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They made a prequel called the Winchesters. It's about John and Mary Winchester. Before Sam and Dean

TrappaDEO (edited)

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2022-02-26 00:57:47 letsss gooo fire more fire mondays
2022-01-24 14:32:30 letsss gooo fire more fire mondays

letsss gooo fire more fire mondays


Renni .



One of the best isskai I’ve ever watch. Top 3 with overlord and slime being 1 and 2


This and Ranking of Kings are my favorite show of the year but Oh No y’all all know what gotta happen at the last episode lol


Keep the fire coming!!!


I feel like this anime will probably be remembered for a while. Either by its controversy or people like the story and animation.


Y'all got them fucked up lol, they're not going to fucx with this pedo content as the show goes on

Jaime Adam

U guys are gonna love this


I don’t get the hype tbh... this show made me extremely uncomfortable. I don’t see how the author felt comfortable writing this sht. 🤢


Author definitely sick in the head, if Rob is awake he will definitely walk out on episode 6 or 7


Ah... The story of the 40-year old who got reincarnated after watching pedophile content, and who proceeded to chase and groom underage kids the rest of the anime.


This sht is gross. I dont get how people are enjoying this… just the fact that the author thinks its okay to have a pedophile as the main character makes me sick. I wouldn’t feel comfortable supporting such an author.

Patrick Guillaume

Bro where the classic anime at. I need me some Black Lagoon or some D Grayman


Dang imagine paying at least $10 a month just to be toxic, couldn't be me.

Kelly Mcfarlane

Dr stone anime reaction would be better


Best anime of 2021 hands down sum scenes might make you feel uncomfortable but the story is about development and progress the rudeas in ep 1 isn’t the same in the end of the series but this 100% better than most anime out

Patrick Guillaume

What are you like 12. Only us older folks can appreciate the anime from the 90s and early 2000s.

Marie Andrieux

this is a great show! the animation is lit!


@Quincy Jones No one in their right mind would continue to watch this shit if they knew what happened before he got reincarnated. And if you still feel comfortable watching it then idk wtf to say lmao. It’s absolutely disgusting🤢


@Daniel In the web novel before reincarnating he was masturbating to a video of his 10 year old niece, which he recorded himself secretly. Now imagine how fckd up the author must be trying to portray such a person as the hero of the show...


This is one of the best stories I have watched and read (vol. 14 of light novel). There are going to be a bunch of wtf moments, but please keep in mind that this is more or less the begining of the story. Also shout ot to Studio Bind, which was created for the sole purpose of producing this show. I hope you guys keep going with this one.


I get if people do not like mushoku tensei you are allowed to have that thought if you can't stomach this show. But What i don't understand if you do not like it why the fuck are you here? Why do you go to mushoku tensei comments to comment your shit that nobody asked. That makes no sense. Also you can go ahead and not feel comfortable supporting this author this author don't even need your support to be brutally honest., And Why do i support this anime? Simple because i do not watch anime for morality. I don't go to anime and say oh my god murder oh my god this oh my god that. Anime was never a life lesson for me it is a fictional story i watch anime because it is not afraid to tell immortal tales. I don't need anime to tell me what is right or wrong and stories that are immoral are not wrong 90% of the time we are litterally watching murder each other or heck even rape in other shows it's not just in anime...... I don't go to anime for morality i already had my parents and school for all that shit when i was a kid. Nor is it just a thing in mushoku tensei so can we stop acting like this is the craziest shit we ever seen.


You must be on crack to compare this to god of of highschool. The production of mushoku tensei is way better then a crunchyroll publsihed shit out rushed anime. Also if you all dislike why are you here must i ask again this makes no damm sense. You really gonna go to the content you hate just to comment on it damm.


The Best Isekai I have ever seen! Hands down! What I love about this show is unlike other Isekai when the MC is reincarnated he isn't just suddenly the perfect guy. He is still haunted by his past life and trauma and even though he is flawed, he is actively trying to get better. It is awesome character progression and story telling. Some of the things the MC does is definitely wrong, but he never actually goes all in on his urges. He is a flawed traumatized human that is working to be better.


@ Angelo I know there are many rape scenes and murders in anime, but the protagonist committing these heinous acts is another story. If he was the villain of the series, I would understand, because I coulf hate him without developing some sort of empathy for him as the series progresses. But that will happen eventually, and that's the fckd up part.... And normally I don't comment on series I don't watch or don't like, but this sht is to disgusting for me to ignore it lol.




@Marie Andrieux I’ve never watched that lol I didn’t even know about that show so 😂

Marie Andrieux

so when you watch a serie like " you" with a serial killer you don't mind but here it's unhealthy? nobody legitimizes that, nothing justifies such behavior, we are aware of it. for me I liked the adventure, the personal development of the characters, the animation, ost, the quest etc. But without all this perversion the story would have been recognized at its fair value i think.


Not even close to a good comparison. Smooth brain comment


Well sometimes the protagonist in a show is a fucking murderer too nearly performing genocide at times and nobody cares that much then.. Not every protagonist has to be moral. I think you people take shit way too serious jesus. Also if you really wanna keep thinking realistic about it rudeus has a child brain and a child body. He says he learns faster because he is a child and he says he is not tured on by his mom maybe because he is her child so a lot leads to him still being a child with memories of a adult but by real life standards having memories do not make you a adult having a developed body where your brain is at a certain point is what makes you a adult. So those are signs of some mental affects of him being a child.... there you go. Where was all this energy for all those other anime like boku no pico that is basically treated as a meme. and WAY WORSE. I almost feel like you people just hate it on because you can't stand that other people like it. Because mushoku tensei is actually popular and liked and considered good. If the show is considered bad and doesn't stay popular nobody gives a fuck and people shut up eventually. With Mushoku tensei can't stand that the anime is actually well produced and is actually good so they need to rant about it. That is the only reason people care Í'm convinced of that now.


I'm convinced that if Mushoku tensei was not considered good, well produced and well animated. Nobody would care. People act like this is the first anime in history to be immoral. Where was all this energy for boku no pico. That anime people make jokes about people make fun of that show. It was treated as a meme. What about the shows where girls prey on young boys or the other shows where a isekai character reincarnates and ends up with a young girl nobody keeps on screaming P anime in those. People are just salty that mushoku tensei is actually a good animated show that people like it. You see these people rant on how the production is wasted on mushoku bitch. The studio wanted to do mushoku it was a passion project they were not gonna do a adaptation of your crappy dream anime that you are salty about get over it. I'm not against people disliking mushoku and not being able to stomach it but man do something else in your time other then complain about a show you hate this much. At the very least don't follow mushoku tensei content to complain about because that is monkey brain movement and makes no sense.



Daas Nahk

I mean its already old considering the light novel debuted 8 years ago...

SplashMelo .

This show is good, but it’s definitely uncomfortable at times so beware lol

Daas Nahk

...they are not gonna enjoy this anime

Patrick Guillaume

You're right. I just felt attacked when this guy dared call Black Lagoon garbage. The story may not be top tier but the action is on point. Roberta's OVA goes crazy.


logical fallacies, I'm pretty sure if they decided to watch boku no pico people would be complaining too and no one said this was the first "immoral" anime whenever an anime has weird aspects it's criticised. Even Fire force gets criticised for it's fan service which is a lot more tame than this.


No this is not a logical fallacies this is just the truth mushoku tensei is popular is talked about and is considered good. Which gives it attention and makes the people that do not like it show up to shit on it. Also yes fire force is criticized but this is not the same situation as fire force to begin with. Secondly fire force is a popular anime so you are not debunking my argument you are argeeing to IT without being aware because I basically said if it wasn't so popular and liked and considred good by people they would not care fire force is one of the most popular shows by mentioning it you are not debunking my argument you are agreeing to it. And no plenty of people have watched boku no pico even as a joke people watched it but nobody is screaming about it everytime people talk about not caring for it and not watching it but nobody is screeching and crying about it like mushoku tensei.


people think what eren is doing is right, pretty sure no one thinks what Rudy does is right

Queef Burglar

Question. Why do you guys watch so many anime at once?


They never showed summoning magic, it was attack magic


Also I know nobody said it was the first immoral anime. I never said they did I SAID they ACT LIKE it which you know you can read since it's the first thing i well........ Say. When i say people act a certain way that does not mean that Implied people said it.

Myles Xavier (edited)

Comment edits

2022-02-26 00:57:41 Idk this anime but it looks good and I see the comments saying he's a pedo in last life and blah blah blah but its literally not real so he's not hurting anyone truly and if he learns to change like some where saying then this might turn into a great story.
2022-01-24 16:57:20 Idk this anime but it looks good and I see the comments saying he's a pedo in last life and blah blah blah but its literally not real so he's not hurting anyone truly and if he learns to change like some where saying then this might turn into a great story.

Idk this anime but it looks good and I see the comments saying he's a pedo in last life and blah blah blah but its literally not real so he's not hurting anyone truly and if he learns to change like some where saying then this might turn into a great story.


murder can be justified pedophilia can't be? So you think that preying to children is worse then somebody ending your life that you can never get back? I don't know about that one chief you may have rethink your yugioh deck when you put those cards on the table. 😅 If you ask me murder is worse then anything assault, rape all those things are bad but those things don't end your entire existence chief.. You don't come back from being murdered. So to me if you find murder okay in shows i don't wanna hear no moral compass all of a sudden. But if we take morals in anime serious we might as well start banning grand theft auto and other shit. People just need to leave fiction, fiction and cut it out don't make excuses for other shit all of a sudden to say oh well with this fiction it is bad no. It's either all good or all bad in fiction there is no midway section. Either we accept it as fiction or we take it serious and just ruin everyone fun.


I am fairly certain most if not all of us have had thoughts pop into our head that we would never utter out loud or act on. It's just rare to see something like that in a show, so people are weirded out by it. Also you can watch a show without agreeing with what a character says.

Jonathan Lopez

Just to let yall there are episodes that you might want to watch by your selves (2 episodes) cause it's the only episodes with any hate and then your regular haters but I do like this show😊


Well, when that happens, the protagonist is usually either controlled or possessed by something. I can't remember any protagonist who did this voluntarily and out of joy, at least not in the series I've seen. There are probably other series where it's like that, but I've never seen them, but what demon forced him to masturbate to a video of his little niece? I don't dislike this series because it's popular, and I don't hate it for fun or anything. I'm really concerned about the fact that people actually like it. I don't like Boku no Pico either, so don't assume that I have double standards, because I don't. I can't see it any other way than him being a pedo and yes, he may be in a child's body, but he still has the mind and, as you said yourself, the memories of an adult. His perversion and comments about little girls show what kind of person he was before his reincarnation.... should we just ignore that? I can’t ignore that 😅but good for you if you can lol.


Would you be ok with a protagonist, who makes racist or antisemitic comments throughout the show, just because it's fictional? Would you not want that show to be cancelled?? It might be fictional but if its the MAIN CHARACTER that does these things its will eventually influence you subliminally whether you like it or not. Making you feel empathy for a pedophile tf.


Yes he has memories of a adult but technically he has a child body with a child brain so if we take realistic standards he is still mentally growing because his body does not have adult brain. DO you think if a child had memories of a different life that would make their brain mature despite the fact that their brain is not at that level yet due to their body being undeveloped? Also whether you agree on what i just said or not i don't know why you wanna be concerned about what other people like that are not you.... Why people like it doesn't matter if you can't see any reason to like it and are disgusted by it. Because that means you are not gonna wanna see our view point anyway which kinda shows in the way you commented on the spot. there are several reasons to like it the only way you don't see several reasons to like mushoku tensei is if your mindset is only one spot. Which is on the Pedo part when i watch mushoku I'm not going in the show thinking about the P word the entire time of course you can't enjoy the show. That is what I see with most they only say the P word they don't say anythin else which tells me they don't care about anything else other then them wanting rant their frustration on one subject. Meaning they never was gonna look at anything else in the first place which is why there is no point in even explaining why i like mushoku tensei.


what are you talking about, i said murder CAN be justified not all murder IS justified. If someone is shooting up a school and a police office kills the shooter is that not justified? Yeah ok. I can’t think of any scenario where pedophilia can be justified but feel free to provide one bro


there’s literally a law where murder is justified, it’s called self defence. YOU may want to reconsider ur yugioh deck buddy


I love this anime, but who recommend this?


yes I wouldn't mind a protaganist being racist. Have you ever seen south park. Cartman is racist as fuck. Is a asshole yes can i feel bad for him sometimes in a episode also yes. Again why should a fictional character that DOES NOT EXIST that HURTS NOBODY that is not even a first world problem because he is not part of OUR WORLD. Mean anything to me? Do you know how many racists characters in shows exist? So yes no i don't care there have been many racists character is not new there have been many i didn't care back then and i don't care now. Just like how i don't care who the fuck plays grand theft auto not my buisness. If I care then i watch something else at the very least i won't go to to a place where people watch the show and bitch about it..... If i hate something that much I'm not spending my time on that unlike you.


If we can like murders in anime then why the fuck can i not like a racist you think racist is worse then murder or what? DO you know how many villians are liked that are racist or like straight up murderers. SO what I can't like them if they are the protaganist? Well then what if the story is about the protagonist being evil we got stories like that you do realize that right? Their not racist to me they are not murdering me they are not hurting me OR ANYONE ELSE for that matter for me to personally condem them every day of my life. As I said they are less then a first world problem because they don't fucking exist........

The Miles

hope they do rezero someday


BTW the intros arent intros, its an intro thats part of the anime. sounds weird but yah watch em

The Miles

I think they’ve already seen black lagoon. Ik they’ve mentioned it before


Nah my yugioh deck is good I got my shit in self defense mode right since you like ot mention self defense. Yes defense can lead to murder but when we said murder you know what we meant actual MURDER and mentionend a SERIAL KILLER as EXAMPLE we not talking about a altercation that leads to murder. We were talking about immoral acts not self defense hobo. So I don't know why self defense matters when we were specifically talking about immoral acts. It doesn't matter if you can murder in self defense the main point still stands. Murder is worse and it consist in fiction it is in video game it is anime heck even sometimes it is in children cartoons. SO i don't wanna hear no oh but the P word tho. It's like bruh nothing is hurting you from this show just LEAVE. It is that simple or at the very least if you gonna complain why are you complaining specifically in a place where people show mushoku tensei content. Like does the show live in your head rent free? Like do you just go to places that show mushoku tensei content and then just start rambling your ass of. Shit living rent free.


Yeah some of the content later in the show related to dudes "romantic choices" it can be uncomfortable at times but this show may have some of the best story building and fight choreo of the last few years and as it gets more serious they will get away from thay but yeah it is some weird shit sometimes


You don’t seem to understand what I’m trying to say… you keep bringing up random shows and murder assuming that I don’t have a problem with it lol. So what you are basically saying is that you wouldn’t mind recommending a show with an antisemitic and racists main character that is portrayed as the hero if the show is good? U good?? And please give a short answer if you can cause its a yes or no question there is no need to write long ass paragraphs 🤣


I love how much of a Kingdom Hearts nerd Jerry is, I loved Kingdom Hearts when I was a kid too. I always thought it looked wack off the cover of the game, but when I played it... Wooo let me tell you the trilogy is a top 5 video game series.

Devin B

@TheMiles only Pat has watched it but everyone teases him by calling it trash without watching it. I kinda want to watch it cause of the way Pat be hyping it up.


Bruh i litterally said yes at the start of my first reponse. So don't act like i took long to answer. If I mention cartman who has literally been stated to have attempted to kill jews in the show. then the ANSWER IS YES my guy. and Yes cartman is a main character. Maybe not the only main character but he is one and I like so there you go. Also I don't get that argument to begin with because rudeus actions are not portrayed as good they are made a lot of them are made uncomfortable for a reason.

Khalib clark

I wish they'd watch the fate series instead.

Devin B

People are arguing about Rudy being a pedophile (I kinda agree that he is one) but can't we all agree that aside from that aspect the show is pretty dope

Daas Nahk

Black Lagoon is a fantastic series, and has one of the best dubs aswell

Jesse Prevallet

everyone in the comment section is looking at this wrong. forget the anime for 2 seconds, and think about how good the *reactions* are gonna be


Right...I'm speechless, but ok lol. And I know his actions are not portrayed as good I never said that. I said that he is portrayed as the hero of this show...which will make you look past his actions in the future. Alright, let's say the show is actually really good for whatever reason. But pls don’t try to defend Rudeu's actions, because that's exactly what you're doing. There are plenty of people who like South Park as a series, but extremely loathe Cartman and his behavior and they would never try to defend his behavior in any way just because they like the show in and of itself. If you like this show, that's fine, but don't try to justify Rudeu's behavior...At least admit that he's a disgusting protagonist.


In you, Joe isn't portrayed as a hero and his actions all have consequences. In Mushoku Tensei, pedophilia is portrayed as something that is okay and the worst punishment you can get is a slap on the wrist.

Devin B

@Angelo I like this show a lot but @Reve_Lan does make a good point about how you don't have to like every single aspect of a show. Let's forget the Pedo topic for a bit and just look at the show at a surface level. No one wants to see a young kid going after other young kids but that's only one aspect of this show. Everything else about this show I like but that one aspect is something I don't like.


Defend behavior? I Don't know what you are talking about this was never about rudeus that is not how our conversation started. Do you need a memory flashback that is not what our conversation was about. I never defended rudeus to you nor do i need to you. I never said stop insulting RUDEUS or don't you think ill of him he is GREAT PERSON. None of that happened. And yes a lot despise cartman but also a lot of people find him funny and a lot of people like him just like a lot of people like rudeus and find some of his actions sometimes to be funny. I like rudeus and i never bothered explaining it to you because I don't care about doing so. I can like how I want I don't ow you a justification or anything for somebody that does not hurt you. And even if i justified his behavior it wouldn't matter it doesn't hurt you or me. The main point here is not about whether i like it or justify rudeus behavior the main point of our conversation is that why can't you just leave it alone when it's just a show. Why can't you just go and hate it somewhere else why do you go out of your way to go to mushoku tensei content just to shit on it in front of their fanbase. That is what we were talking about and why can't you just accept that some people can like it. That is how our conversation started with you saying you don't know why people like it and how you can't just leave it. You said you couldn't let it go so i'm here trying to find out why mushoku tensei lives rent free in your head.


@Devin B I never said he had to like every thing about the show. That is not what it is about. I said you are allowed to dislike the show from the get go. For whatever reason I don't care. My question was if you hate the show so much why do you go specifically in to the comment section of a mushoku tensei video to talk about you how hate it? That is why i don't understand why go out of their way to start shit. Why not just leave it alone or at the very least hate it somewhere else and let people enjoy their shit.

Devin B

@Angelo agreed. It is kind of petty to talk shit about a show you don't like in a comment section dedicated to that show. I was just agreeing with the point @Reve_Lan made with Cartman about how you can like a show but not like certain characters or certain aspects of a character. Aside from Rudy's perversion I do like his character though. If people don't want to watch a show because of one aspect they don't like then that's on them.

Marie Andrieux

okey i agree with you! personally I think that the work is totally degraded because of this perversion and that's a shame. without that, the work would have been better appreciated. For me the work remains appreciable for all the things that I mentioned before, it's not empty of meaning and psychology ( except "that "of course).


Honestly I watched this show recently and I was surprised lmao I loved it 🤣


Yes it was, it was about Rudeus from the beginning.... The reason why I commented in the first place, so I don't know what you're talking about. And I already told you why I felt the need to comment. And you said some sht like, “this show doesn’t hurt me or others.“ Well, I'm sorry I care about society and a show that may lead to people being open minded about pedophilia. You don't seem to understand that because you've said many times you don't care, lol. And YES, you did defend him by saying he is in a child's body with a child's brain and and he is still mentally growing etc...? What do you mean none of that happened? 🤣 are you delusional? What were you trying to say with that comment if you weren't trying to defend him?


@Devin B Oh, I see mainly i brought cartman up because he asked me basically if i could like a racist character that is a main character. My point with cartman was to say yes i can like a racist scumbag character that is also considered a main character. Because he was saying how he didn't understand how people could like this show or probably of course rudeus. So I was saying yes we can like rudeus and just because character is immoral does not mean you can't like him. Anime is not a morality lesson as we seen with most of the questionable morals in storytelling. Also if you want my opinion on Rudeus I don't see him as P it is a slippery slope but at the very least I see him as a degree as a kid he didn't develop well he was reborn he had to walk again. He isn't specifically attracted to children either, In fact if you really look at it every person that he has been attracted to besides maybe his childhood friend is older then him. I do think his physical body does effect his mental age since he mentions he learns faster and is not attracted to his mom which he probably would be if his new body did not matter. Along with the fact he doesn't love his love interest for their age either it's not that he loves that person because they are young nor does them being older effect their love. Rudeus could have loved people older then him If you're curious about my stance on that. Anyway Mainly the point for me is whether people like mushoku or not or like rudeus or not the point that i'm trying to get across is that it is not crazy for us to do this is fiction I it is not that serious. And I would prefer it if people stop going to places where mushoku fans are just to say P word anime like seriously people do something else.+ So annoying.


And no it was not from rudeus from the begining what was first thing i said to you did i say. You should like rudeus? Did i talk about rudeus? NO The first thing I told you is why are you commenting on a place about a show you hate. It had nothing to do with rudeus go back to the first message send you and where do i mention rudeus? http://prntscr.com/26irqyj let me remind you of my first comment towards you where am i defending rudeus it was never about rudeus. I don't know why you say defending rudeus i barely mentionend rudeus to you it was never about rudeus. Look at that link and tell me where you see me talk about rudeus in that comment.




Sure maybe you were talking about rudeus but don't act like I defended him i didn't mention rudeus barely at all. Nor did my first comment towards with defending rudeus i never said you should like rudeus i never said rudeus is great and you should like him or whatever you imagined I said you can go look back at the comments and see what I said. At best i said you are allowed to like immoral characters racist ones questionable ones. Which isn't a specific defense to rudeus that is just a defense to fiction overal we don't need to hold fiction to reality standards.


I think you guys will like the anime Erased. It's short but good


You need to stop putting words in my mouth… I never said that you were defending him in your FIRST comment you started defending him throughout this conversation. I'm not talking about your first comment. I'm talking about the comment where you said that "he is in a child’s body with a child’s mind, and he is still growing mentally...". To me that sounds like you are defending his behavior. Prove me wrong and explain what you meant pls. And you are seriously taking a screenshot of your comment and tell me to look for something thats not there just to prove your point?? I never said you defended him in your first comment anyway so wth is this conversation. stop making things up.


I'm not making up shit as I said our main conversation was not about rudeus am i wrong or not? did we not just talk about cartman about fucking why you disliking the show and for some reason not being able to just let it go. 90% of this conversation was not about rudeus the first comment i made that started the conversation was not about rudeus but then all of a sudden you say rudeus was part of the conversation since the BEGINNING which is not true... how does that work? Also When I said i said TECHNICALLY rudeus has a body of a child meaning he has a child brain. What I mean is if you take the concept of realistic he is a child. It wasn't a defense of rudeus behavior it was just litterally just bringing it that technically by real life standards he be a child. Because we don't identify children by how much memory but by how their body and brain is developed. It just a thing to bring up it wasn't a defense of rudeus. And right i said after that WHETHER YOU AGREE ON IT OR NOT As In basically saying that i just brought it up as a thing to look at not a thing to discuss about I pushed it aside right after the point was not the defend rudeus. HELL it wasn't even a defense on his BEHAVIOR it was just a general look at it from a realistic perspective. So I said right away whether you agree with that being a thing or not i don't know why you would care about what people like anyway. I went back to the topic at hand which is why do you care if people like this shit.


reincarnations? medieval sci-fi? sign me tf up


I've already said why I felt the need to comment and why I care…how many times do I have to repeat that lol. Anyway, I'm done talking about it, there's no point. I said what I said and you said what you said.


Give to to your eternity a shot, short and sweet just like mushoku tensei


Have you guys looked into Ranking of Kings? It's fire


I mean this web novel literally started the iseikai trend, it will never be forgotten as long as isekai are around. Just due to that fact.


The closest thing to pedophilia that happens in this show is when Eris takes advantage of rudy when shes technically of age and hes not. Gtfo with this bad as fuck take.


Exp when there are legitimate problematic shit out there like redo.


Cant wait for more reaction to this anime😁


This anime will prove whether or not RTTV are true anime fans or just fans of anime.


Reve_Lan, i didnt take the time to read all this but to add to what you said in a previous comment about would you watch a show about a racist MC. We just did, Peacemaker is racist, we know hes racist. And for the same reason people are okay with peacemaker people are okay with rudy. Peacemaker is racist due to his up bringing and actively tries to better himself and not be like that which is respectable, the show highly emphasizes this character development moving away from being racist as a good thing which is socially and morally correct from how our society would view it. Rudy is a creep due to the trama of being mentally/physically abused to the point where his mental age never progressed passed that of a middle schooler. This resulted in his life essentially being on pause at that point, and shut himself away from the world in his room and never progressed past that in his life thus turning him into the person he was when he died. Him being reborn, is his second chance at life, he realizes how he lived his past life and how his views are, is wrong. He wants to change, so he is using his second chance at life to move past the trauma and better himself mentally and develop a social understanding. None of the problematic things rudeus is doing is viewed as "okay" even by himself, and that is the whole purpose of this show. Rudy becoming a good person, and living his life the correct way not in the sad way he did before.

Samantha Chiwele

I think re-zero would be a fun one for them to review and watch as well. Like those after reaction discussions would be fire🔥👌🏾

john segun doe

Im sooo fucking glad the RT squad loves this. Lets fucking go!!!

john segun doe

What else do you expect from the comment section? Maturity? Nahh fam this aint the place for that, i suggest for your own sanity you keep that in mind

john segun doe

Lol youre gonna watch the show and be like these m’fers in the comment r on somethin


For sure, they should watch Re:Zero with Reincarnated Into A Slime

Kevin Ordonez

Honestly, besides "Naruto and Sasuke vs Jigen" I haven't see this many comments in a reaction here on patreon recently. I think Wellz mentioned that he watched this anime, so he knows what they are getting into. The key to watch this anime completely is getting up to Ep. 8 and after that they should be good. Reactions are going to be fired, I believe in this squad.

Tiara Glover

Can u guys react to supernatural or even manifest or money heist?

Ophelia Pane

They already watched slime and said they didn't like it so they stopped.

Ophelia Pane

If you watch anime you watch people get killed in gruesome ways, yet this is uncomfortable.


Dean and Sam them dudes, love Supernatural been watching it since 06

Javon Whitman

Slime is coming after moshoku I believe… cant remember which post but that’s what they daid


First episode had me interested, watched ahead i and now I'm fuckin hooked


Yall really arguing about some dumb shit..it ain't even that serious

Richie Roberts

Rudy may have been older physically in his old world, but due to his trauma he remained emotionally as mature as when his trauma began. Rudy is basically still a teenager mentally and emotionally. That's why his growth is so important. Anyone arguing the legal side of things is ignoring that he has physically been reset. It's not the same thing. He was never mentally or emotionally an adult. So I disagree with the pedo aspect. Don't wanna go too far in this discussion until they are much further into the series. I wanna avoid spoiling the show for them.