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Wow its crazy how someone can analyze an anime like that. I never thought about that. You just blew my mind!

Jesse Prevallet

i thought the clans didnt marry with other clans until after hashirama created the leaf?

Jesse Prevallet

im very very new to naruto so im probs the wrong person to check you on this.. but im pretty sure that there were no villages before hashirama and madara came together and formed the first one. So yes, not only did the uchiha clan only marry within, thats what all the clans did. The clans be in a state of war eternally, so they probs didnt go out clubbin in enemy territory lol


Dude applying real world logic to an anime about ninjas.

Jesse Prevallet

you got a lot of energy for a comment section... but what I understood of your argument (past the exclamations) is that there must have been some illegitimate uchiha breeding outside of their clan. So thus, youre saying that uchiha clan massacre is impossible by definition, that uchiha bastard blood must exist in some other clan bc statiscally sneaky fuckers exist. Set aside the state of war between all clans, even if this is true it doesnt really relate to anything that happens in the hidden leaf's history. Itachi's story still happend whether there is a secret uchiha love child in another clan doesnt really change anything and is more akin to fanfiction than relevant to the actual plot. also dafaq are you talking about "america with blacks and whites"? O.o


dude is nuts.. This is just one of those times you dont give him any more attention lol its not that serious


You actually make some really good points but calm the fuck down, bruh. All the caps and shit is cringey as fuck. Say your piece like you're older than 10 years old. You're literally cussing people out over anime my g.


You’re the biggest fag on I’ve ever seen in a comment section

Jesse Prevallet

i guess i need to take my L and go back and read my history idk about the american war between blacks and whites O.o

Jesse Prevallet

@SI Punk ill give you that there might be uchiha bastard blood in other clans. but so what? how does that change the plot of the hidden leaf's history?

Jesse Prevallet

your sneaky fucker theory is possible, but irrelevant.

Jesse Prevallet

bro just simply answer without the self aggrandizing paragraphs. how is having a half uchiha blood in another clan a plot hole for itachi' story or the history of the hidden leaf? even if we take this reaching fantheory of yours as true, its not inconsistent to the story that was presented. The plot would unfold exactly the same


Yooo SI PUNK has way too much time on his/her hands, go do something with your life lol. Ive never seen someone blow up a comment section of a reaction video by writing paragraphs on paragraphs over something so stupid lol


You clearly were not loved as a child and for that I pity you


SI PUNK now that you've won this argument what are you going to do to celebrate such an intense battle of wits and though provoking speech? Damn bro I really wish I was you so I could feel the joy of winning a comment section debate lmao

Jesse Prevallet

not to be that guy but your criticism is more of a contrivance than a plot hole, and a pretty irrelevant one bc it wouldn't change anything that happened to itachi or anyone else in our story.

Jesse Prevallet

wanna know the real world behaviors of any clan who had a sweet sixteen or a bored housewife that made an illegitimate child with the evil uchiha clan? they woulda killed it obv. i know youre a troll but im not even a naruto fan. maybe just link me the gigguk video from which the opinion your repeating come from. you suck at explaining this.


haha there's always that one person! Everyone needs love I guess xD

Jesse Prevallet

this history you should read about is the one where tribal families formed clans for protection and eventually banded together to form what we could call now as a city-state. This is what the hashirama/madara story is mimicing and what the anime is focused on. legitimately you are the only person ive ever seen concerned that there was a half breed uchihas out there, as if that matters. no idea why that comes off as a plot hole to you and you refuse to explain it

Jesse Prevallet

Is this what happens when you cant defend your ideas and get tired of repeating pejoratives? and here I thought you had a reputation as a strong troll... shame to see you run away!