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Alex was lying on her bed, holding her phone against her right ear. She let out a long, clearly audible yawn, showing off her large sharp teeth. “We should sleep…” her boyfriend, Tashi, said through the phone. “But it’s almost witching hour!” The tigress complained and playfully chuckled. They had put up some decorations for Halloween in their apartment weeks ago, carved pumpkins, moody lights, even some chunks of candy corn and skittles strewn here and there. Now it was the night before that special spooky day, and the couple was separated, only connected through the magic of cell phone communications which would have still been considered witchcraft not that many years ago.

“Yes… and it’ll also be your birthday. But let’s not ruin it. I think I’d rather congratulate you in person.” The stallion replied, making the tigress pout as she looked at the phone. “Fiiine… I’ve given up trying to find your present for me anyways.” The tigress teased the stallion. “You did what?!” Was the response that came immediately. Alex laughed. “Calm down, horsey, I promise I did not go through all of our drawers, including your secret one, and I did not sniff your toys, either.” The tigress kept going and Tashi let out a soft, humiliated snort. “You’ll have something nice to sniff tomorrow, Alex. I worked up quite the sweat, but the new wallpapers are up. I just know my stepdad will only find the wrinkles and gaps again, but who cares. Should have hired a professional painter then, and not be stingy.”

The tigress purred when she thought about her boyfriend’s musky scent. “Mhm… I’ll dream of that, then, stinky horse.” She whispered and blew a kiss towards the phone. “Yes… but you need to be asleep to dream.” Tashi replied with a smirk. The tigress groaned softly and then chuckled. “Fine, fine… I’ll go sleep. Good night, Tashi.” She finally gave in. After hearing a “Good night, my little tiger.” Coming back from her boyfriend, she hung up and dropped the phone next to her on the bed.

She had everything prepared so nicely, even a chain of lights that framed their bed to set the mood. The lights were dimmed to the lowest setting so all that remained was a faint glow illuminating the room. The light was still bright enough for her fur to shine through the semi-transparent black stockings she was wearing. There was nobody there to enjoy the gorgeous sight or to appreciate how her toes stuck out, leaving her beans on display and naked to be enjoyed with lips or tongue. Her claws were filed nicely, shining even in the weak light. She yawned and stretched her arms and legs out before relaxing and spreading them again. Her pussy was slightly damp. As usual, she wasn’t wearing any pants, leaving her flower exposed.

For a moment, the tigress licked her lips and turned her head towards the nightstand next to the bed. Thinking about the vibrators or toys she had hidden in there, she considered celebrating her birthday slightly early and all by herself. She pushed her legs together again, squeezing her pussy in the process. A pleasant shiver ran down her spine. She cupped her breasts, touching the black lace bra she had bought not too long ago. She was sure her boyfriend had not seen it, yet, and she couldn’t wait to see his reaction when he would first lay his eyes on it. It fit her perfect breasts so well, kept them snug against her body without constricting her. It was cut perfectly, covering her breasts just enough to hide everything but a tiny hint of pink near her nipples.

She sighed deeply when she released her breasts. Her right hand dove down to her crotch. She could feel the heat emanating from her pussy. What a shame her boyfriend wasn’t around. They could have fucked so hard that she would truly have felt a year older when the clock struck midnight. She let her fingers glide over her glistening pussy, her sweet nectar soaking up into the delicate fur on her hands.


Her nose was wiggling after she brought her hand back up to inhale her own scent. After being on the phone talking to Tashi for such a long time, she had decided to skip her shower that evening, and so she got a full unfiltered unadulterated hit of her own pheromones. She pushed her legs together once more. She was so horny, she could feel how she started leaking, getting her fur, her stockings, the sheets underneath her damp with tigress honey. A deep purr came from her as she sucked and licked her fingers clean. After she pulled her fingers back out with a pop, she wasn’t even wondering if she should get herself off, she was only considering which toy to use.

She rolled around in bed until she was able to reach the nightstand, and she opened the drawer. The little treasure box of sex accessories was open. Two bottles of lube, tissues, condoms, magic wand vibrator, bullet vibrator, spare batteries, dildos of different kinds. One recent addition was an equine-cock shaped dildo that had a pattern like her boyfriend’s cock. She chuckled when she felt it out and picked it up, still remembering how much she had made him blush when she had compared it to his cock in the store. “Look at this one. You didn’t tell me that you were a model for sex toys!” She had teased him.

“Should I have some fun with you… and send Tashi a picture to show how much I miss him?” She whispered to herself. The answer seemed clear when she picked up the bottle of lube next. Just as she was about to pop open the lid to prepare her tiny stallion for his ride, her phone was buzzing. She dropped the bottle next to her and picked up the phone. Tashi was texting her. “So horny thinking of you, can barely sleep. Making a tent big enough for you to hide under. But I’ll save myself for you tomorrow.” Shortly after, she received a picture that was almost too dark to recognize anything on. It took her a few seconds to realize she was staring at the stallion’s blanket tenting with his massive boner. “Silly horsey.” She texted back. “You better, you know what’s in your balls is all mine!” She looked at the dildo she was still holding and then chuckled. Suddenly it seemed quite unfair to have fun by herself if her boyfriend held back.


She gave the flat tip of her toy a firm kiss good night, leaving a few drops of her spit behind. Then she put toy and lube back into the drawer and closed it. Once again, her nose wiggled around as she sniffed the air around her. She was so horny, even she could smell it. The thoughts of what Tashi would have done to her with that scent coming from her made her shiver even more. She would surely have ended with her face pushed into a pillow and her ass rather sore by the end of it all. When her phone buzzed again and broke her train of thoughts, she noticed her right hand was back down at her crotch. Sticky strings of her juices connected her fingers to her swollen pussy lips as she pulled away. She licked her fingers clean and then grabbed her phone.

“I know… I wouldn’t dare wasting it like this.” Tashi had texted back. “Good night, my little tiger.” The tigress was panting softly. She texted “Good night, Tashi.” Back. Then she rolled onto her side and tried to keep her legs closed. She grabbed the closest pillow and put her arms around it, hugging it tightly against her chest. Her arousal did not go down, her legs were tense, even her claws were out. Only once she thought about math class and her boss telling her to stay longer for overtime at the same moment, did the demon of lust release her from its grasp.


The tigress let out a long sigh when she relaxed. The clock was ticking closer and closer to midnight, but she had finally closed her eyes. Her tail was splayed out over the bed, nothing for it to hold onto. Her sleepiness took over and carried her away.


Suddenly, the tigress felt a cold breeze washing over her. Her eyelids felt so heavy and she was so tired. Did she forget to close the window, was the cool air coming in from the outside? She was too sleepy to check. She just rolled onto her side and pulled the blanket over herself. It seemed like the stubborn piece of cloth didn’t want to follow her will, though. It slipped off once more and Alex let out an annoyed sigh. She must have gotten it stuck under the mattress when she cleaned up earlier during the day. The tigress rolled back onto her other side and hugged her pillow more tightly. It didn’t seem to help. Suddenly she felt the breeze over her cheek and her crotch.

The nectar on her pussy had dried just enough to make it slightly sticky and thick like a delicious syrup. The strange feeling washed over her again. It felt so much more intense than just air, almost like silky cloth being rubbed against her sensitive folds. She moaned softly and opened her eyes. The chain of lights around her was flickering. “G-Great… not a power outage at night now, please…” She whispered and threw her pillow to the side, getting ready to jump out of bed and investigate.

Just after tossing that warm sack full of feathers aside, she felt a heavy weight on her body. The cold was gone, and she just felt warmth washing over herself as if someone had turned on a hairdryer a few steps away from the bed. “Mhmpf… maybe something I ate… will just sleep it off…” She whispered and closed her eyes again. Before she could drift off to sleep, she heard howling and barking in the distance. “Ugh… Tashi will be sad if I’m all sleepy tomorrow. Neighbors going at it again…” She talked to herself.

The tigress heard a whisper that seemed uncomfortably close. “Shh…” – “Who’s there?” She asked immediately. But the door to the bedroom was closed, she couldn’t see anyone. The silky feeling, she had experienced on her crotch came back. This time rubbing her cheek, the exposed parts of her breasts, and her belly. The tigress moved her ears around. With the lights flickering, it was too dark for her to notice that her fur was being pushed down, the imprints of hands appearing and disappearing along with that strange massage. “Unf.. horny dream…” She whispered and relaxed, just letting things happen, there was even a smile on her lips as she enjoyed the pleasant touches.

She spread her arms and legs, offered up her body to whatever it was that was caressing her so gently. The only smell she picked up was her own. She turned her body and head left and right, leaned against those gentle touches. After a moment she started to purr, a few more seconds later and she felt her nipples getting stiff underneath her bra. Strange enough, it seemed like the rubbing and teasing intensified around those little bumps in the soft cloth. “Should have taken off the bra before sleeping…” She whispered, trying to rationalize her dreamlike experience.

Before she could close her mouth again, she suddenly felt something slipping inside. Two digits pushing against her tongue, forcing her to keep her teeth apart. She cooed and tried to get away from them, but they just calmly stayed in place, no matter where she moved. The moment she lifted her chest off the bed, she felt her bra being pulled down a few inches. “Should have bought it a size smaller…” was a thought rushing through her mind before she moaned softly. That audible expression of her lust was dampened by the fingers in her mouth. For a moment, she couldn’t think of anything anymore. Her nipples were being rubbed carefully, fingertips moving around them, catching them in-between, squeezing them, releasing them, and starting all over. Her clit was being treated similarly. Suddenly the arousal she had to suppress earlier was back and in full swing, and just growing with every passing second.

The lights around her had stopped flickering when she opened her big beautiful green eyes again. And when she craned her neck to look down, she saw unworldly blue hands floating over her body. The light emanating from them made her fur shine in that same ghostly blue color. “Good horny dream…” She thought before giving in to the pleasure. The two fingers of the hand in her mouth fit perfectly between her sabre teeth. She started bobbing her head back and forth, suckling on those translucent digits.

“Good girl…” a disembodied voice spoke to her. Her reward came swiftly. Another hand caressed her cheek and she pushed her head back against it. The tigress purred, strong vibrations coming from her throat, going all the way up into those fingers stuck in her mouth. If the strange visitor had not been lacking a body, it would surely have given enough pleasure to even make a ghost shiver. The thought must have crossed the tigress’ mind as well because she was grinning, proud of herself. She truly was a good girl, having fun in dreams didn’t count, no foul play. At least that was the rationalization when she spread her legs more and put her hands up above her head.

With her eyes closed, she couldn’t see those hands moving about on her body anymore. She enjoyed her cheek being rubbed so much, she only stopped purring when those fingers playing with her nipples made her moan. She was starting to make a mess, her saliva dripping from her tongue and chin, getting the tuft of hair on her chest all damp. It seemed like even the ghostly hand in her mouth took some pity. The fingers slipped out, giving her a chance to swallow and lick her lips. During that time, her strange playmate even gently scratched the tigress’ chin. Then the two digits pushed against her lips, begging for entry once more, and the tigress was happy to let them in.


Alex sucked on those fingers showing off that part of her skills that made any man shiver in lust and beg and moan for more. She was happy to put on a show like that, proud of her orgasmic blowjob abilities. Further down, though, there was also a part of the tigress making a silent demand. She raised her knees and moved them further and further apart from each other. Her dripping pussy was a delightful sight. One inner pussy lip stuck to the outer, the other one folded against the entrance to her love canal, stuck like the petal of a precious flower on her wet flesh. Yet, there was only that pair of fingers dancing over her skin and toying with her clit.

She flicked her tail left and right expectantly, hoping for something more satisfying and filling. The tigress was just about to chalk this dream up as one of those that would leave her waking up horny and unsatisfied. But then one of those hands on her breasts floated away, further down, joining one of its companions.


The tigress moaned as she felt an intense wave of pleasure all through her body. She could only see the glow of those two hands between her legs. How those hands spread her pussy open stayed hidden from her sight. But she could feel how her pussy was exposed, the entry to her inner sanctum wide open. She sighed and suddenly her tail was lying still on the bed. She was waiting for what would happen, her legs so tense, her claws pushed out. She could hear those sharp nails ripping through thread after thread of the bedsheets underneath. It was not the first piece of linen that fell victim to the tigress’ throes of passion.

It felt like a swarm of butterflies caught up inside the tigress’ belly. The surprise visitor had literally come out of nowhere and she had no way of knowing what would happen next, and when she would just wake up in a puddle of her own juices. Sometimes she wondered if dreams like this one compared to the wet dreams, she heard guys sometimes have.


“Ohnn..fuuf” The tigress moaned unintelligibly. She felt a pointy tip grinding against her inner walls. Too pointy for a finger. Just behind it, the intrusion was a lot more girthy. Before it went more than an inch into her, she felt how it was wide enough to spread her open even despite the two hands that were stretching her pussy. She knew that shape, it was a canine cock forcing her pussy open. It was a feeling she didn’t forget so easily, even though she only got to refresh the memory with her dog dick shaped dildos since she had been together with her boyfriend.

This was different, though. Different even from when it was the stallion using one of those toys on her. The cock-shaped object slowly pumping into her was pulsing itself. It felt alive, throbbing in pleasure just as the tigress herself was starting to tremble with the pressure of her lust building up inside of her. She was being fucked by an invisible lover. An excellent invisible lover. One that wasn’t just selfishly getting off on her body. No, she felt how one of those ghostly hands returned to play with her clit, to push it down and rub it in the same slow and steady rhythm that canine cock was humping her.

Her bra was being pulled down more until her areolae were fully exposed. That gentle nipple massage continued. But something was different. The hand that had taken a detour to help that ghostly canine meat pushing into her was now leaving wet streaks behind on her nipple, making her skin glisten in the dim light. There was no face for her to kiss, only those two fingers in her mouth to suck on, to repay the pleasure she was receiving.


The wet noises of her sucking and that cock pushing inside and pulling out echoed around her. She felt her ears pushing against her hair that was splayed out on the bed. An incorporeal weight was pushing her deeper into the bed, more heavily each time that knotted cock pushed into her. The tigress felt her heart thumping as the bulbous knot on that canine length touched her pussy lips. Each thrust seemed to spread her tunnel open slightly more. Each time she held her breath expecting that knot to slip inside, to stretch her, to hurt a little, to hurt just right and send her into a mind-bending orgasm.

But her nightly visitor was a patient one, he made sure that pleasure she had been craving for wasn’t over too quickly. There was even some unexpected tenderness when he pulled his fingers out of her mouth and caressed her cheeks on both sides, giving her a chance to breathe and to swallow before more of her spit dripped down onto her neck. “Ahn… take me… all the way… knot me…” The tigress finally moaned and begged.

Her greedy words were punished by the two fingers slipping back in before she could close her filthy mouth. But they were also rewarded. Just as Alex began sucking on those fingers anew, the two hands that were toying with her breasts the whole time moved down to her ass. The tigress’ gorgeous butt was lifted off the sheets by otherworldly forces, her pussy aligned with that hard meat pumping in and out of her. Once again, she heard that distant growling, but it was soon drowned out by her own moans and huffs, not even the fingers in her mouth could silence her.


Each thrust gave her a double slapping, once from the knot pushing against her pussy lips, once from that heavy full ghostly sack bouncing against her wet butt.

She tried to relax, to let that ghostly cock all in, to let her pussy take that knot of a size bigger than any of her toys had. But her own body was working against her. Her pussy was shaking, milking that erect ghostly meat inside. She had to fight against her reflexes of gripping that length tightly each time the hard shaft was grinding against her inner walls, the pointy tip pushing against her G-spot so intensely it was almost too much, before slipping into her depths. He really knew how to keep her at the perfect angle, she was just a toy in those ghostly hands.

‘Plappp- Rrrip!’

“Ah-Ahn!” The tigress moaned loudly, not even her stuffed mouth could hold back the sound of her lust. Her claws had torn the bedsheets when her unknown lover’s thick knot pushed past her silky curtains and right into her tunnel, spreading her pussy as far as she could take. The feeling lasted only for a heartbeat, though, the bulbous part of that transparent canine cock slipped out again, squeezed out by the tigress’ tight pussy grip.


The nightly visitor must have enjoyed that feeling just as much as the tigress herself. They were humping against one another, the tigress pushing down on her new favorite ghost cock, the huge shaft humping up into her. They were a team, working up to a climax and a knotting together.


It knocked the breath out of the tigress when that massive knot slipped into her once more. For a split-second it felt like it would rip her apart, then there was only pure bliss and pleasure. All her buttons pushed at once, her sense of control giving up. She rolled her eyes back and sucked the life out of the fingers in her mouth. She was a hair’s breadth away from orgasm. Her unseen lover’s crotch grinding against her clit, his fingers toying with her pearl, that knot moving around inside of her, it was like someone took her head and drowned her into a puddle of liquefied lust.

Her hips were shaking, her pussy contracting around the length inside of her, but there was no squeezing that shaft, it remained rock hard. There was only more pleasure. That pleasure was shared, she felt it. She knew what a guy cumming inside her felt like, and that cock was showing all the signs of that. That rhythmical throbbing, those balls pulsing against her butt. All that was missing was the feeling of cum pooling inside of her. But she felt a rush of warmth filling her up, distinct from wave after wave of pleasure surging through her body.


The pressure inside of her kept building until she reached the peak of her orgasm and squirted her juices all over that ghostly cock inside of her, making a mess of the bed and herself.

It took her a while to come down from that explosion of lust and for the knot inside of her to shrink. All this time she didn’t have a second to look at her phone that showed the clock slowly ticking towards one in the morning. Eventually she felt that length slipping out of her, the ghostly glow seemed to fade. Her pussy was gaping but dripping only with her own juices. Still, those gentle hands kept playing with her, the ghostly cock was still aimed at her pussy. She couldn’t remember ever having a dream as intense as this one.


The tigress turned her head towards her phone. It had started buzzing. She saw her boyfriend’s face on the display. He was calling her so late in the night. When Alex turned her head back, the floating hands, and tragically even that wonderful cock, were gone, the cool bedroom air was brushing over her body once more. Did she just wake up? What happened? No answers… Only the wonderful afterglow of her recent orgasm remained.

She grabbed her phone and picked up. “H-Hello?” She answered, still out of breath. “Alex? A-Are you alright?” Her boyfriend seemed to be just as exhausted as she was. “Yes, why do you ask?” Alex spoke, a hand on her belly that was still tingling from the inside. “Happy Birthday, love. I… I just had the weirdest dream.” The stallion replied. “I… I don’t think I can wait until tomorrow. Can we rub one out together?” Tashi asked her, becoming more and more quiet, giving away how shy he was to ask that question.

The tigress grinned, but she didn’t reply. She just moved around on the bed, slipping closer to the nightstand, leaving a puddle of her juices behind. “Alex?” The stallion asked, his voice showing how worried he was.


The next sound he heard was the familiar buzzing of his girlfriend’s magic wand vibrator. Then he heard her husky, seductive voice.

“Yes… yes we can.”


Art by Nelly63

Tashi by TashiGibson 



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