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The ZPD's Smallest Duo

Took a while to finish this one, but it's finally done - thank you so much for your patience, KaijuKing!

I worked really hard on this one and though it took a little long I'm really happy with how they came out! Kaiju and I were on the same page and aimed to showcase their friendship dynamic, something I really wanted to pivot towards this year.

After I found freedom, I doodle-sneezed all over the commission XD. Just as many characters as I could fit on the canvas that have been living rent-free in my head for awhile. Can you recognize anyone from the first Uncle Nick pre-production bible?

Characters Who Showed Up For Pancakes

  • Koslov the Mafia Bear 
  • Vanessa Wilde, Nick's mother (she just got a fur blowout)
  • Interim Mayor Peji Lee (are you registered to vote?)
  • Alba the fox, rockin' a turtleneck
  • Officer Clawhauser
  • Molly, the Free-Range Kid 
  • Ms. Wallaburton the [new] Land Lady
  • "Jack" Savage, forever a theatre kid
  • Gideon Grey (might you be interested in a pie?)
  • Finnick (here for snack, gone in a flash)
  • Sam the Waitress 
  • Idris Elba
  • Dr. Badger (she's out on bail)
  • and of course....Cotton the Extra-Ordinary Hopps Kid

IDK what happens now that I'm not working on comms and the completed comic, but I'm excited for the winds of change!

Yeah couldn't help myself with this one XD



John Friedrich

Molly and Cotton ate ALL the pancakes and everyone else starved to death. THE END

Colonel Arbuckle

Oh, I completely missed Koslov the first time around! Outstanding work on this, Qal!


Hi Qal! I can't emphasize enough how cool this picture is including how well you captured the spirit of Judy and Nick. I smile every time I look at it! Also, is it ok to want someone to sneeze? If so, feel free to doodle-sneeze more often. lol 😅