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Chapter Six

Rebecca cried, and Amy cried with her.

“I believe there’s more than one stinky baby in here,” said Nelly, checking on Amy’s diaper, “Very well. Time to work.”

She turned to see Rebecca, who was on the floor, sobbing and doing her best to avoid eye contact.

“Stay here, I’ll be back.”

Rebecca only nodded, still sobbing.

She stayed there, sitting in her own mess, feeling as it spread around her entire crotch. She didn’t move, and her mind kept thinking about what had just happened. She had disgraced herself in front of a girl more than ten years her junior. Would she tell Darren when he got back from his trip? How could she excuse this behavior? How could she…

“Here we go,” said Nelly.

She was back, minus Amy, this time. She got closer to Rebecca, who tried to get farther from her, but couldn’t move properly because of her thick messy diaper. Nelly picked her up as if she was just the same size as Amy, and then she proceeded to carry her all the way back to the nursery.

“I cannot believe you just did what you did,” she said, stepping inside the room with Rebecca in her arms, “I thought you would put up more of a fight. But maybe you already know what I know. Maybe you already know what a big baby you are.”

Rebecca had had enough.

“I’m not a baby,” she said, trying to free herself, “You did this to me. It’s your fault. Yours!”

Nelly chuckled.

“Oh my, you truly are just a toddler, aren’t you?” She said, placing Rebecca on the floor, “Throwing tantrums after filling your diapers with the stinkiest poo I’ve ever encountered.”

“I’m not throwing a tantrum. Stop lying,” she tried to stand up, but Nelly just forced her into the floor, “Stop it. Leave me alone.”

“Look at Amy. She is behaving like a proper little girl. You, on the other hand,” said Nelly, forcing Rebecca to look at her daughter, who was sitting in the crib, holding her teddy bear, “By the time I finish with you, you will also behave like a good little girl.”

She submitted Rebecca with just one hand, and with the other, she began to remove the diaper. Rebecca tried to fight back, she tried to free herself again, but that stopped once Nelly was looking directly at her dirty crotch.

“Don’t. Please, don’t look,” she pleaded.

But Nelly couldn’t care less about her modesty or shame.

She began cleaning Rebecca, who was sobbing again. It took almost fifteen full minutes, but she managed to get Rebecca completely clean.

“We are going to have to do something with your pubes. It will make the changes easier in the future.”

“What?” Asked Rebecca in between sobs.

Nelly left her there, laying on the floor, naked. Rebecca thought about running, escaping from her torturer, but she didn’t. Her body and her mind were battling, and she was more confused and upset than she’s ever been.

Nelly came back with a pink, small plastic bottle in one hand. Rebecca recognized it immediately and tried to stand up, but Nelly was faster and a lot stronger. Once again, she submitted Rebecca to the floor and began applying cream around her crotch and butthole. The cream stung a little, and it had a terrible smell. Once Nelly was satisfied with her work, she helped Rebecca stand up.

“It shouldn’t take much longer. Let’s walk to the bathroom.”

Rebecca shook her head.

But it didn’t matter. Nelly just grabbed her by the wrist and dragged her all the way to the bathroom. She unlocked the door and sat Rebecca on the toilet lid. There they waited for almost five minutes. Then, carefully, Nelly removed the cream from Rebecca’s skin. Another minute passed, but finally, it was over.

Rebecca looked down.

Nothing. Not a single hair. She didn’t have much to begin with, but now, her once proud little bush was gone.

“You bitch. Why are you doing this?” Rebecca screamed, trying to hit Nelly, “I’ll fucking kill you!”

But Nelly ignored her as a parent would to a little girl throwing a tantrum. She just grabbed the older woman and lifted her again, placing her inside the shower. She turned on the hot water and then began undressing. To Rebecca’s surprise, Nelly had a rock-solid core with huge breasts. She seemed more like an Amazon goddess than a nanny. Her woman parts smelled strong and were covered in a thick black bush of pubes.

“Time for a shower, little one.”


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