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Sketch requesst by Patron Gerry featuring some of the Hopps lassies - Judy, Cotton and Bonnie - in Victorian era caroling dresses. A bit of culture I got to learn and study and had a good time drawing overall - it's amazing what a few weeks of no drawing can do to your art. Big thanks to everyone who came out during the streams! 

Uncle Nick

With a three-day weekend and three commissions left on my docket, I was in need of a personal reprieve. Thankfully I made time to warm-up with a Nick sketch!

No time to draw out the whole scenario, so imagine with me, if you will: 

It's 3am. You've been up all night with your friend studying, bumming around having a good 'ol time. The two of you just finished off a bad movie and a pie from that hole-in-the-wall restaurant Pouzuoli's Pizzeria before you decide to call it a night on their sofa. It's cozy enough...pillows may be a little more plush than your liking, but it'll do. You settle in from a long day. 

Until... you hear them. Footsteps coming into the living room. Are they your friend's? No - hers are more confident, more sure of her surroundings. These are small, tentative and trying way too hard to be sneaky. They assume you can't hear them coming but of course you do, think you can't see them coming but of course you can. 

These are the feet of a bed-time escapee.

Fast-forward to 8am. You're beat, sapped...hebetudinous. Bedtime Escapee, your friend's visiting niece, had no plans to go back to bed and you, oh-ho-ho clever you, thought you'd tire her out with her choice of a few "quick" games. 

How smart of you! 

Still asleep for some unknown reason, you're returned the unconvinced criminal by your friend ironically dressed in blues herself. Something about heading into the precinct, irate buffalo, something-something-you can't function w/o at least the smell of Snarlbucks. 

Knowing she'll wake up the minute you put her down, you hoist the 6 year old into a baby fox carrier you swiped from your mom's attic (just don't tell her, please... she'll get the wrong idea). But because karma's a biscuit, you get a knock on the door right when you're getting breakfast started. Whatever door-to-door salesmammal is peddling at the crack of dawn is gonna have to take you as you are.  

"Yes, I'm her guardian. Legal guardian? Uh... look Buddy, I've got pancakes to make so unless you're pushing coffee I'm gonna have to ask you to vacate the premises. Do I live here? Uh...you know I have time, tell me more about these Byson fur vacuums." 

Last Commission

For KaijuKing. Still a wip, obvi, but it's my final commission before I'm 100% free to do my own thing. And I'm terrified lol. You'll get this one soon, Kaiju! 



Colonel Arbuckle

XDDD Love the little story you came up with for the Uncle Nick sketch, Qal! Your writing is always so fun. 💙


Such a fun story with an awesome sketch! Poor Nick! 🤣 love the use of "pie" for pizza. 🍕 take whatever time you need for the comm! 🙏 Looking forward to seeing the final drawing and really like that Nick has the carrot pen!


Poor Nick 😄

John Friedrich

Another one jumping onto the "bnuy" bandwagon I see.