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Chapter Four

Elena lay on her aunt’s bed as she changed her messy diaper. It was a surreal experience, though not one she disliked. Her aunt did swiftly and without saying a word. First removing Elena’s messy diaper to reveal every inch of her crotch to be completely covered in her own mess. It wasn’t a nice smell, but Samantha seemed unbothered.

Minutes later, Elena was in a fresh new nappy.

“So, what were you going to tell me?” She asked as her aunt helped her get dressed.

“Back in the day. When we were younger, I used to have a problem wetting the bed. It wasn’t too bad, but let’s just say your mother didn’t help much,” said Samantha, scanning her niece’s diaper, “She made my life hell until I stopped wetting the bed. But, I didn’t forget.”

“What did you do?”

“A simple trick. I put one of her hands on warm water during the night. She’s always been a heavy sleeper.”

“And then?”

“She peed herself.”

“That sounds too far-fetched.”

Samantha chuckled.

“Oh, but it happened. And not only did it happen, but our mother put dear old Caroline back in diapers because of it.”

“Just like that?”

Samantha nodded.

“I helped a little. Came clean with a lot of things she had done that mom knew nothing about.”

“So it was more like a punishment?”

Samantha nodded again.

“How is that going to help me?”

“You guys are staying the weekend, right?”

Elena nodded.

“Well. I cannot convince my sister to treat you like an adult. But I can help you treat her like the baby we both know she is.”

“You mean…”

“We can start tonight. If you want.”

“Why would you do that to your sister?”

“I already told you. I haven’t forgotten her teasing or her constant bullying because of my problem. Besides, it’s not like we are going to hurt her. In fact, something tells me she’s going to enjoy it. Some baby time can help her forget about Dan and, maybe, forget about the stress of being a single mother.”

There was a short silence.

“So, what do you say? Are you going to help your favorite auntie?”

You are my only auntie. But yes. I’ll help you.”

“Good. Until then, why don’t you give your mom something to be stressed about?”


“If she’s going to treat you like a baby…”

Elena nodded.

Downstairs, in the living room, Samantha's family was in shock as Caroline explained the events that led to Elena’s diapering. No one said a word as she went through her accident in the car and her parade in the middle of the shop, wearing nothing but a diaper.

Elena’s cousin laughed as she appeared, holding Samantha's hand.

“The baby is clean.”

Caroline seemed so disappointed in her daughter, so she just smiled and thanked her younger sister.

“I guess it’s time for lunch. You guys hungry?” Asked Samantha.

Everyone said yes. Everyone but Elena. She was just standing there, sucking on her thumb, looking at her mom directly in the eyes.

Samantha settled the table, and everyone sat inmenditely. Caroline and Claire sat close by, so the mother could help her daughter eat. Elena just sat in the living room, thinking only about the sweet sweet revenge her aunt had promised her. Samantha and her family sat too and began eating as if nothing weird was happening in the house. Though, from time to time, her husband would turn to see the eighteen-year-old baby sitting in his living room. He had always thought his wife’s family was a bit off, but this was taking things to a new level. Hopefully, his own kids would be mature enough not to be bothered by it.

“The food was delicious, sis,” said Caroline, smiling, “You gotta give me the receipt.”

“Thanks, sis. Are you sure Elena won’t eat?”

They all turned to Elena, who was still just sitting and sucking her thumb.

“Yeah. When she wants to eat, she can simply come here. I’m not going to play along with her tantrum.”

“Fair enough,” said Roger, turning to his own kids, “Now you behave, or you’ll end up like your cousin over there.”

“No way,” said one of the kids, “She is a freak.”

“Kids,” said Samantha, raising her voice, “She is your cousin, and you will respect her, OK?”

“Yes, mom,” they both said at the same time.

“Good,” said Samantha, “Now, why don’t you take your cousins to play upstairs while we clean the table?”

“But,” said the older sibling, “What if she poos again?”

“Eww,” said the younger one, “I don’t want to change her diaper.”

“If that happens, you call me or your aunt, right, sis?” Asked Samantha.

Caroline nodded, feeling so ashamed about her daughter.

Elena just allowed herself to be led upstairs by Claire, her younger sister. She couldn’t wait until that night. She couldn’t wait until she had her mom in a diaper so that she could understand how it felt. The girl was so obsessed about what would happen, that she didn’t notice the stream of pee escaping her until it was already over.

“Thank god, I’m already wearing a diaper,” she thought as she kept walking to the second floor with her sister and cousins.

Downstairs, Samantha was pouring more wine into Caroline’s glass.

“Don’t worry, sis. You drink up and relax. I’ll take care of the kids today.”

Caroline thanked her and kept drinking, not knowing it was all part of Samantha's plan.



Very good story! Can’t wait to see what happens next!


liking this story, can't wait to see how it develops.