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Chapter Three

Caroline sat in the pilot seat and started the car. Her two daughters, on the back, one wearing nothing but a T-shirt and a diaper, the other one confused about the entire situation.

Elena said nothing. She was still in shock. It seemed like a nightmare. It couldn’t be possible. She just wanted to go back home, not paraded in diapers in front of dozens of people.

“I hope you are happy now, young lady,” said Caroline, “Just wait until your aunt and cousins see you. You don’t know what embarrassment is yet.”

There was a short moment of silence.

“If you want to be a baby. I’ll treat you like one,” Caroline kept saying.

But Elena did not answer.

Her mom had made a mistake. If there was something Elena loved more than just lying around, eating, and playing video games was vengeance. And she was going to have it one way or another. Her mother didn’t know that she had awakened something deep inside Elena.

“Mommy, why is Elena wearing a diaper?” Asked Claire.

“Because she had an accident.”

“Does it mean she also needs to be potty trained?”

Caroline chuckled and nodded, “Apparently, she will need to.”

Elena said nothing for the entire trip. Neither her mom nor her sister said anything else to her. They sang Disney songs, talked about princesses, and other stuff parents do with kids. Meanwhile, the older sibling just sat there, waiting for the car drive to be over. Finally, her mother stopped just outside her sister’s house.

“Well, let’s go. Let’s see what everyone else has to say about my new baby.”

Claire giggled.

Elena once again said nothing. She had it planned. It would happen as soon as they got in the house. Her mother will know what it is to actually have to deal with an overgrown baby. If she was embarrassed by Elena’s behavior, she knew nothing yet.

They knocked at the door. Moments later, the door opened.

Caroline’s sister, Samantha, opened the door. She was just a reflection of Caroline herself. Tall, blonde, and well-preserved for someone in her late thirties. Not fit, but not unfit either. A MILF, some would call her. And she had always had a fascination for Elena, her favorite niece. But nothing could’ve prepared her for what was in front of her eyes.

“Hi,” said Caroline, “Sorry for the delay, sis. We had a…an accident.”

“Accident?” Asked Samantha, scanning her older niece’s diaper “Is everyone okay? What’s going on with Elena?”

“Don’t worry. It was a potty accident. It won’t happen again. Right, Elena?”

Elena did not answer. She just looked down. Her tummy was ready, she just wanted the perfect place and the right crowd.

“Can we come in?”

Samantha nodded.

“Well, hello there, Claire. You’ve grown,” said Samantha, leading them into the living room.

“I’m almost potty trained,” said Claire enthusiastically.

“I can see that,” she said, turning to her other niece, who was waddling to the room because of her thick diaper.

When they got there, silence came back. Sitting in the living room were three young men, one young girl, and a man slightly older than Caroline. They were all shocked by the sight of the eighteen-year-old wearing nothing but a diaper and a T-shirt.

“You might be wondering,” said Caroline, but she couldn’t finish.

A loud wet fart echoed through the room. Followed by another one, and another one, and another one. They all turned to see Elena, who seemed to be concentrating on one thing, filling her diaper. She pushed and pushed and kept pushing until she felt the mushy escaping from her butthole. When it was over, she felt relieved. She smirked. Her mother wanted to treat her like a baby, she would play along. She would be the biggest baby ever, and her mother would understand her mistake.

No one said anything.

“Mommy, Elena did a poo,” said Claire.

Caroline grabbed her daughter by the wrist. She wanted to say something. She wanted to punish her daughter right there and there. But there was enough of a scene already, and she didn’t want to ruin the evening further.

“It’s okay, sis,” said Samantha, “Why don’t you relax, and I’ll deal with your baby?”

Caroline turned to see the motherly eyes on her younger sister. She might as well just try to calm down, so she accepted.

Samantha grabbed Elena, saying nothing as she led the eighteen-year-old upstairs. When she was sure no one was listening, she got closer to her niece.

“If you want to get back to my sister, there are better ways to do it,” she said, whispering, “I can help you.”



loving this one!