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3AM Trivia

A continuation of the tired Nick doodle from earlier XD Cotton likes to stick by Judy's side most of the time, but tonight she seems to have plucked up enough courage to ask her co-babysitter to play 20 Questions with her. This sequence has been living rent-free in my head for a few weeks.

The J Crew

A lot has been living rent-free in my head for awhile. Doodle I did in-between the commission post! Really wanted to draw these guys out    for awhile as part of a short comic / animatic that takes place the night before Judy leaves for Zootopia.

One of Bonnie's many sets of sextuplet, though this one includes Carrots! These guys all share names that start with a J and, until recently, all lived together on the Hopps Homestead with their multi-generational family. Half of this set are married (Jim, Jamie and Jylian) and live there with their both their offspring and their spouses. My own headcanon is that they assume the last name of the spouse who's warren they live in, which includes Stu who married into the Hopps family.

The adult kids are being slightly re-designed though still based off the image in the top-right. I've thrown Timmy the Biter (D) in this group bc why not XD.

More info in my next Uncle Nick update.

Next Post....

...will most likely be an updated pre-production bible featuring more info on stories and characters - the final document before I actually share my ideas with some folks :3 I'll probably post two versions, one that's spoiler-free and one that includes "all" my notes for my own vision (including character arcs, more fleshed out plot lines = spoilers).

My hand shall now rest. Have a GREAT Monday, everyone!


Colonel Arbuckle

Cotton is quite the inquisitive bun, isn't she? XD Love seeing more of your Zoot world like this, Qal. <3 Looking forward to the new UN bible!


Nick's expression as Cotton is right up into his face while staring deep into his eyes lol