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That white dress was iconic. Anyone who saw it, recognized it, no matter where they were from. It was the dress that Marilyn Monroe wore in the 1954 film ‘The Seven Year Itch’. It was given to her on loan from some billionaire who had bought the dress at an auction in 2011, for an advertisement she was filming that was going to pay homage to the late actress. The advertisement she was shooting was for one of her favorite soft drinks, Fanta. Being a regular consumer of the fruity carbonated drink, she was happy to endorse it and show her love for it and also get paid for doing so.

Alex stood in the center of a set that was built to look identical to the location where the scene was filmed in the original movie. The tigress and her heels were right on top of a subway grate, with a man standing behind her, she scrolled on her phone as she waited for one of the production assistants to come by with the can of Fanta for the scene. Alex insisted that she drink the actual soda for the takes, to make it more authentic and because she just couldn’t get enough of that drink.

The production assistant did return with the drink and took Alex’s phone out of her hands as she handed a glass bottle that held the orange drink in it. The big cat took the bottle in her hand, held it behind herself, and waited for the director to say the word so she could say her lines.

Once the director saw that everything was ready, he quickly bounced up from leaning back in his chair and raised one of his hands in the air. “Quiet on set! Annnnnnnd ACTION!” he sliced his hand down through the air in a karate chop and with that, the cameras began rolling.

Alex said her lines and the male actor playing opposite her said his. Alex stood on the subway ventilation grate, and the breeze from the subway blew her white dress up.

“Aaaand cut! That’s a wrap people!” the director shouted once the scene ended, and just like that, after an entire day of filming, hours in hair and makeup, Alex’s and the other actors on set’s work was done,

A few months later, during the television sensation that was the SuperBowl, the Fanta advert aired during the broadcast and was uploaded online for those who weren’t in the United States to see.


“Didn’t you just love that picture? I did.” asked Alex, as she and her date exited the theater after a showing of ‘The Creature from the Black Lagoon’. “But I just felt so sorry for the creature, at the end..”

The male wolf actor playing the role of her date, furrowed his brows as he walked alongside her down the New York sidewalk. “Sorry? What, did you want him to marry the girl?” he scoffed.

“He was scary looking, but he wasn’t really all bad.” Alex nodded her head slowly, “He just craved a little affection, you know? A sense of being love and needed and wanted.” The tigress stopped in her tracks as she spoke of her pity for the creature in the movie.

“That’s an interesting point of view,” her date answered, his hands deep in his pockets. It was a casual stroll after all.

Underneath where they both stood was a subway ventilation grate, and a train could be heard approaching them. Alex’s ears flickered and she quickly ran to stand directly on top of one of the grates as the train approached. “Ooh! Do you feel the breeze from the subway?” As the underground train passed beneath the grate, a gush of air was blown up from it, causing Alex’s white dress to float up and blow around in its breeze.

“Isn’t it delicious?” She cooed, swaying her hips side to side just slightly. She smiled wide at the wolf, who had his eyes looking down at the tigress’ exposed bottom half. However, before the canine could say anything sly as a response, the tigress turned to the viewer, looking straight into the camera before she pulled out a glass bottle of orange Fanta.

“Just like this bottle of Orange Fanta Classic Edition! The best tasting orange-flavored soda, recommended by 8 out of ten soda enthusiasts!” The tigress then popped open the cap using her heels and brought the bottle to her lips to take a huge swig. After a few gulps, she pulled the bottle down and let out a refreshed sigh before smiling into the camera again.

The wolf that was standing beside her had stepped back a little, looking confused. But after the tiger let out that refreshed sigh, he spoke up.

“Now you sound like a commercial again If I believed every commercial I heard…” He began shaking his head.

Alex turned to him and smiled. “Well, you can believe this one!”

She then turned to the camera, shook her head a few times before she smiled again.


Art by Reaper3D

This piece is the result of this pinup vote! If you would like to suggest ideas to be done, and/or vote for them, please consider joining my $5+ tiers! ($10+ enables suggesting ideas)



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