanwhile, will become my daughter. My baby daughter.”

And within days, everything in Jennifer’s life changed.

Sarah had bought hundred of adult diapers with the most baby designs. Clothes that were more suitable for the wardrobe of a girly toddler than a thirty-seven-year-old woman, and the spare room had been turned into a nursery. Everything there was designed for an adult-size little girl, from an adult-size crib and changing table to the stuffed animals, diaper pails, and even a porta potty. And Jennifer couldn’t say anything about it. She couldn’t complain as her daughter forced her naked, removed the few hairs she had around her crotch, and diapered her for the first time since she was potty trained by her mother so many years ago.

“Isn’t this better? Now you won’t have to worry about adult stuff like making it to the potty. Perhaps I’ll let you grow up eventually. But for now, enjoy your second babyhood, mother… I cannot call you mother anymore,” said Sarah.

And Jennifer tried her best to protest, but she had a thick pacifier forced onto her.

“Baby Jenni. That’s a better name. Baby Jenni.”

Jennifer felt a small stream of pee escape her and into her thick diaper. Feeling the warmth of her own urine spread across her crotch, she hoped it was all a nightmare. She hoped her daughter was joking when she told her she would be sent away to a daycare every morning.

She hoped so many things, but most importantly, she hoped she was allowed to poop in the toilet because her tummy was growling, and she wouldn’t be able to hold it for much longer.

But those hopes were broken not an hour later.

For the first time since her first babyhood, Jennifer messed herself up. And though it was an unpleasant feeling, the warm, mushy sensation was somehow comforting. She cried and sucked her pacifier even harder as she fell asleep.

Now, it’s been a few days since that fateful day, and Jennifer was waiting for her mommy to take her to the daycare for the first time. She was diapered, wearing a cute onesie, and had her favorite stuffed animal with her. But she dreaded what was to come. She dreaded being forced to interact with others in her state. Her daughter had been the only one to see her so far, and that was about to change.

“Ready, baby Jenni?” asked her former daughter.

Jennifer shook her head but knew she had no say in the matter.



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