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Jennifer rushed to the bathroom. 

Her students were left to fend for themselves as she did. It was the fourth time that week that she suddenly needed to pee, and her body couldn't hold it much longer. The last time it happened, she had actually peed herself enough to be noticeable. Luckily, it had been at the end of the school day, and no one noticed. Though, the thirty-seven-year-old was growing increasingly nervous about her medical situation. Urge incontinence, or so the doctor said, and she felt the name described it quite well. In fact, the school's nurse had said she needed some protection when she found Jennifer trying to clean her soaked panties once. 

"Maybe diapers?" the nurse had said. 

"No way!" 

"Well, if it keeps happening, you might not have another choice." 

Jennifer thought about those words as she rushed her way to the lady's room, hoping she could reach it before an accident. 

"Jennifer. Just the girl I've been looking for," said the Principal. 

The Principal was actually younger than Jennifer herself. She had recently been hired because of her impeccable career and excellent curriculum, a surprise considering the fact she was probably one of the hottest women Jennifer had ever seen. Tall, blonde, with beautiful blue eyes and breasts, her blouse couldn't hide. 

"Principal," said Jennifer, doing her best to avoid making the potty dance in front of her boss, "I'm sorry, but I'm in a rush."

"I won't take much of your time." 

Jennifer's bladder was screaming for release, but she had to pretend nothing was wrong. After all, she was a teacher; she was expected to hold it, right?

"We're having the parents-teacher thing tonight," and as if reading Jennifer's mind, she continued, "Yes. Yes, tonight. Apparently, there was a huge mistake with the invitations, and I'm trying to get everyone ready for it." 

"So, everyone agreed?"

The Principal nodded, grabbing Jennifer by the arm and leading her away from the bathroom, "Are you okay, Jennifer? You seem a bit sick." 

Suddenly, the bell rang. 

And as far as Jennifer's bladder was concerned, the fight was over. 

First, it was a small stream of urine that found its way into her underwear, and she wished that was everything. But the stream became a torrent, and soon enough, her pants were completely soaked, and the thirty-year-old teacher was standing in a poodle of her own making as all students left their classrooms.

"She peed herself!" one of the young girls said, laughing. 

And everyone around her began laughing too. Their laugh brought Jennifer back into the present, who had been so shocked, she had not reacted yet. In front of her, the Principal looked at her, amused and with pity in her eyes.

"Are you okay, Jennifer?" she asked. 

But Jennifer wasn't okay. 

She broke into tears as the kids mocked her relentlessly. 

The Principal grabbed her by the arm again and pushed her away from all the kids and into the aisle containing the infirmary door. Jennifer said nothing, sobbing as she let herself be pulled by her younger boss. Finally, the Principal opened the door and led the thirty-year-old teacher inside. 

"What do we have here?" asked a young woman that couldn't be older than twenty-five. 

The nurse was a pretty young brunette with hazel eyes and was really tall. Her breast was massive for someone her age who had not had kids yet. 

"Jennifer here had an accident," said the Principal, slightly disgusted. 

"Again, Jenni?" asked the nurse. 

Jennifer couldn't even answer in between all her sobs. She could just think about what she had just done. How could she face her students again? Would they ever respect her again after her humiliating accident? 

"We'll have to call your daughter to come pick you up; I'm afraid we have no spare clothes for someone your size here."

"My daughter?" asked Jennifer and her sobs stopped. 
