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Elena sat in her room, playing video games as she usually did after school. Being neither a prominent student nor a popular one didn’t leave her with much to do. She was rather pretty, the kind of pretty people noticed, but she was also a bit of a tomboy. However, what people knew her the best for was her laziness.

In school, she would mostly sleep during class, and she never made the effort to be friends with anyone. And as she was already in senior year, there was not much hope for her mother, Caroline, that things would change anytime soon.

It didn’t matter much.

Caroline never thought that college was unnecessary. That wasn’t the problem. The problem was her daughter’s overall laziness in every aspect of life, especially in her personal hygiene. It was more than once a week that she would find her daughter’s panties damp or with brown streaks. She wondered what to do and if she actually could do anything to help her daughter change. She would never find a job, a spouse, or have a kid if she continued being so irresponsible. At this point, her younger daughter Claire would be completely potty trained, and her oldest...

What could she do?

Chapter One

“Elena, it’s time for breakfast.”

Her mother knocked on the door. But Elena didn’t answer.

“Come on. We have to get to your aunt’s house. Don’t make me come in.”


Caroline opened her daughter’s door and went inside. The stink was no surprise. Elena would barely shower twice a week, but there was another smell. Having a young child and all, she was able to detect what it was and where it came from. In the bed, her daughter slept peacefully.

She got closer, uncovering the sleeping girl.

As she had suspected, she had wet the bed. That was new, it had never happened. She woke Elena up.

“Mom. What the fuck. You aren’t supposed to come in without knocking,” said the sleepy girl, opening her eyes, “What are....”

She looked down to see her wet bed.

“Care to explain?”

Elena shook her head, going back to sleep, “It was just an accident. You know I don’t like to wake up during the night.”

“This is unbelievable. You are eighteen years old, not eighteen months. Claire is not even three, and she can spend the night without an accident!”


Caroline wasn’t going to take it any longer.

“Enough is enough. She grabbed Elena’s wrist and dragged her out of bed towards her bathroom.”

“Mom, what are you doing? Let me go!”

Caroline turned on the shower and began undressing her daughter.

“You shower while I deal with your room. And do it right. I don’t want you stinking all the way to your aunt’s house. When we get back, we’ll have a long talk about your immaturity, young lady.”


Elena did as told, though she wasn’t happy about it. How dare her mother to treat her that way? She wasn’t a kid anymore. If she had an accident, she would deal with it, not her mother.

She sighed as she began dressing up for the visit to their aunt’s house.

If mom wants to treat me like a baby, she thought, I’ll give her a baby.


The trip to Caroline’s sister's house was a long one. So, as an experienced mother, Caroline just put Claire in a diaper, hoping she wouldn’t mind. She did, though. Claire was excited at the prospect of being a big girl, and diapers were just for babies. She didn’t need them as much as before, and she was working hard to be fully potty trained like mommy and her sister Elena.

“Alright, girls. Let’s go. We have a couple of hours of journey,” said Caroline, turning the car on, “Any music petitions?”

“Frozen!” Said Claire, excited.

Elena didn’t answer. She just put on her headphones and began playing on her phone. Something her mother hated, but she never did anything about it except complaint from time to time.

But that was about to change.

“Elena. Take those off your ears.”

She ignored her.


She ignored her.

“Claire. Would you be a big girl and hand me your sister’s phone and headphones?”

Claire nodded enthusiastically.

She took away Elena’s headphones and phone with a swift move.

“What the fuck. Mom, Claire just took my phone.”

“Yes,” said Caroline, picking up her phone and headphones and placing them in the glove compartment, “I told her to do it.”


“Cause we are on a family trip. I won’t have you hooked to your phone all day. You can have it back when you get back home.”

“That’s unfair. I don’t want to listen to faking Frozen.”

There was a short moment of silence as Caroline stopped the car. She turned to face her daughters.

“Listen to me, young lady. I’m tired of your behavior. I swear if you say another word like that again, you’ll be sorry.”

“Fuck,” said Elena, feeling like a proper adult, “Fuck, fuck fuck.”

Caroline turned to her younger daughter, “Sweetie, you are such a good girl.”

Claire smiled, “Thanks, mommy.”

Caroline opened her car’s door and went straight to get Elena. It wasn’t too difficult. Elena was a thin and slightly short girl, more like their father had been before he passed away. So, Caroline easily picked her up, sitting on the back seat and placing Elena over her lap.

“What the fuck are you doing?” She demanded to know.

Caroline, however, was in no mood to deal with her any longer. She removed Elena’s pants and her underwear, exposing her bare butt.

“You are going to learn a lesson.”

She began spanking with all her strength, channeling her anger towards her daughter until Elena’s butt was looking bright red instead of the soft white it had been before. But she didn’t stop. Not even when her daughter, crying, begged her to do so.

“Please,” said Elena as she cried out loud, “Let me go. Please. No.”

“Are you going to behave?”

She nodded.

Caroline stopped.

She turned to see Claire, who was shocked by the entire situation.

“My dear, I’m sorry you had to see that.”

Claire said nothing.

Caroline let Elena out and helped her get her pants back on. They were in the middle of a road, so no one saw what had happened. But humiliating her daughter in front of people wasn’t Caroline’s goal. She just wanted her to act her age. Maybe now Elena would become the bright young lady Caroline was sure she could be.

Chapter Two

Elena sat, sobbing and looking out the window. The stinging pain in her butt reminded her of what had happened. Her mother was in the pilot’s seat, singing to Frozen alongside her younger sister as if nothing had happened. Had they gone mad? She was eighteen, not two. She was far too old to be spanked like that. No. It was too much, and Elena was not going to put up with it.

She felt the familiar sensation of a full bladder. Usually, that wouldn’t be a problem, but if her mother wanted to treat her like a baby, so be it.

Elena tried to pee herself. But, it wasn’t as easy as she thought. She pushed a little harder, and harder, and harder until she finally felt the warm sensation of her own pee against her skin and clothes.

Good, she thought, now her family trip is ruined, and we’ll have to go back home.

“Mommy,” said Claire, “There’s water in the seat.”

Caroline turned to their daughters. There was indeed water there, but it wasn’t raining, and no one had spilled anything. She thought maybe Claire had had an accident, but she was wearing a diaper, it couldn’t be.

“You didn’t,” she said, looking at Elena.

“Did what?” Said Elena, pretending not to care. But she was smiling.

Caroline stopped the car in a small resting area alongside the road. There were some families there, a couple of stores, and a fast-food restaurant. It was the kind of place people with small kids would stop at to let them go potty.

“Claire, honey, can you hand me your diaper bag?”

“But I’m not wet, mommy.”

“I know, my love. But your sister is. And we need to help her.”

Claire nodded.

Caroline turned to see Elena now, “You are coming with us.”

Elena’s plan was already backfiring.

“You cannot make me go out like this.”

“Like what?” Said Caroline, stepping off the car and helping Claire get out too, “Come on. We don’t have all day.”

“But I’m wet.”

“I know. We’ll fix that before we get to your aunt's house. Come on, don’t make me drag you out.”

Elena didn’t want any more unnecessary attention, so she complied. She thought her mother was taking her to the restrooms. But that wasn’t her plan. Caroline took both girls to one of the stores. It was a big place filled with aisles and aisles of products, from pet stuff to clothing.

Maybe she was going to buy her some pants or something, thought Elena, but her mother didn’t stop at the clothes aisle.

She kept going with both girls until she found what she was looking for. There, in front of Elena, was an aisle full of diapers and other related items. But they weren’t baby diapers. They were adult ones. Caroline picked one package and was on her way again, both girls following closely.

“It would be 15 dollars, ma’am,” said a young man at the cashier, “Would that be all?”

“Actually,” said Caroline, pointing with her eyes at Elena, “My daughter just had an accident. I forgot to put her protection on. Is there anywhere I can change her with a bit more privacy?”

The young man turned to see Elena. Her pants were completely soaked, and her cheeks red with embarrassment.

“Sure,” he said, pointing at a door at the other side of the store, “We have a family bathroom over there.”

“Thanks, you are so helpful,” said Caroline, turning to see her daughters, “Say thanks girls. Be polite.”

“Thanks,” said Claire.

But Elena said nothing.

“Elena. Say thanks to the kind man.”

She shook her head, “You are nuts,” she muttered, “I’m a grown-up. I won’t. You can’t make me.”

“Do you need another spanking, young lady?”

“Thanks,” said Elena immediately, thinking nothing but much she had hated her last spanking.

“Good girl.”

She grabbed Elena by the wrist and went straight to the bathroom with both her daughters. The young man looked as Elena walked away, her pants still dripping a little, which meant he would have to clean some random girl’s pee.

Inside the bathroom, Caroline began undressing Elena. She first removed her soaked pants and then her underwear until her oldest daughter was naked from the waist down.

Elena complied. She didn’t want another spanking.

Caroline cleaned her daughter using the baby wipes she had in Claire’s diaper bag. She was fast and efficient with it, but then again, she was an experienced mother that had had her fair share of wet babies in the past. Though she would like to think that a big girl would be easier, less moving around and protesting. But that wasn’t the case with Elena. She did everything in her power to make it harder.

“Mommy, why is Elena going to wear diapers?” Asked Claire, who was inside with them but had her eyes closed the entire time.

“Because she’s not big enough to make it to the potty.”

Claire chuckled.

Elena hated every minute of it. The baby powder her mother spread on her parts, the soft and fluffy diaper she locked her in. But that wasn’t the worst. She noticed that there was nothing she could wear to get to the car beside her soaked pants.

“Can I have my pants back?”

Caroline shook her head.

“But. People will see my…” she couldn’t finish that sentence.

“You should’ve thought about that before peeing yourself like a little baby. Now, let's go. We have to make it to your aunt’s house before it gets too late.”

“You can’t make me go out like that,” said Elena, stomping her foot like a real toddler, “I won’t let you.”

Caroline smiled.

A minute later, she was dragging Elena out of the bathroom in nothing but a diaper and her t-shirt. Everyone was looking at them, some laughing, some in shock, but everyone was looking.



Best start of a story ever!


Where is part 2?


Part two is within this post. Chapter Three was uploaded yesterday, and chapter four is coming :D