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Chapter Seven

Nelly washed every inch of Rebecca’s body. And she did it thoroughly, not saying a word and not answering any of Rebecca’s complaints, which were many.

“Don’t touch me. No, stop. Don’t go there. Please.” she kept saying.

But the nanny couldn’t care less about her complaints.

“Please,” she pleaded with tears in her eyes.

Pooing herself was already shameful, but having a woman ten years younger than her cleaning her princess bits was next level. Luckily, it didn’t take long, and before she could keep complaining, Nelly had lifted her and carried her all the way back to the nursery. Naked and in the young nanny’s arms, Rebecca couldn’t help to think what her husband would think if he could see her now.

She sighed, holding Nelly close, fearing she would fall.

In the nursery, Nelly carefully placed Rebecca back on the floor. She grabbed another diaper and locked Rebecca back in her thick white prison. Her daughter, still in the crib, looked at her with wonder in her eyes.

“I think it’s time for a nap for these two babies,” said Nelly, still naked.

She gave Amy her favorite stuffed animal and turned to face Rebecca, who was sitting on the floor wearing nothing but her diaper. The sight of her would’ve made anyone sane laugh, but for Nelly, it was just something normal. Rebecca was a baby, whether she admitted it or not. And, as with any other baby, she would take care of her until her daddy came back home.

“I’m not tired,” said Rebecca, crossing her arms and pouting.

In her mind, she was just standing her ground. But it just made her look more like the toddler Nelly claimed she was.

“I wasn’t asking,” she said as an idea formed in her mind, “But if you aren’t sleepy yet. I know just the thing you need.”

She lifted Rebecca from the floor and sat her on her naked lap, feeling Rebecca’s newly thick diaper against her own crotch. Nelly just wanted to help Rebecca understand that a baby was a responsibility, not an afterthought. Though, she couldn’t help but feel a tingly sensation in her private parts as she held the grown woman the way she would a baby.

“I think someone needs a little bit of ñam ñams before bed,” she said, pushing Rebecca’s face closer and closer to her breasts, “Go on, baby. You need it to grow strong and healthy.”

Rebecca fought. She fought with all her strength, resisting Nelly’s push. But she was no match for the nanny’s strength. Nelly, with just one hand, forced Rebecca’s face against her massive breasts.

“You aren’t leaving my lap until you dry my breasts completely.”

Rebecca teared up. Her mouth closed, but right against Nelly’s huge nipple.

“No, pwease,” she tried to say, but as soon as she opened her mouth, the nipple went in, and it was over.

Rebecca began sucking. She didn’t know why. She didn’t know how. The only thing in her mind was the taste of Nelly’s milk. It was sweet and completely different from anything she had ever tried. It was warm and, in a way, comforting. And she kept sucking and sucking.

Nelly, on the other hand, had one thing in mind. Rebecca's sucking. It was different than when she had babies do it. Rebecca did it more rhythmically and softer, and it was pleasurable. In the past, when she had had sex, she had avoided any men going near her breast. That was the price of producing milk at such a young age, and it just got harder as she grew up.

But now…

Now she had this grown woman, older than her by almost ten years, sucking on her nipples as if her life depended on it. Her private parts rubbed slowly against Rebecca’s diaper. It was heaven, and it just kept going on until her left breast was empty, and she switched the former mother to the right one. Rebecca said nothing. She didn’t complain anymore. She accepted her fate and the comforting feeling of Nelly’s milk in her mouth and her breasts against her lips.

“Good girl, “ said Nelly, stroking Rebecca’s hair, “Keep sucking. You are such a good girl.”

Rebecca smiled.

It was the most humiliating thing that had ever happened to her, but she smiled. She felt happy, looked after, and warm, and she began feeling that sensation in her private parts. The ones that were trapped in her diaper. She didn’t notice, but she began rubbing her crotch.

She didn’t notice, but Nelly did.

Rebecca just kept rubbing and sucking until she finally came inside her thick white prison. When it was over, she just closed her eyes and fell asleep in the arms of her naked tormentor.


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