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Can y'all upload this in 1080p? This is only 720p

Myles Xavier

i lowkey new that it was Ciri's dad when i saw the back of his head lmaooo i havent seen the first season either


Yea I doubt emhyr is in contact with the deathless mother the way I interpreted it was the white flame/emhyr was aware of the bad job cahir and the mage was doing so in order to fix things he orders the death of the eleven baby in order to “frame” the enemies of the elves which also happen to be nilfguards enemies as well so that was the reason behind emhyr killing the baby in order to indirectly get the elves to fight for them without the elves even realising

Brodrick Baker

man so much shit be going over yall heads. Cahir was telling Fringilla to take credit for killing the baby elf because it caused them to go off to fight Redania which is what Nilfgaard wanted them on their side to do in the first place.

Luna Mé

If you pay attention carefully, you notice that when everybody was disappearing in Ciri's dream, her father wasn't. He was standing right next to Pavetta (Ciri's mom), she was disappearing, but he wasn't. That was the hint showing that he had been alive all this time😏

Brodrick Baker

Wells funny as shit talking about they need to explain some shit you literally be confused about every single thing that happens in the show, it happened last season, can't remember, happened last episode, can't remember. I swear if it aint animated you can't follow along. But then I think about it, you always read the Manga so you really don't be following along with that either. You know the Witcher is a series of books, it doesn't have any pictures though so I guess that's a no go

Brodrick Baker

there was nothing that Emhyr did or said to make anyone think he had anything to do with the deathless mother


i'm watching this episode for the second time with yall and something I noticed in the scene where ciri's mother is turning to ashes notice her father doesn't or it doesn't look like he does so maybe that was a hint her father wasn't dead and confirms her mother is actually dead. Might be a stretch but idk


Ye it’s pretty unique how they react/process certain information idk like they overcomplicate so much or they just misunderstand simple things but oh well not too big of a deal although frustrating at times hopefully they read the comments lol Cus even if it’s animated they still make similar mistakes so don’t think that’s the reason it’s just the way they are rlly


Shocking ending ready for season 3

Brodrick Baker

yeah I didn't really mean to go in like that, I fuck with them obviously, I'm paying the subscription but it is frustrating sometimes. Which feels silly to even say


Yo what happened to the rest of the mandalorian episodes I can’t find them on your Patreon


honestly I think you guys should just drop this show and not react to season 3 when it comes out. Even the most basic shit you guys either comepletely forget about the very next episode, scream over impportant dialogue or talk over important scenes either telling jokes or giving theories while the scene is playing out.