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Good morning/afternoon!

The Forest video is completed, though it was a little later by a few hours than I'd usually like it due to a processing error on YouTube's end that didn't actually stop when the video showed as completed. I realized that while it showed 1080p on desktop it was still showing 480p on mobile, and didn't actually pop to full 1440p until two days later. So if the bitrate/video looked blurrier than usual that's why and it's better now.

Speaking of The Forest, there's a small contest to win a Steam copy here. Post the strangest incident you know of when it comes to two vastly different civilizations meeting in the post comments. Bonus points if it gets really clowny like some explorer ending up being worshiped as a god, but Cortés is too easy on that front. Anyway the weirdest/most entertaining incident will be decided by a small council and the winner will be messaged.

In the meantime, I've started recording on the next video. It's actually hard to stop recording even as I type this. Yes it's Factorio. I have a feeling it'll be a shorter video since the premise is simple, but they've added and changed so much since I last played. I'm not sure I feel well.



Samuel Albert Mell

"I'm not sure I feel well." Are your legs okay?


The Brittains greeting the invading Romans by basically sacrificing a bunch of druids to be cut down by the landing force before turning the beach into a funeral pyre thereby spooking the fuck out of the superstitious Romans.


Search Ceasar's invasions of Brittain for details


Not entering the contest since I already own the game, but I can't deprive you people of the story where the indiginous people of Vanuatu island supposedly started a religion after they saw planes flying overhead.


I'm kinda fascinated by the story of the British colonists of Roanoke island who more or less up and disappeared without much of a trace, just because of the theorizing that surrounded it, and how more and more over time consensus shifted from 'it must have been some spooky, zany mystery that wiped them out or disbanded them' to 'yeah nah they just decided this was shit and integrated with the natives'


During WW2 native islanders in the Pacific came into contact with the Japanese and Americans and our advanced technology, we would give the natives stuff and then they began to worship us for bringing them cool shit like shoes, coats, food and stuff. One specific instance occurred on Vanuatu when, according to the locals, at some point in time in like the 1930s, a white guy possibly appeared to the tribals and told them to tell the colonial administrators and missionaries to fuck off and for the people to go back to their tribal ways. Then during WW2 the US showed up with all our shit and they assumed the white guy who came to then before was an American and named him "John Frum" and was now bringing them cool stuff like C Rations, penicillin, and tanks. So since then those islanders kinda worship the US and specifically "John Frum" as their God. They have a holiday in February where they wave the stars and stripes and dress up in WW2 like uniforms with patches and medals, and they patiently wait and hope that their messiah, "John Frum", will return to them some day. Here's a BBC article for pictures and stuff too since I cant embed pictures here: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/6370991.stm


Also, do you think there will be a Darkest Dungeon stream like you said there might be in The Forest stream?


Somebody has already mentioned the whole situation where indigenous islanders in the Pacific came to worship John Frum; so I'll throw out something tangentially related. Basically, during WW2, the Japanese had a radical streak of generally being atrocious (so much so that even die-hard members of the Nazi party considered them reprehensible - see "John Rabe" below). One such incident wherein a Japanese serviceman proved this viciousness was the case of the Ni'ihau incident. The Ni'ihau incident in Hawaii was not particularly abnormal; we've all heard stories of servicemen being stranded on islands and mingling with the locals; but the Ni'ihau incident was kind of unique. During the invasion of Pearl Harbor, a Japanese Zero-pilot "Shigenori Nishikaichi" crashed on the island - when he was discovered by the locals he was accepted with warm welcome, fed, etc; then news of Pearl Harbor was disseminated in throughout Hawaii, and the result was that he was to be arrested. Nishikaichi possessed copies key battle plans for the attacks on Pearl Habor and also some follow-up orders. I won't bore you too much with the details, but what followed was that Nishikaichi and several Japanese-immigrated islanders waging a guerrilla skirmish against the rest of the island - taking people hostage, burning down homes, attempting to coerce people to provide aid via violence. Nishikaichi died over the course of the incident and was primarily aided by Yoshio Harada - who committed suicide when the plans ran afoul; the two other Japanese-conspirators (one of which being Harada's wife) were interned in camps. They were later released and returned to the Island in the postbellum. On John Rabe: https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2012/01/the-nazi-leader-who-in-1937-became-the-oskar-schindler-of-china/251525/ On the Ni'ihau incident: https://www.historynet.com/the-niihau-incident.htm


An amusing incident out of the Saga of Erik the red : As spring took some of the natives arrived and wished to trade. The vikings wished to buy red cloth and the natives wished for swords and spears, this trade was forbidden by the viking leaders. A disagreement ensues with the natives fleeing and not being seen for three weaks. Later the native americans arrive in greater numbers and a fight ensues. The natives had long range weapons (bows, arrows and slings) and the vikings were being pushed back. Eventually some of the vikings retreat back to the farmstead where they are met upon by one of the wives, Freydís. Freydís is not happy at seeing these men flee and shames them for it. "If i had a weapon i would fight better than any of you" Shamed, the men rally and pledge to head back but she decides to follow them. Heading back to the field of battle she comes across a dead viking (Þorbrand Snorrason) with a stone sticking out of his head and his sword lying by his side. She picks it up for protection. A group of natives comes across her and when she spots them she takes one of her breasts out of her "dress" and places it upon the flat of the blade. This scares the natives enough that they run and draw the rest of their tribe with them to the ships and sail away. The viking chieftains see this and praise her for the victory.


Colonize new continent that you mistook from a clearly different continent. Say "Screw it" get frisky with locals. Locals get mad. remind Locals of your second amendment. spend years *MANIFESTING FREEDOM*


Well, we could always talk about that episode of Stargate SG-1 where the arrival of said SG-1 on a planet where some fringe group considered the gate as a religious symbol led to a nuclear world war...

Joshua Crager

I believe the meeting between the Israelites and the Moabites ought to make the list. Israel continues on their path of carnage, and arrive at the nation of Moab. The spooked Moab king attempts to curse them, but that fails. Next, he sends over a bunch of attractive women. They seduce the whole nation into leaving Moab alone, and resulted in a punishment from God. In other words, one tribe shows boobs, the other tribe switch from war, to party.


Cargo Cults are pretty interesting but also very dark! They existed in many forms through time but the most documented were in WW2. Populations living in the Pacific Islands especially places like Vanatu during the saw started to see huge amounts of technical equipment they had never seen before, much of it was being dropped into areas where they lived by plane etc. Over some the the people started to believe these were some form of divine gift and would begin to practice religious rituals that they believed would bring goods such as Food and Clothing. The people believed that there was no way that people could have manufactured so much so quickly, so it must come from some spiritual means. It shows how disruptive a sudden influx of western culture and production capacity could totally disrupt an old way of life!