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Halloween parties weren’t Tashi’s scene, but it was hard for him to turn down an invitation from his friend and local mailman, Jonah.

“C’mon, Tashi, pretty, pretty please?” The Saint Bernard begged and gave him puppy-dog eyes.

The Clydesdale shrugged his shoulders and shook his head slowly, “Fine, fine, what type of part is it? Is it costumes? No costumes?” Tashi asked with a raised brow.

Jonah nodded and smiled wide. “Costumes! But also, y’know…. Hurhurhur…” the big dog waggled his brows suggestively as he made the weird noise that could be interpreted as anything. He intended it as sexual innuendo.

The chestnut-colored horse furrowed his brow. He wasn’t very good at picking up sexual innuendo, especially when it came from some silly internet meme. The big canine’s eyebrows were a helpful hint, however, so after a few seconds of processing and thought, the equine nodded. “Ah, I see, a costume sex party…” he said with a soft chuckle.

Jonah nodded, “But don’t worry, it’s people we both know and trust. Lauré, Ty, all those people.” The dog couldn’t help but smile as he listed out the names of his party’s guests. Despite looking like the most innocent dog ever, Jonah was a big fan of sex parties and orgies with friends. Plus, he did enjoy the sexy time he had with Tashi here and there, so there was no way he wasn’t going to add him to the guest list!

Tashi thought about it for a second or two before he nodded, “Okay, sure, I’ll be there.” His response got the large dog smiling wide and chirping happily.

“Great! Wear a sexy costume, preferably something…” he paused, “Accessible.” He added with a bunch of eyebrow waggling.

The horse nodded again and looked out into the distance. He had the perfect thing to wear to the party. His ears flickered and so did his tail as a smile slowly stretched across those thick lips he had on his snoot.

“Oh, you have a costume already, don’t you?” the Saint Bernard asked with a raised brow and a smile of his own.

Tashi squinted his eyes shut as he smiled even wider. “Yep… And I think you’re going to like it,” he cooed.


Saturday 31st of October; it was Halloween. Despite agreeing to go to the party initially, Tashi found himself reconsidering whether he should go to Jonah’s party a few times. He liked the big dog, and they had a lot of fun together, but he was still shy around him, even after he’d plowed that thick man’s ass a few times. Even as he plowed that canine booty, he was shy and timid about it. He did come to his senses and decided that he was going to the party, he had already RSVPed after all, and he didn’t want to let Jonah down. Tashi wasn’t the type to let anyone down, especially not a friend.

He puffed his chest up as he looked at himself in the mirror. The costume he was going to the party in was revealing. A simple loincloth around his waist with two separate flaps of fabric that kept him modestly covered but couldn’t hide the outline of his sheath and balls for the life of it, a red cape that covered his backside down to his ankles, and red plastic devil horns on a headband adorned at the top of his head. He blushed at himself before he swayed his hips side to side playfully. The loincloth around his waist moved with him and he was able to get a glimpse of his sheath and balls for a split second. He was going to have to walk slowly and carefully over to Jonah’s house if he was going to keep himself from accidentally performing an act of public indecency. Luckily, however, it was already way passed most of the trick-or-treater’s bedtime, so he should be fine!

With one final look in the mirror with his hands at his hips in a confident, chin-up pose, he walked away from the mirror and headed to that party.

Jonah’s house was just a few blocks down the street, on a cul-de-sac. The mailman and his husband had a large house with an even larger front and backyard. The house was decorated for the occasion, of course, there was absolutely no way Jonah was going to let his house look normal on the spookiest night of the year. Tashi’s hooves clopped on the cobblestone path leading through the front yard of the house and quickly skipped up the three steps to the porch. He passed a fake skeleton sitting in a chair and waved to it playfully. As he approached the front door, he could hear the faint thumping of bass and he could see the lights that were on inside through the windows as they changed from one color to another. He bit his lower lip as he stood in front of the door and raised his hand to ring the doorbell.

‘Ding-dong’ the doorbell rang.

It took a few seconds for Jonah to answer the door, but when he did, Tashi saw something he wasn’t entirely expecting. The house, from where he stood, looked like it was packed full of people. Still, Jonah was happy to see him and quickly squealed with delight and pulled him in for a hug.

“You made it!! C’mon in!” Jonah grabbed Tashi’s hand and pulled him inside the house. The two had to squeeze in and through a bunch of party people before they arrived in the living room of the house, which was a lot less packed than the doorway and hallways. Tashi looked extremely confused and looked to the dog. They stood behind the couch, and on the couch, there was Lauré, Jonah, and Tashi’s red panda mutual friend, and Ty, another mutual friend of theirs that the canine had told would be there. The two of them waved and nodded at Tashi, and he returned the gesture.

“There’s a lot of people here…” the horse said as he looked around nervously. He wasn’t so comfortable with that many people around, especially since he was dressed quite revealing and accessible, at the request of the host of the party. He didn’t feel underdressed at all though since everyone else was dressed the same way. The red panda wore a schoolgirl uniform with a cutout that left her tits hanging out of her blouse, black tape over her nipples, a skirt that was barely covering her upper thighs, and long knee-length socks. She also had her red hair in a double ponytail. Ty, the sabertoothed tiger was in his cock cage and a collar with a large kitty bell on it. Jonah, the party’s host, wore a mankini that was way too small to hide his sheath and balls, which was intentional.

Jonah rubbed the back of his head when he heard Tashi and smiled sheepishly. “Yeah, sorry about that, Tashi, it kind of snowballed… I understand if you want to leave…” The canine nodded slowly.

The Clydesdale shook his head. “N-No! It’s cool, just wasn’t expecting a large crowd, since, y’know…. Sex party,” he chuckled.

Lauré leaned over the back of the couch a little bit and spoke up so she could be heard over the loud music. “That’s alright Tashi! The other people aren’t going to be in on the sexy stuff, at least not upstairs… We’re all going upstairs to fuck after this…” The ringtail gestured to the three of them sitting and standing around the couch. “I’m not looking to screw a bunch of randos tonight, either…” she giggled and hiccupped. The red panda was already very drunk. She had been on the couch talking to her new friend Ty. Despite being a self-proclaimed “super lesbian”, she couldn’t help but notice the subby cat boy with the cockcage and cute collar and had been sitting there teasing him while drinking booze all night. Ty’s cockcage was leaking, which was the giveaway that let Tashi know the red panda had been teasing him.

“Well, I’m going to get some more drinks,” said Jonah after the group went quiet for a few seconds, “You want anything Tashi?”

“I’ll have an ice tea, please.” Tashi smiled.

“Right.” The big dog turned to Lauré and she just nodded at him, and Ty did the same when the dog’s eyes landed on him. “Okay, I’ll be right back.” And with that, he squeezed back into the flood of scantily-clad people and disappeared.

Once the host of the party disappeared, Tashi was left standing alone behind the couch. Lauré resumed her light teasing of the leaking caged cat. The horse stared off into the distance for a moment, his green eyes found the backdoor of the house that led out to the backyard that had a glowing red light that pulsed slowly and reflected in through the sliding glass door. Curious, the Clydesdale clopped his way over to the door, turning to the red panda and the sabertoothed tiger to tell them that he’d be right back. He walked right up to the door, pressed his hands up against the cool glass, and looked out into the backyard. Unsurprisingly, it was just as well-decorated for the occasion as the rest of the house was. What once was a spacious backyard perfect for summer activities, was now a spooky graveyard, and a very convincing one at that. The perfect wooden fence that Jonah usually had erected in his backyard to separate his land from his neighbors, was gone, it was replaced with an ugly and broken one, the yard was full of pumpkins, crumbled tombstones, and bald leaf-less trees. He slid the door open and let himself outside.

Immediately as he stepped outside, he felt a chilling breeze blow by that caused his loincloth to blow upwards a little. He shivered and quickly used a hand to keep the loincloth down until the breeze passed. He stepped his way through the backyard, being careful not to step on any of the pumpkins, and stopped at the ugly fence that had been set up just for this occasion. The equine ran his big fingers over the fence and hummed as he walked the property line a bit.

After a few moments of walking, he heard a noise.

‘Fwp!’ it sounded like something had fallen out of the sky and landed on the ground behind him. He felt that cold breeze again, this time it was much harder, more wind, and the source of it felt like it was just a few inches away.

“There you are, I’ve been looking all over for you,” said a feminine voice from behind the horse. It wasn’t Lauré or any female voice he recognized, he assumed it was some drunk party guest that was mistaking him for someone else. He turned around slowly as to not expose himself to this person.

“Dusty told me you’d be around here somewhere.” The voice continued.

When Tashi turned around to look at this woman, he went wide-eyed. In front of him was a tigress with brown hair, green eyes, horns, wings, fishnet stockings, and nothing else. She wasn’t scantily-clad like the rest of the party people, she was naked. His cheeks flushed red and his natural reaction was to look away, but he couldn’t, he stared down at the tigress’ pussy and then up at her bare breasts before he was able to bring his eyes up to meet with hers. She didn’t look too pleased as she put her hands at her hips and looked up at him.

“Come on, we gotta get at least three souls tonight, or Dusty is going to kick our ass.” The tigress grumbled and grabbed the Clydesdale by the arm. Tashi, still a bit flustered, was a bit confused and didn’t quite catch what she said to him.

“N-Nice costume.” He stuttered.

The tigress looked up at him again and furrowed her brows. “Costume? What? Did you drink the alcohol at that party? You know mortal booze is weak shit, right?” She tugged on the horse’s arm, “C’mon, we’ve got some people to fuck, and some souls to collect.”

“S-Souls?” Tashi looked at her, very confused.

“Yes, souls, now get your dick out, seduce some people, and fuck their brains out, let’s go!”

“Wh-Wha?” Tashi blinked with even more confusion. This tiger girl must be on some sort of drug, right? Talking about having sex and taking souls?

The tigress, unhappy with her demon colleague, got down on one knee and flicked the loincloth he had blocking his genitals out of the way. “Here, do you need help getting that thing hard? I’ll get it hard for you.” She grumbled and placed both her hands on the horse’s junk. One on the sheath and one on his balls. She squeezed, rubbed, kneaded, and toyed with his sheath until his cock began to slowly slip out from it. Tashi barely had enough time to react and was left blushing furiously as this drunk party girl played with his cock. It felt good though, her hands were soft, despite being a little cold. With the tiger girl on one knee, the horns she had on her head were right in front of Tashi. So, with wide eyes, he reached his hand forward to touch them. Once his fingers touched the hard, and not-plastic horns, he froze in place.

She wasn’t wearing a costume.

“What the hell are you doing?” the tigress grumbled at him as she continued to work his now unsheathed but flaccid cock. “You know they’re not a costume, they’re real, and so are yours… Jesus, how drunk are you?”

“I-I’m not drunk at all….”

“Well, then, get your dick up! Am I going to have to give you a blowy?”

Tashi went wide-eyed once more and nodded.


He couldn’t tell if he was scared or aroused, or both. But he did want to use those horns on the tiger's head as handlebars as she sucked him off, so probably more horny than scared.

She was horny, too, but not the same kind of horny that he was.

Or maybe she was.


Happy Halloween guys!

Art by NitaNi

Tashi by TashiGibson



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