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Chapter Two

Kate was appalled, to say the least. What Sandras was arguing was so over-the-top, but she was appalled by it. She was appalled by the fact that it made so much sense, especially after seeing what that young girl had done to her own mother. She could see it already. Steve, wearing nothing but a diaper, sucking on his thumb while sitting on mommy’s lap. It was a clear picture in her head and one that filled her with so many emotions she couldn’t even describe them.

“So, what do you think?” Asked Sandra.

Kate nodded.

“What do I need to do?”

Kate and Sandra spend the rest of their morning talking, plotting, and planning every little detail of Steve’s new lifestyle.


Somewhere else, in an office setting, Steve had been called to speak with his boss. She was a tad younger than him but a lot more successful. It was already part of Steve’s life that women were just better at doing things than him.

“Oh, Steve. Come on in,” said his boss.

She was a beauty. Long blonde hair, piercing blue eyes, and a body that more than proved she hit the gym every single morning before work. She was also very stylish, like those people you’d see posting pictures on Instagram. Though, she actually had a job.

“Hi, Elena,” said Steve, stepping into her office, “How’s everything going?”

Elena smiled at him, saying nothing until Steve was sitting in front of her.

“I’m going to be straightforward,” she said, showing him a document, “Do you know what this is?”

Steve nodded.

“Can you elaborate?”

“Those are the expansion plans.”

Elena nodded.

“I redacted them.”

She nodded again.

“I don’t...I don’t know what...”

“Where is the new branch going to open?” She asked, “Do you remember?”

Steve nodded.

“1216 Fifth Dr,” he said, feeling increasingly nervous, “I think.”

“Then why the fuck did you write 1612 Fifth Dr?”

There was a short silence. Steve could feel Elena judging him, and he was not good at dealing with disappointing others. His eyes got watery, and he tried to look away.

“Look at me when I’m talking to you,” said Elena, glaring at him.

Steve shook his head, small tears were already forming.

“Are you crying?”

He shook his head again.

“For fucks sake. How did you get a job in this industry?”

He tried to dry his cheeks with his hands, but it was more than obvious what had happened.

“Get out,” said Elena.


“Go to your office. Fix the documents.”

He nodded.

“You’ll be managing files next week. You’re demoted. One more mistake, and you are out. Understood?”

Steve nodded and left the room.

It was too much to handle for Steve, so he didn’t go straight to his office but to the bathroom to wash his face. There, he noticed that tears were not the only liquids that escaped his body when Elena called him out. His undies, as Kate called them, were a bit damp. Not enough to be noticeable by anyone, but enough to make him feel uncomfortable.

He sighed, hoping they would dry before he went back home. How could he have made that mistake? He wasn’t the best at the office, but he was far from the worst. Demoted? How was he going to explain it to Kate? He was already making so much less than she was, and she was already upset at him because of the whole baby situation.


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