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Chapter Five

Nelly carried Rebecca all the way back to her room.

There, she laid the once proud mother and started stripping her naked. It didn’t take long, and Rebecca made no effort to resist her. She just didn’t want another spanking. She laid there calmly, avoiding eye contact with her tormentor. Soon enough, Nelly procured a big white diaper and placed it underneath Rebecca. Then, with her strong, warm hands, she spread some baby powder around her private area.

When everything was done, she picked Rebecca up again and took her to Amy's room.

She placed Rebecca on the floor, completely naked but in her diaper.

“I have to go make some lunch for us. I want you to stay here and play with the toys. I’ll have the baby monitor with me. So, if you need anything, cry. I will not answer any adult talk. Understood?”

Rebecca just nodded, though she wasn’t precisely paying attention.

Nelly left the room and the overgrown baby in it. And the door closed.

At first, Rebecca just sat there, doing nothing but breathing, listening as her own baby slept in the crib in the corner. But, after ten minutes, she got bored. She tried to think about all the ways she would punish Nelly for her insolence, but even that got boring after a while. Not noticing, perhaps subconsciously, she had grabbed one of the many stuffed animals in the room, hugging it closely. It was a dinosaur, a four-legged one, though she didn’t know the name. She wanted a hug, and the dinosaur was the only one there.

She sobbed. Trying to not be loud so as to not get Nelly back in the room. She hugged the stuffed animal, which she had named Helga, and laid back in a fetal position. What a sight she was, she thought. Anyone at work would pay a lot to see the overambitious devil reduced to nothing but a bawling baby.

Rebecca didn’t know how or when, but she fell asleep wearing nothing but a diaper and hugging Helga.

She didn't wake up until thirty minutes later when she felt a familiar pressure around her tummy. In all the busy mornings she had, she had forgotten to do her morning business. She stood up and went straight for the door. Nelly might be out of her mind to think that she was going to mess her diaper.

But, the door was locked.

No, she thought, I cannot do it. I won’t mess myself.

She waited. Soon Nelly would have to come. After all, she was the nanny, she had to take care of Amy. But Amy was asleep, and she could be sleeping for another hour. Rebecca didn’t have another hour. She could wake up Amy; that would make her cry, and that would summon the nanny. Would that make her a bad mother?

Another round of cramps attacked her tummy.

She couldn’t care less about being a bad mother. She needed relief, and she needed it now. Not thinking twice, she first placed her hand on Amy’s little body. The baby didn’t wake up. She then shook her slowly. Nothing. Then she shook her harder. That woke her up.

Amy cried loudly.

Her cry made Rebecca feel bad. A real mother wouldn’t have done that, but then again, a real mother wouldn’t have allowed a random nanny to spank her and diaper her without putting on a fight.

She heard loud footsteps.

The door opened.

Nelly, wearing an apron, came in. Tall and intimidating, she rushed towards Amy’s crib. Rebecca took advantage of it and ran toward the bathroom. But, when she got there, she found out the bathroom was also locked.

No, no, no, she said to herself. This couldn’t be. Defeated, she fell to the ground, sobbing, with her hands still trying to unlock the bathroom door. Was she going to do it? Was she about to mess herself?

Then, she felt a presence behind her.

She turned to see Nelly with Amy in her arms.

“What do you think you’re doing?” She asked.

Rebecca didn’t answer.

“The bathroom is off-limits for you.”

Rebecca just kept sobbing, feeling the pressure in her tummy growing harder and harder until she couldn’t take it any longer. It began as a noiseless fart, but it grew louder and louder with every second. Soon, she felt the mushy poo spreading around her diaper and into her own skin. She felt it in her lips, butthole, buttcheeks, everywhere. It was so much, and it felt like it was never going to stop.

Until it did.

The relief soon turned to shame as she began crying the way Amy did when she woke her up.


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