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Chapter Three

“Honey, I’m home,” said Steve as he entered their house.

It was a nice space, obviously paid for by Kate, but he didn’t care. He enjoyed the big TV, his gaming computer, and the beautiful bath they had. However, part of him wished he couldn’t be the one providing to get those things. Getting that big job that would give him the respect he deserved. Not that Kate ever disrespected him, but he knew how others saw him. A kept man that was way below his wife. He hated that.

“Hi, sweetie,” said Kate without taking her eyes from the novel she was reading, “Everything okay with work today?”

Steve nodded. He couldn’t tell her the truth.

“That’s good. There are some leftovers in the fridge if you're hungry.”

Leftovers were Kate’s way of telling him that she was still quite upset about their argument the night prior.

“Thanks, hun. Are we okay?” He asked, stepping into the kitchen.

“Yeah. Why wouldn’t we?”

“By the way, I was talking with Sandra today. She showed me something quite disturbing.”

“Not a surprise. She is quite disturbing herself.”

There was a short silence.

“You wanna see?”

She was showing interest in talking; that was better than nothing. So he nodded.

She got closer to his wife, smelling her delicious perfume and musk. And then he saw it. It was on his wife’s phone. At first, he thought it was porn, the kinky kind. A woman, completely naked but in a diaper that was clearly used. She was sitting on the lap of a younger woman that looked a little bit like her.

“What’s this?” He asked.

“Oh, just some friend of Sandra. Or co-worker. Couldn’t really understand. But, that’s her daughter she’s sitting on.”

“No way. That’s fucked up.”

“Yeah, right? Sandra told me her co-worker had been acting out, and her daughter got tired of it and turned her…well, into an adult baby.”

“How does someone turn a grown-up into an adult baby? I’d rather die before letting a younger person put me in diapers and stuff.”

There was another silence.

Kate was just testing the waters. He couldn’t just make Steve wear the diapers and act like a baby. She wanted him to accept that fate. She wanted him to see her as a mommy and not just a wife. But that would take time. Although, even if Steve didn’t know, his regression had already started. Because Kate had already decided he was going to be her baby.

The rest of the night went by as usual. Steve ate the leftovers, they watched some TV, and then they went straight to bed. They didn’t talk much, but that wasn’t new. Steve knew not to push his wife when she was upset. He would wait. After a couple of days, she would forget about it.

“Good night, my love,” he said.

“Good night, Stevie.”

That night, something happened that had never happened before. Steve, who would usually sleep on his back, was forced onto his side by his wife. That wasn’t everything. She began spooning him. Something Steve felt strange about, but he couldn’t deny it felt good. He was sure she was asleep as she spooned him, so he did nothing. Just feeling the warmth of his wife against his skin.

The next morning, things went as usual. Kate would barely talk to him, and he went straight to work. But that night, she spooned him again. And the night after that one. He even felt better every morning just because of that touch of warmth and love he received every night. Work, and his boss didn’t feel as horrible as before.

But then, something happened.

One of the nights, when Kate was spooning him, he felt her hands rubbing around his crotch. He quickly turned to see his wife sleeping. There was no way she was doing that consciously, so he didn’t say anything. She didn’t like to be woken up. But she kept doing it, and doing it, as Steve felt his manhood grow. Minutes later, he was controlling his moans as he released his sperm into his underwear.

And then, Kate woke up.

“What the…” asked Kate, feeling the sticky mess in her husband’s crotch, “Honey, did you just make cummies?”

Steve was speechless. He hadn’t been touched in a while, but he still felt ashamed about it. There was cum all over his underwear and even on the sheets.


He wanted to tell her that it was her. That she did it. But he felt weird about it.

“It’s okay. It’s just cummies. Why don’t you go clean yourself, and I’ll change the sheets?”

He nodded.

Kate smiled as her husband went into the bathroom. Positive reinforcement. In no time, she would have Steve craving to be in diapers. Craving for mommy's touch and her love and protection. Soon he would be her baby. And she would finally be happy.


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