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Chapter Four

Steve couldn’t feel more ashamed. It had been three nights in a row that he had just cum by the mere touch of his wife, and the worst part, Kate didn’t remember anything. He tried to explain that she was the reason for his recent accidents, but that only made Kate angry, which led to him feeling stressed.

“I’m tired of your excuses,” said Kate, getting ready for bed, “Are you going to own up to your accidents or what?”

“I’m telling you, it’s not my fault.”

“So it’s my fault now.”

There was a short silence.


Kate was dead serious, at least on the outside. On the inside, she was ready for the next phase of her plan. It was time for hubby to stop having cummy accidents and become a full-time bedwetter, and she had just the plan for it. Who knows? Maybe she could turn her husband’s babyfication into a new novel. She was so excited about the prospect, that her private parts were starting to awaken.

“You are sleeping in the living room,” she said, pretending to be furious, “Let’s see if this way you wake up dry. But if not, we’ll have to find a solution for it.”

“Why can’t I sleep in the guest’s room?”

“Because you are blaming me for your accidents, I’m upset. So, see this also as a punishment.”

“But it’s not my fault.”

“No more of this. Tonight we’ll find out if it’s not your fault.”

The rest of the day went by without many incidents. Steve went to work, and Kate stayed at home, working on the next stage of her plan. Sandra had already come by with all the necessary items for the first stage. Diapers, an adult baby bottle, baby wipes, and a baby rash cream that came recommended by Hailee, Evelyn’s daughter-turned-mommy.

Everything was ready. Now, it was just a matter of time before Steve’s regression would begin, and Kate couldn’t wait any longer.

That night, she set her plan into motion. It was simple. All she needed was a bowl with warm water and her husband fast asleep. The first one was easy, the second one took only a small dosage of a soft sleeping pill. Nothing that could harm him, but enough to get him fast asleep for the next ten hours.

Once Steve was under the influence of the sleeping pill, she continued.

First, she got the bowl with warm water and placed her husband’s left hand on it. She waited there, ten minutes passed. Nothing. Another ten passed. Nothing. She could only hear his breathing. She waited more and more and more. Until just an hour later, she saw it happen.

Steve was wearing his pajamas, and she had removed the sheets to have a better view. So, when she finally saw the yellow liquid coming from his crotch, she couldn’t help but feel accomplished and excited. What's best? It didn’t stop until almost a full minute later. The pee was so much, that it must have definitely ruined their couch.

It didn’t matter. She would use that excuse to get angry at him, even though the only thing she wanted was to hold him and kiss him.

She smiled.

Now, she could go to sleep and wait for the next morning. Steve would still need some nights of accidents before she could move on to the next stage of her plan. And she wanted that stage. She wanted to see him in diapers already. But she needed to be slow and careful. Pushing too much too fast would not help. For her plan to work, Steve needed to want this just as much as she did.

She kissed him on the forehead and left him there.

Steve’s dream was odd.

It began with him in his office. There was a lot of talk about this new client. It was a big fish, and he was about to meet him. But, when he entered the meeting room, it was his wife and his boss smiling and talking. He was confused until Kate revealed she was hiring the firm for her work.

He was pissed. He tried to explain that it was too intrusive, but his boss simply towered over him and forced him right there and there to suck on his own thumb. Which Steve did. He wanted to say something, but he couldn’t keep his thumb from his mouth. Then, because of all the humiliation, he felt the need to pee.

And as soon as he felt it, he began peeing himself in front of his wife and boss. Crying and sucking on his thumb, he sat there on the floor, listening to them talking. Though he couldn’t understand a single word of what they were saying.

Then, he woke up. Wet.


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