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It had been such a wild ride for the former thirty-year-old teacher, from adulthood and motherhood to babyhood in such a small time window. But the journey was over. For all intents and purposes, Jennifer was a baby. The little control she still had over her bladder was now more of a mild discomfort that told her she was peeing herself rather than a functional way to prevent her from having accidents. Bowel control she still had, but who was she kidding when she tried to hold it? Eventually, she would mess her diaper, and Mommy would change her.  

Her old life was more of a distant memory. 

However, even now, she would close her eyes, imagining herself teaching. Her students listened to her every word, and her coworkers praised her for her amazing skills. That was her favorite dream. Sadly, it always ended up the same way. She would stop for a second, and everyone would look down at her crotch, which had a wet spot that grew bigger and bigger until she was crying and standing on a puddle of her own pee. 

“What a baby,” some of her students would say.

“I’m not changing her.”

“Ew, even my baby sister is potty trained, and she’s three!”

Then Jennifer would wake up to find she had actually peed her thick diaper. 

It was her life now. Waking up in a wet diaper, mess it, wait for Mommy to change her, and go to the daycare while Mommy studies. Everyone in her life knew about her new lifestyle by now—her parents, or as she called them now, Grandma and Grandpa. The look of disappointment in their eyes when they saw Sarah change her dirty diaper for the first time still haunts her. 

Then there were her former colleagues, who were astonished when Sarah took her by the hand across the school halls to the Principal’s office, where the former mother was forced to hang out her resignation. The Principal accepted it immediately after witnessing Sarah disgracing herself with the stinkiest and biggest mess ever. Sarah went out of her way to show everyone, adults and kids, that her mother was now just a dumb baby that messed and wet herself in thick diapers. 

The night after it happened, Jennifer cried herself to sleep, longing for the days she had been the adult in her house. 

All of it was long gone now. 

Even in daycare, most of the kids were being potty trained and succeeding at it, while she remained the only one that wasn’t allowed near the potty. The toddlers, all of whom were around the age of three and four, would mock her. They didn’t understand why such a big person was still wearing diapers. Still, they were proud because they were finally moving to pull-ups. Meanwhile, Jennifer was left alone. She was forced to entertain herself with dolls and blocks and watch the hours pass until she could be picked up again by her former daughter. 

That morning, Jennifer woke up wet and to the sound of the voice of her Mommy. 

“Good morning, baby,” said Sarah.

Jennifer wasn’t allowed to speak no more, so she just made some grabby hands to communicate to her daughter that she was ready for a change. Soon she would be given breakfast, and she would mess herself, and she would be forced to spend the day doing nothing but playing and napping and whatever her daughter had decided for her that morning. 

“Today I wanna try something different,” said Sarah, parading naked, showing off her thick curves and long legs, “I’ve been working on it for a while.”

Sarah forced Jennifer closer, not a difficult thing, as she had been working out so much she was able to pick up her mother with ease nowadays. Then, she placed Jennifer’s padded bum over her lap, kissing her right on the lips in a playful way. It was a normal thing now, but it made Jennifer blush every single time, and Sarah knew it. 

“Is my tiny wittle baby hungry?” 

Jennifer nodded. 

Sarah kissed her again, a bit more passionate now, and then did something she had never done before. She forced Jennifer’s head against her massive breast and huge nipple, and before the former mother could protest or move, she was attached to her daughter’s nipple and happy about it. 

“Go on, honey. Suck. You’ll be surprised by what will happen.”

Jennifer obeyed. 

And just like that, she felt the sweet nectar of her daughter’s breast. Sweet, a bit tasty, thick, and running down her throat, filling her stomach with love and warmth. And her daughter patting her head like a mother would to a little girl. 

Jennifer, holding in a moan, thought that maybe, just maybe, being a baby wouldn’t be that bad after all. 




what's crazy here is the pic is edited but when I first read it I had taco bell grease in the same spot so it was double blurred